• DBMS Oracle Database (Linux) support has been implemented.
  • The option of controlling the search of hardware dongle (UseHwLicense parameter) has been implemented. Now you can indicate this dongle in the startup command line, in Infobase properties, in 1CEStart.cfg and 1CESCmn.cfg files, in the startup command line of 1C:Enterprise setup program and in the setup window of the startup program. Disabling the search of hardware dongle allows to speed up the startup of basic versions of 1C:Enterprise and client applications, provided that reception of client licenses is implemented through 1C:Enterprise server or web-server extension.
  • The option of indicating the startup parameters /L and /VL in the Infobase parameters (in the list of Infobases) has been implemented. Parameters will be used only during startup with an interactive launcher.
  • The possibility of debugging script and measuring the performance has been implemented in the web client. In the Client/server mode debugging is enabled only if 1C:Enterprise server debugging is enabled. The automatic search for debugging items on remote computers is not supported when the web-client is being debugged for the file mode Infobase. The possibility to enable debugging interactively is not supported in the web client. The possibility to debug external reports and data processors is not supported.
  • The condition text is displayed as a tooltip in Designer mode, when hovering a cursor over the picture of a conditional breakpoint.
  • During the execution of lengthy operation (over 20 minutes) regular notification of 1C:Enterprise server on session availability has been implemented on the thin client. As a result, the server does not delete the session even if the operation on the client takes more than 20 minutes.
  • For predefined data representation Designer mode uses the Name property of the data.
  • Turkish language support has been implemented in the NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation() functions.
  • The following pictures have been added to the picture library: ListViewMode, ListViewModeList, ListViewModeHierarchicalList, ListViewModeTree, CustomizeForm, CustomizeList.
  • During the change of field view or decoration view, the values of form element properties that are the same in the old and in the new element type are saved in the form editor.
  • Tab option with the use of For each …From …Do operator has been implemented for all system enumerations.
  • The option for obtaining the system enumeration value by its name has been implemented for the PredefinedValue() method.
  • GetPredefinedValueFullName() method has been implemented to get full name of predefined value by its value.
  • Whitespace value has been implemented for XMLNodeType system enumeration. The node of such type contains only space, tabs and line break characters.
  • UseIgnorableWhiteSpace property has been implemented for the XMLReaderSettings object. The value of this property determines the availability of nodes of XMLNodeType.Whitespace type when reading XML. During the configuration development, it is recommended to set the UseIgnorableWhitespace property of XMLReaderSettings object in the True value in cases when there are values consisting only of space characters in the content portion of the data transferred in XML format.
  • The SpaceCharacters parameter has been implemented for the MoveToContent() method of XMLReader object.
  • If the configuration is edited for the Managed Application run mode, then the pictures not used in the managed application will be unavailable for interactive selection from the library of pictures.
  • The SourceLine filling of properties has been implemented in the web client for cases of error occurrence. StringNumber and ModuleName of ErrorInfo object. The detailed error description string (in the web client) includes the text of the initial string of the module.
  • The name of the element form of the chart of characteristic types has been changed in the form wizard for the chart of characteristic types. The name Characteristic type form has been changed to The form of the element of the chart of characteristic types.
  • The order of forms in the wizard of the new report form is changed. The order of forms is set in compliance with the order of the properties, describing the main forms of the report: a report form, the settings form, the form of variants.
  • If the configuration property Default run mode is set to the Ordinary application value, and the Use ordinary forms in the managed application property is set in the True value, and if there is an ordinary form of the object, then commands for creation, editing and input on the basis of elements, irrespective of the current configuration run mode, will be available in the dynamic list of the managed form in the thick client.
  • The ClientID property has been implemented for the SystemInfo object.
  • Display of the message window and automatic switch to the linked form element when clicking on such a message in the list of messages has been implemented, provided the message is linked to the fields of document register recordsets.
  • Checking of the uniqueness of the key fields of tabular section records has been implemented when executing testing and correction of file mode Infobases. The uniqueness of the key fields of tabular section records is ensured by DBMS in Client/server mode.
  • When executing search for object references, the search for exchange plans has been implemented in the Content property, in cases when In properties is selected in the reference search settings dialog. Search for references in interfaces (In interfaces checkbox) is available only in the case when the configuration editing is performed for the Managed application and ordinary application run mode.
  • Contrast ratio of the active window button in Designer mode windows panel and the 1C:Enterprise in the ordinary application mode has been increased.
  • Implemented the possibility to set (and get) the specified text at the beginning of the window title using methods SetShortApplicationCaption()/GetShortApplicationCaption(). Short title simplifies the definition of belonging of the window to one or another Infobase.
  • The option to indicate a spreadsheet document as the source of commands has been implemented. In this case the following commands become available: Print, Print with current settings, Page Setup, Preview, Find, Find Next, Find Previous, Copy, Save, Save As, Select All, Dock Table, Show Groups, Collapse All Groups, Open All Groups.
  • The global context method Eval() has been implemented in the web client.
  • Representation property has been implemented for the Submenu type form group. It makes sense to change the property only for the submenu located directly in the command panel.
