Functionality After Before Result of changes
Client application.
When a client application is restarted with the /AppAutoCheckMode key, the platform checks the user rights for running the client application. If the user attempts to start the application in the ordinary mode and does not have the right to run the thick client, they are not allowed to access the infobase. In other scenarios the client application that suits the selected start mode best is selected. When a client application was restarted with the /AppAutoCheckMode key, the platform did not check the user rights for running the client application. The client application selection algorithm is improved.
Managed forms.
If editing text in a form field extension for a text box is not allowed (the TextEdit property is set to False), the drop-down list of that box does not display the text "Enter the search string". The drop-down list always displayed the text "Enter the search string". The recommendation to perform an action that is not allowed is no longer displayed.
Development tools.
During the merging of configurations you can modify the results of module merging. You can use external software (not incorporated in Designer) for comparing and merging module texts.

You can specify the external software in the Designer options dialog box.

Ready-to-use settings are available for the following external software:

  • For Windows: Araxis Merge, KDiff3, TortoiseMerge, Perforce P4Merge, and DiffMerge
  • For Linux: KDiff3 and Perforce P4Merge

You can specify settings for external software that is not on the list.

The results of module merging could not be modified while merging configurations.

Only built-in Designer features were available for comparing and merging module texts.

Developers can use any tool that they find convenient for comparing and merging module texts. They can make changes during the merging of configurations (with the help of external software).
Development tools.
Improved setup for the comparison and merging of managed forms. You can specify the comparison and merging rules for a form and for its module directly in the comparison and merging dialog box. The comparison and merging rules for managed forms were specified in another dialog box. Also, the rules for the form itself and for its module were separated. Simplified setup for the comparison and merging of managed forms and their modules.
Development tools.
The following features are implemented in the managed form editor:
  • If the Title property of a managed form is not empty, its value is displayed in the window title in the preview area.
  • Clicking a title if the preview area selects the entire form. Right-clicking the title opens the form context menu.
The window title bar in the preview area of the form editor did not have any functionality. Improved usability of the form preview area in the managed form editor.
Internet-enabled functionality.
Automatic selection of text encoding in email messages containing national characters is implemented. The automatic selection is only performed when the text contains national characters but their encoding is not specified, which does not comply with the standard. This applies to the following email message parts:
  • Message headers
  • Message body
  • Message header parameter values, such as attachment file name.
Email message text was displayed in incorrect encoding when no encoding was specified. Email messages that do not comply with the standard are processed correctly.
Background and scheduled jobs.
The duration of the first access to the background job manager (the BackgroundJobs global context property) in file infobases is reduced. Now the duration of the first access is approximately the same as the duration of subsequent accesses. The long duration of the first access to the background job manager (the BackgroundJobs global context property) in file infobases might cause the user interface to stop responding until loading the backgound job scheduler was complete. Reduced duration of the first access to the background job manager (the BackgroundJobs global context property) in file infobases.

Faster start of client applications in the file mode (when the background job manager is accessed during the startup).

Background and scheduled jobs.
In file infobases, if a client application that performs background jobs is closed, the background jobs are terminated after a 30-second timeout. When a job is terminated, a_$Job$_.Terminate event is recorded to the event log. In file infobases, if the platform could not complete background jobs correctly, it displayed a message prompting the user to choose between waiting and terminating the jobs. Eliminated unexpected (and not user-friendly) system behavior.
Error handling.
When properties or methods of MetadataObject objects related to external reports or data processors that are no longer available are accessed, the platform generates an exception. When properties or methods of MetadataObject objects related to external reports or data processors that were no longer available were accessed, the platform was shut down unexpectedly. Improved system stability.
Development tools.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The following information is added to the Syntax Assistant:
  • SSL is supported for POP3 and SMTP.
  • Secure connection does not support checking server and client certificates.
  • Descriptions of the InternetMail object methods that require IMAP connection now reflect that fact.
  • The list of fields filled in the GetHeaders() method of the InternetMail object is provided.
The Syntax Assistant did not contain this information. Improved Syntax Assistant quality.
Spreadsheet documents.
When a spreadsheet document is exported to Microsoft Excel 2007-2010 format, its comments are converted to Excel table comments.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

When a spreadsheet document was exported to Microsoft Excel 2007-2010 format, its comments were converted to Excel pictures. Better conversion of spreadsheet document items to Microsoft Excel format.
Background and scheduled jobs.
When a client application is started with a file infobase, there is a 1-minute delay before starting the execution of scheduled jobs. When a client application was started with a file infobase, there was no delay before starting the execution of scheduled jobs. Faster startup of client applications in file mode.
Defined types.
During the update of a supported configuration you have the option to merge the following properties with priorities: the Type property of the DefinedType configuration property and the Type property of the ChartOfCharacteristicTypes object. This feature was not provided. Improved algorithm for comparing and merging defined types, which simplifies usage of those types in library development tasks.
Managed forms.
Presentations of items found during the input by string with full-text search enabled are identical to presentations of items found with full-text search disabled.

