Functionality | After | Before | Result of changes |
Administration tools. Software licensing. |
New feature: ring command-line utility and its license module are provided as a standalone distribution package (1C:Enterprise licensing utility). The distribution package supports Windows 7 and later, and Linux x86 and x86-64.
The distribution archive names comply with the following pattern: The archive is included into 1C:Enterprise distribution package. The distribution packages of the ring utility and its license module are no longer stored to the ExtDst directory. |
The ring utility and its license module were a part of 1C:Enterprise distribution package and were stored to the ExtDst directory. The installation of the ring utility was available only after the installation of 1C:Enterprise. | Distribution and update of the ring utility and its license module are more convenient. To install or update the licensing utility, you do not have to install the entire 1C:Enterprise. |
Software licensing. |
New feature: upon activating ("activate" command) a software license and upon creating a response file ("acquire" command) with the ring utility, you can specify an alternative Licensing Center. A Licensing Center can be set in the ExternalResourcesMode parameter of the conf.cfg file.
New parameter for the "ring license activate" and "ring license acquire" commands: --conf-location, which is used to specify the directory for the conf.cfg file. |
This feature was not provided.
Only one Licensing Center was available. |
Licensing Center selection is similar to selection of other internet resources required by 1C:Enterprise. The system behavior is more consistent. |
Internet-enabled functionality. Data display. |
New feature: client applications that run on Windows use WebKit library to manage help, Syntax Assistant, HTML document fields, planner, formatted documents, and HTML document editor. In these cases, Microsoft Internet Explorer is no longer applicable.
WebKit is included into 1C:Enterprise distribution package and does not require separate installation. The HTMLDocumentField.Document property value type is ExternalObject. The DOM model that can be accessed by this property is changed. We recommend that you review the use of HTMLDocumentField form item in your applications and update applications that use features specific for Microsoft Internet Explorer. |
Client applications that ran on Windows used Microsoft Internet Explorer to manage help, Syntax Assistant, HTML document fields, planner, formatted documents, and HTML document editor. | Managing HTML documents is more consistent, regardless of the operating system. |
Infobase operations. |
New feature to ensure the correct identification of two-digit years: the first year of the century. The default first year of the century is changed from 1930 to 1950, meaning 49 is identified as 2049 and 50 as 1950. In a separated Infobase, each data area defined by a set of independent separators has its own first year of the century.
New global context methods: SetInfobaseBeginningOfCentury(), GetInfobaseBeginningOfCentury(), and SessionBeginningOfCentury(). |
The default first year of the century to identify two-digit years was 1930. The year could not be changed. | System behavior related to two-digit years is more transparent. You can customize the first year of the century. |
Web client. Development tools. |
Upgrade: for a file Infobase published on a web server, connecting the web client to the Infobase in debug mode is only allowed if the Infobase was published with the option that allows debugging. Otherwise, debugging is not available.
To debug an application using the web client with a file Infobase, you have to republish the Infobase with debugging allowed. |
Debugging applications using the web client with a file Infobase was available regardless of the debugging status in the Infobase publishing settings. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Configuration extensions. Access rights. |
New pattern of roles–extensions interaction:
Adopt roles into extensions only when you need to set the extension object rights that do not match the extended configuration's default rights. This pattern is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode. |
Old pattern of roles–extensions interaction:
More convenient roles–extensions interaction pattern. The interaction logic is more transparent. |
Charts. Data composition system. |
New chart tooltip types and view options. New feature: reference lines and tooltips can be displayed at the same time.
New properties for the Chart object: ChartValuesTooltipDisplayMode, ValueTooltipFillType, PointsPopUpReferenceLineRepresentation, and ValuesPopUpReferenceLineRepresentation. New feature: chart items can be selected manually or programmatically. A selection can include nonadjacent items. New property for the Chart object: SelectionMode. New event and methods for chart field extensions of field forms. Event: OnActivate. Methods: GetSelectedItems() and SetSelectedItems(). New methods for the SpreadsheetDocumentDrawing object: GetSelectedItems() and SetSelectedItems(). New properties for the DataCompositionOutputParameterValues, DataCompositionGroupOutputParameterValues, DataCompositionChartOutputParameterValues, and DataCompositionAreaTemplateChartAppearance objects: ChartType.ValueTooltipDisplayMode, ChartType.ChartValuesTooltipFillType, ChartType.PointsPopUpReferenceLineRepresentation, ChartType.ValuesPopUpReferenceLineRepresentation, and ChartType.SelectionMode. |
The following chart features were available:
Improved chart interactivity. |
Managed forms. |
Upgrade: if a form input field contains a value of reference type, its ChoiceFoldersAndItems property value set to Auto is interpreted as Items.
This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode. |
If a form input field contained a value of reference type, its ChoiceFoldersAndItems property value set to Auto was interpreted as FoldersAndItems. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Data composition system. |
Upgrade: upon generation of a data set selection query, the data composition template generator makes an attempt to aggregate the data using the DBMS query language. Query language functions applied to a single field for data aggregation: SUM(), MINIMUM(), and MAXIMUM().
New property that manages aggregate calculation with query language: DataCompositionSchemaDataSetQuery.UseQueryGroupsIfPossible. This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode. |
The data composition system did not use grouping to aggregate data in queries, unless it was explicitly specified by the GROUP BY clause. | Improved data acquisition by the data composition system in some cases. |
Data composition system. |
New comparison algorithm for arrays, value tables, and other nonprimitive types in the data composition system:
This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode. |
The algorithm output for objects of the same type (including arrays and value tables, excluding objects of primitive type and reference type) was comparison of the object RAM addresses. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Server clusters. Administration tools. |
New properties for the IClusterInfo object: ErrorsCountThreshold (the number of server errors that is considered critical) and KillProblemProcesses (force closes corrupted processes). | This feature was not provided. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Queries. |
Upgrade: if a query selection list does not contain tabular section attributes, but the query contains a comparison of tabular section attributes combined with "AND" operator, the conditions are applied together to each tabular section row.
This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode. |
If a query selection list did not contain tabular section attributes, but the query contained a comparison of tabular section attributes combined with "AND" operator, the conditions were applied separately, which could lead to incorrect comparison results. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Pictures. |
New feature: you can use 1C:Enterprise language to change picture parameters, such as format, size, DPI, and color depth. New picture management logic:
New methods for the Picture object: Width(), Height(), ColorDepth(), GrayScale(), HorizontalDensity(), VerticalDensity(), and FileSize(). The Picture.Convert() method is deprecated. The PictureProcessor object is deprecated. All PictureProcessor object's methods have matching PictureToProcess object's methods. We recommend that you analyze your applications and replace the deprecated methods and objects with the new ones. |
These features were not provided.
The only editable picture parameter was picture format. |
You can change the parameters of any picture stored in an Infobase, for example when you need to send it to a third party having specific requirements to pictures. |
Next page: Renamed objects