  • XDTO-package editor functionalities have been expanded: copying/insert functions have been implemented, the sequence order of elements has been changed, the control over element name correctness has been implemented, etc. The dialog of package element type selection has been modified.
  • The option for background execution of reports created with the use of the system of data composition in managed form has been implemented for the client-server version. The Mode parameter allowing to execute reports in the background mode has been implemented for the ComposeResult() report form extension method. StatePresentation property, allowing to manage the report status display in the spreadsheet document, has been implemented to extend the spreadsheet document field. AutoShowState property for managing the automatic mode of the report status display has been implemented to extend the report form.
  • The mechanism of background jobs startup has been changed. Now background jobs are started up right after the execution of the Execute() method of the background jobs manager, and not after a while, as it used to be the case.
  • The RequestUserPermission() global context method has been implemented. In web client, the method allows getting from a user the permission to execute several operations with files, which later will be executed without additional questions.
  • Storage of some settings (All Functions command display flag, debugging permission at startup setting flag, web client low connection speed mode flag, link obtaining dialog external link flag, add-ins settings, lists of search lines in the Help menu, color comparison settings of text and spreadsheet documents) has been transferred to the settings storage (available through the SystemSettingsStorage global context property.
  • Parameters Order and Top have been implemented for the virtual table of the RecordsWithExtDimensions accounting register. These parameters allow performing the selection of the required number of first entries into the virtual table, duly arranged with the means of the virtual table.
  • The option for a description of the storage of characteristics of metadata objects in a configuration has been implemented. This option is used by the system of data composition in reports and in dynamic lists. After setting the description, the data composition system automatically determines the additional characteristics of metadata object and provides the types of the object characteristics in the available fields list of the object, without the need to use the CHARACTERISTICS query language structure in each report. If the data composition schema query contains the description of characteristics for a certain type, then the characteristics of this type are used for the query fields, and the characteristics described in the metadata are not used. If characteristics for a certain type are not indicated in the query, then the characteristics described in the metadata are used for this type. Automatic filtration in the course of the characteristic selection according to the object type, for which the characteristic is edited, has been implemented for editing characteristics.
  • Output parameters and choice parameter links are supported in the data composition system for the fields, which are characteristic values.
  • The option of arbitrary setting of the set of buttons has been implemented for the DoQueryBox() global context method. The option of indicating the button which will reflect the timeout period countdown has also been implemented.
  • The Add columns context menu command has been implemented for the form element Table in the managed form editor. The command is intended to simplify filling tables with columns and to make setting table columns’ parameters easier. Command executes similarly to the automatic filling in the table when linking the form table with the form attribute of the corresponding type.
  • The option of displaying the title of the group of columns in the form table has been implemented. The properties ShowInHeader, ShowTitle, HeaderHorizontalAlign, HeaderPicture, TitleBackColor, HeaderDataPath, HeaderFormat have been implemented for the form group extension for a group of columns.
  • For the Event log standard function of the managed aaplication (in the list form and item form) implemented the display of the Data field for events Access, Access denied, Authentication, AuthenticationError, Adding user, Modifying user, Deleting user.
  • The RightPresentation() global context method has been added. Method returns user access right presentation in user language.
  • Server debug item corresponds with user work session when debugging Client/server mode and file mode, operating using a web server. If the user session moves to another working process during debugging, then the debugging will stop.
  • The color appearance of some interface elements has been changed, contrast ratio has been increased. Changes do not apply to the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • The option of changing the CID property of the InternetMailAttachment object has been implemented. It is required to fill in this property, if pictures, located in letter attachments, must be displayed in the text of HTML-text messages. The MIMEType property of the InternetMailAttachment has been added.
  • For the conditional appearance of individual cells in a table form implemented the possibility to manage visibility, accessibility, display and Read Only mode.
  • For the conditional appearance of individual cells of the dynamic list implemented the possibility to manage visibility, accessibility and displaying.
  • For the InternetMailMessage object when operating in Linux OS implemented the possibility to insert images in the message body in HTML format and setting information about message encoding.
  • The FormattedDocument object has been implemented. It is intended to store text documents, containing formatting elements (highlighting, fonts, pictures, hyperlinks). The managed form field extension has been implemented for editing the formatted documents.
  • The mechanism of cryptography based on asymmetric encryption (public and private keys) has been implemented. For web client the work with cryptography extension has been implemented. The mechanism of cryptography does not contain the actual implementation of algorithms for cryptography. It provides a set of objects that allow interacting with external cryptography modules of third parties.
  • Implemented protection against unauthorized use using software licenses. Protection using HASP dongles or software licenses is determined by the distribution kit of the protected product.

Table of contents

Next page: New functions and changes in 1C:Enterprise mode

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