Functionality After Before Result of changes
In Taxi interface the command check in the menu now displays the same way in different displaying options and different client application types. The command check in the menu could be different depending on displaying options and client application types. The command check in the menu now displays the same way.
Data composition system.
If a filter is added to a query of composition schema data set that includes union, this filter is added to every part of the union. If a particular union part does not contain a field that is used in the filter, this field is replaced by NULL.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

If a filter was added to a query of composition schema data set that includes union, this filter was added to parts of the union that contained the field that was used in the filter. Unified filter operations in data composition system between the union data set and query data set, where the query contained a union.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The parameters of the following FTPConnection object methods were renamed in the Syntax Assistant: Get() and Put().

This change is available in the Syntax Assistant only.

The parameters of the following FTPConnection object methods were different in the Syntax Assistant: Get() and Put(). The names of the FTP methods parameters became more clear.
Mobile device-specific features.
Mobile platform.
Mobile client.
The DeliverableNotification.Title value is now displayed when a notification is shown on iOS version 8.2 and later mobile device. The DeliverableNotification.Title value was available on Android only. Improved notifications on iOS.
Collaboration system.
Mobile platform.
Mobile client.
The collaboration system notifications now contain the sender name. The noncontext conversation title is displayed in the notification title. The collaboration system notifications did not contain the sender name. The noncontext conversation title was displayed both in the notification title and text. Improved collaboration system notifications.
Internet-enabled functionality.
macOS certificate store is now supported.

New objects: MacOSCertificationAuthorityCertificates, MacOSCertificateSelectMode, and MacOSClientCertificate.

macOS certificate store support is added to object OSCertificationAuthorityCertificates.

New -macos parameter for /HttpsCA and /HttpsCert command-line options of the client application.

New technological log event: <MACCERT>.

macOS certificate store was not supported. Secured connection was only available if certificates were stored in files. You can use the system certificate store to establish secured connection on macOS.
Collaboration system.
The client application agent supports multiple versions of the collaboration system server's exchange protocol.

New 1ceclac application is provided. The client application agent's directory structure is changed.

The client application agent supports a single version of the collaboration system server's exchange protocol. The client application agent supports the previous versions of the collaboration system server's exchange protocol.
Dynamic lists.
The following restrictions apply to search in dynamic lists:
  • The search string cannot exceed 1000 characters.
  • The search string cannot contain more that 20 words.

If the search string does not comply with the listed requirements, an exception is generated. For details on splitting the search string into words, see 1C:Enterprise documentation.

There were no restrictions to search in dynamic lists. Improved application server reliability when searching in dynamic lists.
Dynamic lists.
Data composition system.
When opening report forms or dynamic list forms, if user settings are not available in the storage, the system performs the following actions:
  • Items with unavailable or missing fields are deleted from the main dynamic list settings and report option settings that are marked as user settings.
  • Items with unavailable or missing fields are deleted from the default user settings.
  • BeforeLoadUserSettingsAtServer and OnLoadUserSettingsAtServer event handlers are executed.

New UseDefaultSettings parameter for BeforeLoadUserSettingsAtServer and OnLoadUserSettingsAtServer event handlers.

The Set default settings command of report and dynamic list forms performs the following actions:

  • Items with unavailable or missing fields are deleted from the main dynamic list settings and report option settings that are marked as user settings.
  • Items with unavailable or missing fields are deleted from the default user settings.
  • If the user settings of a dynamic list or a report option were not changed on the client (interactively or from 1C:Enterprise language) since the form was opened, the current user settings are deleted from the system storage when the form is closed

Method DataCompositionSettingsComposer.Refresh() with parameter DataCompositionSettingsRefreshMethod.Full performs the following actions: sets the Use flag to False for main settings items that lost their linking to available fields, and deletes items of main settings and user settings that are marked as user settings but contain fields absent from the collection of available fields or not available for the current functional options and rights.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

When opening report forms or dynamic list forms, if user settings were not available in the storage, the system performed the following actions:
  • Items with unavailable or missing fields were not deleted from the main dynamic list settings and report option settings that were marked as user settings.
  • Items with unavailable or missing fields were not deleted from the default user settings.
  • BeforeLoadUserSettingsAtServer and OnLoadUserSettingsAtServer event handlers were not executed.

