Functionality After Before Result of changes
Clarified the error message that appears during an attempt to create a temporary table if the specified temporary table manager has already been closed. The new error text is Cannot use a closed temporary table manager. The error message that appeared at an attempt to create a temporary table if the specified temporary table manager had already been closed might mislead users. The error text was Temporary table manager is not set. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
When the data composition system template generator outputs fields to chart grouping templates, it applies conditional appearance to all of the fields. As a result, in reports based on data composition schemas the conditional appearance applied to resource fields is also applied to charts.

This might change the look of reports containing charts with resources that have conditional appearance.

When the data composition system template generator output fields to chart grouping templates, it applied conditional appearance only to nonresource fields. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
If a report is displayed in compact mode, reports opened using the Drill down command are also displayed in compact mode.

A setting that shows whether the result is displayed in compact mode is available. The name of the setting key is client application-specific.

New report form parameter: ResultViewMode. Use it to explicitly specify the report view mode.

New method: GetRecommendedCompactWidth(). It returns spreadsheet document cell width. The ConvertToCompactMode() method of spreadsheet document takes its return value as a parameter.

Reports opened using the Drill down command did not inherit the main report mode (compact or normal). Reports opened in the client application using the Drill down command inherit the main report mode.
Client application.
Administration tools.
New feature: distribution packages for the thin client running on macOS.

New feature: users can select the version and type of client applications running on macOS.

New feature: uninstall wizard for client applications.

New directory tree in macOS Applications directory.

New directories for some 1C:Enterprise application files.

New feature: you can create self-extracting installers (DMG images) for client applications. The archive can contain 1cestart.cfg configuration file that contains setup, runtime, and update settings. The executable files support macOS only. New utility: 1CEClientSetupMake.

Self-extracting installers for macOS were not provided. Users could not select client application version. Users could select client application type only within one version.

File tree in Application directory was different.

1CEClientSetupMake utility was not provided.

Administration of client applications on macOS is more convenient.
Client application.
Administration tools.
New feature: client applications on macOS can be updated over the network. New field in the dialog window for publishing applications on web server where you can specify the path to the client application distribution package. Fields that contain paths to the client application on Windows renamed according to the bitness.

New conf.cfg configuration file parameters: PublishDistributiveLocationMacOS64, PublishDistributiveLocationWindows32, and PublishDistributiveLocationWindows64. The conf.cfg configuration file parameters PublishDistributiveLocation32 and PublishDistributiveLocation64 are obsolete.

New attributes for <point> item of default.vrd configuration file: pubdstmac64, pubdstwin32, and pubdstwin64. The attributes for <point> item of default.vrd configuration file pubdst, pubdst32, and pubdst64 are obsolete.

New feature: 1C:Enterprise on macOS supports launchers stored on network drives.

Upgrade: the web service that receives client application distribution packages supports macOS.

These features were not provided. Client application update is more convenient.
Server clusters.
Standalone server.
New parameters for the standalone server configuration file that define path to client application distribution package on Windows and macOS: win32, win64, and mac64. The parameters x86 and x86_64 are obsolete. The standalone server configuration file supported only Windows operating system. The standalone server configuration file supports macOS operating system.
XML and XDTO support.
Upgrade: the result of a spreadsheet document serialization does not depend on whether the document was transferred between a client and a server. The resulting document always has the same structure.

The upgrade does not affect the appearance of spreadsheet documents and usage of 1C:Enterprise language to manage them.

This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode.

The result of a spreadsheet document serialization depended on whether the document had been transferred between a client and a server. The resulting documents could have different structures. Comparison of spreadsheet documents serialized to XML documents is more convenient.
Mobile client.
Collaboration system.
New feature: the mobile client supports file transfer over the collaboration system. This feature was not provided. New collaboration system features for the mobile client.
Mobile platform.
Mobile application builder.
New configuration export format for the Mobile application builder. The format is supported by the Mobile application builder version 2.0.9 or later. Version 2.0.8 and earlier do not support new format.

Upgrade: faster initial start of mobile applications built with Designer version 8.3.14.

These features were not provided.

The initial mobile application start took more time.

Faster initial start of mobile applications exported in new format.
Mobile application builder.
New feature: you can specify the default application presentation in multiple languages for mobile applications that contain multiple configurations. The default presentation is automatically applied to all new versions of this mobile application. Each new version of a mobile application that contained multiple configurations was based on the first configuration added to the build. Developers had to change the presentation manually. Developing mobile applications that contain multiple configurations is more convenient.
Spreadsheet documents.
Server clusters.
Upgrade: 1C:Enterprise server clusters running on Linux process spreadsheet documents faster. 1C:Enterprise server clusters running on Linux took more time to process spreadsheet documents. Improved performance of 1C:Enterprise server clusters running on Linux in processing spreadsheet documents.
Dumping configurations to files/Restoring configurations from files.
Upgrade: when exporting a configuration to files with 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.14 or later (export format 2.8 or later), the name of the spreadsheet document form field extension event that is called upon selection a spreadsheet document area or upon any operation with the chart is OnActivate regardless of the compatibility mode.