The order of items in drop-down lists generated by the input by string feature with full-text search enabled matches the order of items returned by the full-text search algorithm.

The algorithm that generates presentations for Task objects in drop-down lists generated by the input by string feature is modified.

Presentations of items found during the input by string with full-text search enabled were different from presentations of items found with full-text search disabled.

The order of items in drop-down lists generated by the input by string feature with full-text search enabled was not defined.

The algorithm that generated presentations for Task objects in drop-down lists generated by the input by string feature was different.

Improved usability of the input by string feature. Unified generation of presentations for search results.
Configuration repositories.
The configuration repository window now displays names of computers where objects are locked. The configuration repository window displayed the name of the computer that the current user used for their first connection to the repository. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For the InternetMailMessage object, the PostingDateOffset property is implemented. This feature was not provided. You can define the true date of sending an email message.
Dynamic lists.
When a form is opened, the Period property of managed form table extension for dynamic lists and the Representation property of a form table linked to a dynamic list are loaded simultaneously with dynamic list user settings.

It is recommended that you get the Period property in the OnLoadUserSettingsAtServer managed form event handler.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The Period property of managed form table extension was obtained from the user settings before the execution of the OnCreateAtServer managed form event handler.

The Representation property of a form table linked to a dynamic list was obtained from the client settings during the form opening.

The Period and Representation properties are stored in a similar way to other dynamic list settings, which simplifies operations with these properties using 1C:Enterprise script.

Spreadsheet documents.
When nonempty spreadsheet document cells with Placement properties are set to Auto are displayed, the cells are not merged up to the next filled cell or up to the horizontal boundary of the spreadsheet document. When nonempty spreadsheet document cells with Placement properties set to Auto were displayed, the cells were merged up to the next filled cell or up to the horizontal boundary of the spreadsheet document. The spreadsheet document view in the web client is now closer to the spreadsheet document view in the thin client.
DBMS operations.
In the client/server mode with Oracle Database DBMS, executing a query that contains a subquery in the SELECT section and also an aggregate function adds a GROUP BY section with a constant, provided that such section is not yet present in the query. In the client/server mode with Oracle Database DBMS, executing a query that contained a subquery in the SELECT section and also an aggregate function resulted in the ORA-937 run-time error. Improved stability of Oracle Database operations.
Managed forms.
The prevention of unexpected working process or client application shutdown due to managed form operation issues (loss of synchronization between the client and server parts of form data) is implemented. When an issue is detected, only the affected session is closed, and the working process that processes the session is not shut down. By default, the issue details are recorded to the technological log. A loss of synchronization between the client and server parts of form data could result in a shutdown of the client application or a working process that processed the affected session.

Improved 1C:Enterprise server stability during managed form operations.

DBMS operations.
The chance of deadlocks in queries that include comparisons with UNDEFINED is reduced. The chance of deadlocks in queries that included comparisons with UNDEFINED was higher. Increased system stability. Reduced chance of deadlocks that do not have obvious reasons.
Client application.
Managed forms.
Data display.
For client applications that run on Windows operating systems, Windows scaling is supported. If a custom DPI value is set, interface items are scaled correctly, except pictures that might look a bit blurry. Client applications that run on Windows operating systems had scaling issues. Eliminated unexpected system behavior in scenarios where a user sets a custom DPI value for their display.
Configuration repositories.
When a user cancels binding to a configuration repository or when an infobase bound to a repository changes location, the dialog box stating that unbinding from the repository is required is no longer displayed.

To unbind a configuration from a repository, you can use the corresponding Designer command.

When a user canceled binding to a configuration repository or when an infobase bound to a repository changed location, the dialog box stating that unbinding from the repository was required was always displayed. Improved usability of configuration repositories in some scenarios.
Command interface.
The visibility settings for commands in subordinate subsystems are no longer lost when command interface settings of a subsystem that contains subordinate subsystems are copied using the Load() and Save() methods of the StandardSettingsStorageManager object. When command interface settings of a subsystem that contained subordinate subsystems were copied using the Load() and Save() methods of the StandardSettingsStorageManager object, the visibility settings of commands in subordinate subsystems were lost. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Web client.
Spreadsheet documents.
In the web client, the option to select pictures in spreadsheet documents is implemented, and when they are selected, the respective event is called.

