Now we can finally answer the question that was raised in the previous section. In the process of reading this book and implementing the demo example, we will develop an applied solution.

A word should be said about a minor ambiguity in the terminology that will be used later in this book. The ambiguity comes from the use of different terms to refer to a single object: configuration and applied solution.

Both terms refer to the part of the 1C:Enterprise system that is managed by the platform and is available to all end users, and should be used depending on the context.

When talking about developer work, the term "configuration" is used, since this is a more precise term within 1C:Enterprise. On the contrary, the term "applied solution" is more widely used and understood by 1C:Enterprise users.

Therefore, since the automation tasks can be quite varied, as we mentioned above, 1C Company and its partners develop applied solutions, each of which is designed to automate a specific area of human activities. Examples of applied solutions are 1C:AccountingSuite and 1C:Small Business.

There are many other standard applied solutions. For the detailed list, visit

Standard applied solutions satisfy the requirements of the widest range of companies working in the same field. That is a good thing.

On the other hand, usually, companies use only a fraction of the applied solution features, while some of the features they need will be missing (you cannot please everyone).

This is where configurability comes into play, since, in addition to managing applied solution features, the platform has resources for customizing the applied solution deployed in a company. Additionally, the platform allows you to create custom applied solutions from scratch if for some reason you decide against using one of the standard applied solutions.

If we return to the CD player example, one can alter whatever melody was previously recorded on the CD to suit their tastes, and they can even create disks with their own music. And they do not need any musical instruments because everything they need to create a melody is included in the CD player.

Next page: System operation modes

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