The XML serialization term describes a feature that enables conversion of a 1C:Enterprise object into an XML-formatted data sequence. XML serialization also provides the backward conversion of an XML-formatted data sequence into a 1C:Enterprise object, provided that a matching 1C:Enterprise data type is available.

The thing to understand is that each exchange object, which exists as a single object within 1C:Enterprise, is actually comprised of various types of interconnected data.

For example, in addition to its code and description, a catalog item might contain a certain number of attributes of various types and a certain number of tabular sections, which in turn contain a certain number of attributes of various types.

Through XML serialization the entire body of data is represented as an XML-formatted data sequence.

Through backward conversion, the object is reassembled, provided that a matching data type is available in 1C:Enterprise.

Next page: Reading and writing XML documents

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