The Set default settings command of report and dynamic list forms had the following behavior:

  • Items with unavailable or missing fields were not deleted from the main dynamic list settings and report option settings that were marked as user settings.
  • Items with unavailable or missing fields were not deleted from the default user settings.
  • If the user settings of a dynamic list or a report option were not changed on the client (interactively or from 1C:Enterprise language) since the form was opened, the default settings generated based on the main dynamic list settings or on the current report option settings were saved as user settings when the form was closed.

Method DataCompositionSettingsComposer.Refresh() with parameter DataCompositionSettingsRefreshMethod.Full set the Use flag to False for main settings items that lost their linking to available fields.

Unavailable fields cannot be added to the default user settings of reports or dynamic lists.
Data analysis.
If a data set contains an even number of elements, its median is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the two middle elements of the ordered set. In particular, this rule applies to data sets that contain two elements.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

If a data set contained an even number of elements, its median was calculated as follows:
  • For data sets with more than 2 elements, the arithmetic mean of the two middle elements of the ordered set.
  • For data sets with 2 elements, the value of the second element.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For SMTP operations, added support of NOTIFY parameter of RCPT command and RET parameter of MAIL command. This provides support for mail delivery receipts described in RFC 1891.

InternetMailMessage.DeliveryReceiptAddresses property is deprecated. This property is only available in Version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

Note that some SMTP server implementations or some of their settings can prevent receiving mail delivery receipts.

It is recommended that you do not use DeliveryReceiptAddresses property of InternetMailMessage object. Use the following properties instead:

  • ReadReceiptAddresses and RequestReadReceipt to receive read receipts.
  • RequestDeliveryReceipt to receive delivery receipts.
Instead of delivery receipts, read receipts were generated. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

Both delivery and read receipts are now available.

Internet-enabled functionality.
If a mailbox does not contain any messages matching the IDs specified in the parameter of InternetMail.GetMessagesFlags() method, the method returns a blank map.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

If a mailbox did not contain any messages matching the IDs specified in the parameter of InternetMail.GetMessagesFlags() method, the method generated an exception. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Spreadsheet documents.
An attempt to save a spreadsheet document with pictures in 1C:Enterprise 7.7 format on a server or in an external connection generates an exception. Only spreadsheet documents without pictures can be saved in this format. An attempt to save a spreadsheet document with pictures in 1C:Enterprise 7.7 format on a server or in an external connection resulted in generation of a corrupted document that could not be opened. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Managed forms.
If the Width property of a form field is not 0 and horizontal stretching is not applied, this property defines the field width without the input field buttons (Select, Clear, and others). The resulting field width is equal to the sum of the Width value and all button widths.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

If the Width property of a form field was not 0 and horizontal stretching was not applied, this property defined the field width as follows:
  • If input field buttons were available, it defined the field width without the buttons.
  • If input field buttons were not available, the actual width was slightly greater than the specified one.

Thus, adding or removing input field buttons could change the field width.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Collaboration system.
If several applications share a collaboration server, the message counter of the client application agent is incremented once per message. If several applications shared a collaboration server, the message counter of the client application agent was incremented several times (once per application). Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Client applications running on macOS now support add-ins based on Native API.

The add-in technology documentation and examples are updated accordingly (read more).

Client applications running on macOS did not support add-ins based on Native API. Client applications running on macOS now support add-ins.
Mobile platform.
Mobile client.
For add-ins intended to run on iOS, you can specify a set of properties to be included in the application properties (file info.plist). The properties required by the add-in are added by the Mobile application builder.

The add-in technology documentation is updated. (read more)

This feature was not provided.

Add-ins could not add properties to the info.plist file.