Improved representation of pictures in spreadsheet documents when viewed in the web client:

  • Cells overlapped by a picture are not merged.
  • Text and pictures in spreadsheet document cells can overlap each other.
  • Eliminated issues that appeared when picture borders were close to cell borders.

Selecting pictures in spreadsheet documents was not supported. Spreadsheet documents had some picture-related issues.

Improved quality of displaying spreadsheet documents with pictures in the web client.
Development tools.
Mobile application.
The picture editor dialog box in Designer supports editing template pictures and the new picture variants format that includes a manifest.

Template pictures are used in applied solution development for the mobile platform.

Editing template pictures and the new picture variants format that includes a manifest were not supported. Template picture support is implemented.
DBMS operations.
The DBMS request that the platform generates based on the VALUETYPE function of the query language is simplified. The DBMS request based on the VALUETYPE function was more complicated. Eliminated issueds that occured when DBMS could not process a complex request.
Development tools.
During configuration merging and during configuration repository operations, the platform does not perform refactoring operations that are normally performed when configuration objects are renamed or deleted. During configuration merging and during configuration repository operations, the platform performed refactoring operations that were normally performed when configuration objects were renamed or deleted. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

Operations whose results were ignored are not performed.

1C:Enterprise script.
If an object is passed to a method written in 1C:Enterprise script and its set of properties is changed during the method execution but the property names are not changed, the object property calls are executed correctly. In particular, when a method being executed adds a property, calls of other properties are executed correctly. If any property names are modified, object property calls might not be executed correctly.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

If an object was passed to a method written in 1C:Enterprise script, the method called object properties by their numbers, which were defined at the moment the method was called. If a property number was changed during the method execution (for example, a new property was added), this was not taken into account and the property call was performed using the old number. Improved system reliability and reduced chance of errors when a set of properties is changed during method execution.
Managed forms.
In the thin client, formatted strings that are defined during the generation of a drop-down list are displayed accordingly to their formatting if the text box is linked to an attribute of complex type and this attribute has the Undefined value. In the thick client, formatted strings that were defined during the generation of drop-down lists were displayed without formatting if the text box was linked to an attribute of complex type and this attribute had the Undefined value. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Web client.
Managed forms.
In the web client, drop-down lists have the same color scheme as in other client applications. In the web client, drop-down lists had a color scheme different from the color scheme used in other client applications. In the web client, drop-down list appearance is uniform with other client applications.
Web client.
In the web client, the appearance of the following interface items is almost identical to their appearance in the thin client:
  • form button
  • command bar button
  • command bar
  • separator
In the web client, the appearance of the following interface items was different from their appearance in the thin client:
  • form button
  • command bar button
  • command bar
  • separator
Uniform client application appearance.
Command interface.
When a user command group is deleted, standard commands that belong to the group are automatically moved to the default standard group specified for those commands.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

When a user command group was deleted, standard commands that belonged to the group were no longer available in the command interface. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Event log.
The UnloadEventLog() method truncates the event time passed to it to an integer number of seconds.

When a filter by time is applied to the event log (UnloadEventLog(), CopyEventLog(), or ClearEventLog() method), an event is included in the result even if the millisecond part of the actual event time exceeds the millisecond part of the time specified in the filter.

The UnloadEventLog() method provided the event time with millisecond accuracy. When a filter by time was applied to the event log (UnloadEventLog(), CopyEventLog(), or ClearEventLog() methods), an event was included in the result only if the exact condition was met (including the millisecond part). Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

The behavior of the .lgd log is uniform with that of the .lgf log (regarding the event time presentation and filter functionality).

Print tools.
Spreadsheet documents.
The algorithm that calculates spreadsheet document column width for printing is modified. The printed document column width more closely matches the on-screen column width. The chance is noticeable in spreadsheet documents with background pictures.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

For spreadsheet documents, the printed document column width did not exactly match the on-screen column width.

Improved print layout of spreadsheet documents.
Regional settings.
For Russia, a single one-hour time zone shift is applied in line with Federal Laws 453-FZ, 27-FZ, 57-FZ, 58-FZ, 59-FZ, and 69-FZ. This change affects all 1C:Enterprise system components, except for the web client. The web client uses time zone data provided by operating systems and web browsers. The platform did not reflect the changes introduced by Federal Laws 453-FZ, 27-FZ, 57-FZ, 58-FZ, 59-FZ, and 69-FZ. The time offset changes introduced by the new law are implemented.

Next page: Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

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