This chapter describes 1C:Enterprise interface and navigation options.

1C:Enterprise interface is a window system. It includes the main window and auxiliary windows.

The main application window is used for navigation and command execution. Auxiliary windows are used to work with specific Infobase objects (such as documents or list items), generate reports, or run data processors. To open a form, find the appropriate command in the interface (opening a list, posting a document, and so on), and then execute the command by clicking it or pressing Enter.

1C:Enterprise supports three interface modes:

  • Forms in tabs
  • Forms in separate windows
  • Taxi

Some applications feature a single interface mode, while other applications allow you to select the mode. For information about switching between interface types, see Customizing system options.

For the description of the Taxi interface, see 1C:Enterprise User Manual. Taxi Interface.

Next page: Forms in tabs

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