Development of add-ins intended to run on iOS is more convenient.
Collaboration system.
Client application.
When a collaboration system notification is deleted from the notification center, the conversation is marked as read. Deleting a notification here means either deleting a single notification or clearing the notification list. When a collaboration system notification was deleted from the notification center, the conversation was not marked as read. Deleting a notification here means either deleting a single notification or clearing the notification list. The collaboration system behavior is more logical and predictable.
Data composition system.
XML and XDTO support.
When XDTO deserialization is applied to data composition parameters, only parameters that are included in the list of the available parameters of the current platform version are deserialized. No deserialization attempts are performed for parameters that are not included in the list of available ones. This ensures successful restoration of parameters. When XDTO deserialization was applied to data composition parameters, the platform attempted to deserialize all of the serialized parameters. Attempts to restore data composition settings using an earlier platform version where the list included parameters unavailable in the current version generate errors. You can use an earlier platform version to restore data composition schemas and data composition settings saved in a later platform version. At that, data composition parameters available only in the later version are ignored.
Managed forms.
Client application.
If a form table does not have a current row (for example, it is blank) and a column group is hidden from the table header, its parent column group is also hidden from the header.

If a form table has a current row and a column group is shown in the header, its nested column group is shown in the header only if the current row contains cells that belong to the nested group.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

If a form table did not have a current row (for example, it was blank) and a column group was hidden from the table header, its parent column group was shown in the header as a blank column.

If a form table had a current row and a column group was shown in the header, its nested column groups were always shown in the header.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
Predefined resource templates that describe intersections of table row groupings (template type: Title or Footer) with table column groupings (template type: Grand Total Title or Grand Total Footer) are displayed in a report even if the resource fields are not displayed in the table columns.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

In data composition system tables, if resource fields were not displayed in table columns, predefined resource templates were not displayed for row totals. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data history.
In a data structure that is generated by the DataHistoryManager.GetVersionDiff() method and describes moving a table row:
  • The RowNumberInBeforeChangeVersion property contains the number that the row had before applying any of the version changes.
  • The RowNumberInAfterChangeVersion contains the number that the row has after applying all of the version changes.

This change is also applied to the standard version difference report.

In a data structure that was generated by the DataHistoryManager.GetVersionDiff() method and described moving a table row:
  • The RowNumberInBeforeChangeVersion property contained the number that the row had after applying all of the previous changes but before applying the current change.
  • The RowNumberInAfterChangeVersion contained the number that the row had after applying the current change.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

The row numbering is now more intuitive.

Managed forms.
If a form input field contains modified data and it is not the current form item, an attempt to set its Visible, Enabled, or EditText property to False or set its ReadOnly property to True results in the following:
  • TextEditEnd event handler is called.
  • After the TextEditEnd event handler is completed, if the StandardProcessing parameter is set to True:

  • If a valid value is generated from the field text, the OnChange event handler is called.
  • If a valid value cannot be generated from the field text, the input field value is set to the value of the attribute linked to the input field.

  • After the TextEditEnd event handler is completed, if the StandardProcessing parameter is set to False and a valid value cannot be generated from the field text, the input field value is set to the value of the attribute linked to the input field.

If a form input field contains unmodified data and it is not the current form item, an attempt to set its Visible, Enabled, or EditText property to False or set its ReadOnly property value to True results in closing the drop-down list (if the list was open). This change is not implemented in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

Setting the Visible property of an input field to False results in the following:
  • If the field is linked to a text value, its value is generated from the field text and then the OnChange event handler is called.
  • If the field is linked to a reference value and a user has not finished filling it, the resulting field state might be inconsistent.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Mobile client.
Internet-enabled functionality.
Mobile clients can connect to infobases over HTTPS. The infobase access parameters of the mobile client now include the client certificate source and the server certificate verification options.

The client certificate source can be an application certificate store or a file (for iOS and Android).

The source of root certificates for server certificate verification can be a system certificate store, application certificate store, or file (for iOS and Android).

This feature was not provided. Added new mobile client features.
Mobile client.
Managed forms.
In the mobile client, customization of form command bars is implemented. A new form property: MobileDeviceFormCommandBarContent.

In the mobile client, the property content (unless it is blank) is displayed in the form command bar, replacing the default command bar. Including a form command bar into the MobileDeviceFormCommandBarContent property content is not supported.

If a form group title is defined but not displayed, the title is considered when generating the title of an automatically collapsed group on the mobile client.

In the mobile client, form command bar customization was not supported.

If a form group title was defined but not displayed, the title was not considered when generating the title of an automatically collapsed group on the mobile client.

Form customization on the mobile client is upgraded.
DBMS operations.
System requirements.
PostgreSQL version 10.5 (for 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems) is supported. PostgreSQL version 10.5 was not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.

Next page: Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.13

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