1C:Enterprise 8 application collection is designed for the automation of management and accounting based on the state-of-art 1C:Enterprise platform. The platform provides extensive functionality, flexibility, and scalability starting from single user applications in file mode and until cloud applications with server clusters deployment. Features and architecture of 1C:Enterprise 8 platform is designed in anticipation of global trends in the business automation. Many of 1C:Enterprise solutions are unique and are beyond the competition.
1C Company and its partners using 1C:Enterprise 8 platform develop mass-market, industrial, and custom business solutions, including the following:
- 1C:AccountingSuite
- 1C:Small Business
- 1C:Translator
1C:Enterprise 8 offers:
- To Director of Development: tools for analysis, planning, and flexible resource management, that gains its competitive advantages.
- To Department Director, managers, and employees who are directly involved with a production, marketing, logistics, and other activities: tools to gain the efficiency of their daily work.
- To accounting department: tools for automated record keeping that is in full compliance with both the legal requirements and the corporate standards of the company.
- To IT professionals: tools and environment for the development, modification, deployment, administration, and maintenance of corporate information systems that meet the latest standards.
Mass-market, industrial, and custom business solutions powered by 1C:Enterprise let you:
- Find the optimal automation strategy.
- Implement the application spending minimum time and resources.
- Quickly get real benefits from the implementation.
- Simplify the user training, maintenance, and administration of the application.
- Develop the system in accordance with the needs of the company without any downtime.
All of this ensures the high efficiency of 1C:Enterprise specialists and is a foundation of their success on the automation market.
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