When exporting a configuration to files in export format 2.8 or earlier, the even name OnActivate is equivalent to the event name OnActivateArea.

The name of the spreadsheet document form field extension event that was called upon selection a spreadsheet document area or upon any operation with the chart depended on the compatibility mode. The form item event name does not depend on the compatibility mode.
Dynamic lists.
Upgrade: in the thin client, users can perform search in a dynamic list composite column by part of the string and by the substring. In the thin client, users could not perform search in a dynamic list composite column by part of the string and by the substring. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Mobile application builder.
Upgrade: the Mobile application builder defines the amount of RAM the Java process requires to build Android mobile applications more precisely.

If you use a 32-bit Java version to build an application in a 64-bit environment, a log record that suggests to specify the 64-bit Java in the Mobile application builder settings is created.

In some cases, the Mobile application builder defined incorrect amount of RAM the Java process required to build Android mobile applications. This could lead to build errors due to insufficient memory.

If you used a 32-bit Java version to build an application in a 64-bit environment, a log record that suggests to specify the 64-bit Java in the Mobile application builder settings was not created.

Fixed some bugs that caused insufficient memory errors during Android application building.
Managed forms.
Upgrade: for the Taxi interface on the thin and thick client, if a form field is in the list selection mode, StartChoice event handler ignores standard processing, and the choice list is empty, the drop-down list is always collapsed. The upgrade is ignored in the web client.

This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode.

For the Taxi interface in the thin and thick client, if a form field was in the list selection mode, StartChoice event handler ignored standard processing, and the choice list was empty, the drop-down list was expanded and filled with the choice list values.

In the web client, under the same conditions, the list was always collapsed.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Configuration extensions.
New configuration extension property: DefaultRoles. With this property, you can specify the roles that define accessibility of extension objects when the user list is empty.

New configuration extension property: ForceDefaultRolesForAllUsers. With this property, you can assign all users in an attached extension with the rights defined by the extension default roles. You can edit the property in Designer (extension list) or with the standard extension management function.

When you manage user access rights in Designer, the full name of the role added by an extension is displayed.

When an extension is created, a special role that grants access rights to all objects of the extension is created automatically. DefaultRoles property value is set to this role. You can edit the role without any limitations.

If an extension is attached to a file database in safe mode, access rights to extended configuration objects cannot be granted. This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode.

Developers could not specify default role lists for configuration extensions.

When developers managed user access rights in Designer, the full name of the role added by an extension was unavailable.

When an extension was created, a special role that granted access rights to all objects of the extension was not created.

If an extension was attached to a file database in safe mode, access rights to extended configuration objects could be granted.

Сonfiguration extension access right management is more convenient.
Mobile platform.
Mobile client.
Mobile device-specific features.
Mobile application builder.
New push notification service that supports Windows Push Notification Services (WNS) and Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).

The Mobile application builder supports new push notification options.

This feature was not provided.

The notification service supported only Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) and Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).

The notification service is now compliant to the mobile version of 1C:Enterprise.
Mobile platform.
Mobile client.
New features: the mobile version of 1C:Enterprise supports groups for pop-up forms and forms with United property set to False. These features were not provided. Form management in the mobile version of 1C:Enterprise is more flexible.
Upgrade: the query language ValueType() function applied to an expression that contains the IsFolder field returns the correct value.

This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode.

The query language ValueType() function applied to an expression that contained the IsFolder field returned an incorrect value. Result was calculated as if the IsFolder field value contained an inverted value. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Upgrade: if a parameter expression of the query language ValueType() function contains a virtual field and a primitive type value, the function returns a correct value.

This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode.

If a parameter expression of the query language ValueType() function contained a virtual field and a primitive type value, the function returned an incorrect value. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Collaboration system.
Upgrade: user search in the collaboration system is performed only by the beginning of words.

The search algorithm for headings of noncontext group conversations and participant lists of one-to-on conversations is improved. Conversations in search results are ranked higher if they have:

  • Recent messages (the message date is concerned).
  • The search string is at the beginning of the word.
User search in the collaboration system used the string-matching algorithm.

Search result was ranked in the same order the conversations had been found in the database.

The search algorithm in the collaboration system is improved.

Next page: Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.14

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