Functionality After Before Result of changes
Settings storage.
If a report form is opened with UserSettingsKey parameter specified and UserSettings parameter missing:
  • If settings with the specified key are found in the user settings storage, these settings are loaded.
  • Otherwise the default user settings for the current report option are loaded.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

If a report form was opened with UserSettingsKey parameter specified and UserSettings parameter missing:
  • If user settings for the current report option were found in the system settings storage, these settings were loaded.
  • Otherwise, if settings with the specified key were found in the user settings storage, these settings were loaded.
  • Otherwise the default user settings for the current report option were loaded.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Client application installation.
1C:Enterprise launcher searches for distribution packages of new 1C:Enterprise versions in the following directories: Setup (32-bit platform) and Setup64full (64-bit platform). 1C:Enterprise launcher searched for distribution packages of new 1C:Enterprise versions only in directories that contained specific versions (ignoring subdirectories). Automatic client application updates support scenarios where client applications are both 32-bit and 64-bit.
When OnIntervalEditEnd handler of a form item that displays a Gantt charts is executed:
  • The chart interval is passed to Interval handler parameter.
  • If CancelEdit handler parameter is set to False, all of the interval values are applied to the chart.
  • If CancelEdit handler parameter is set to True, interval properties Begin and End are not applied to the chart, while the rest of the interval properties are applied.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

When OnIntervalEditEnd handler of a form item that displays a Gantt charts was executed:
  • A copy of the chart interval was passed to Interval handler parameter.
  • The changes made in the passed interval were not applied to the chart.
The behavior of OnIntervalEditEnd handler of form items that display Gantt charts is more logical.
Event log.
Interactive editing of event log format is implemented.

The new event log event _$InfoBase$_.EventLogSettingsUpdate indicates the format change.

In file infobases, changing event log format requires exclusive infobase access.

Global context method ClearEventLog() is deprecated and only applicable to logs that have SQLite format. It is recommended that you do not use this method. If selection from event log records takes a long time, you can abort it by deleting the session that initiated the selection.

The following limitations are applied to time-consuming selections from the event log:

  • In a nonseparated infobase: 4 sessions.
  • In a separated infobase: 1 session per data area.

The default event log format (the one that is selected in newly created infobases) is sequential format.

Interactive editing of event log format was not available.

The default event log format (the one that was selected in newly created infobases) was SQLite format.

Interactive selection of event log format is now available.

Applications no longer stop responding when performing time-consuming selections from the event log.

Temporary storages.
If the Address parameter of PutToTempStorage() method contains a value that was previously used in DeleteFromTempStorage() method, an exception is generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

If an Address parameter value was previously used in PutToTempStorage() method and then in DeleteFromTempStorage() method, an attempt to use the value in PutToTempStorage() method again was only successful if it was a UUID of a form that was open at that time. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
The algorithm of displaying stacked charts that have negative values is changed:
  • For charts that support base values:
    • For each point, calculate two sums: one less than the base value, the other one greater than the base value.
    • Before stacking, subtract the base value from the current value.
    • Stack the resulting value to one of the sums, depending on its sign.
  • For charts that do not support base values:
    • For each point, calculate two sums: a negative one and a positive one.
    • Stack the current value to one of the sums, based on its sign.
  • For each point, display two chart columns that represent the two sums.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

In stacked charts, each point had a single column that represented the sum of all values (calculated with appropriate signs). Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
In data composition settings composer, when the source of user-defined settings is specified, if a data parameter value contains an array and the option to use a value list in this parameter is enabled, the parameter value is set to a value list containing all of the values from the source array.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

In data composition settings composer, when the source of user-defined settings was specified, if a data parameter value contained an array and the option to use a value list in this parameter was enabled, the parameter value was set to a value list containing a single value (the default value for the parameter value type). Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Managed forms.
When form item properties DataPath, FooterDataPath, HeaderDataPath, TitleDataPath, and RowPictureDataPath are set from 1C:Enterprise script or a configuration with these properties is loaded from a file, if any of these properties contains a path that refers to a form item that has a row index, an error is generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

When form item properties DataPath, FooterDataPath, HeaderDataPath, TitleDataPath, and RowPictureDataPath were set from 1C:Enterprise script or a configuration with these properties was loaded from a file, if any of these properties contained a path that referred to a form item that had a row index, no errors were generated. Such property values were set but they were actually ignored. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Dynamic lists.
In a source of available data composition system settings for a dynamic list, subordinate characteristic fields of tabular section fields retrieved using dot (such as Ref.Products.Product.[State of origin]) are not available for filtering, sorting, or grouping.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

In a source of available data composition system settings for a dynamic list, subordinate characteristic fields of tabular section fields retrieved using dot (such as Ref.Products.Product.[State of origin]) were available for filtering, sorting, or grouping. However, an attempt to set a filter by a value of such field returned an error. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
If an expression of a calculated data composition system field is empty, NULL is substituted for the field value in detailed records.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

If an expression of a calculated data composition system field was empty, an attempt to use the field in detailed records generated a "field not found" error. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

The system behavior is improved in scenarios where a user selects a custom field with no expression specified.

Data composition system.
If calculation of EvalExpression() function result includes division by 0, the result of the expression calculated with this function is Division by zero.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

If calculation of EvalExpression() function result included division by 0, the expression calculated with this function was fully calculated (Division by zero was used as the function result). Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Settings storage.
Each operation with the standard settings storage includes a check for SaveUserData access right.

Calls of StandardSettingsStorageManager.SetDescription() method include a check for SaveUserData access right.

Operations with the standard settings storage included checks for SaveUserData access right only if they were performed from 1C:Enterprise script.

Calls of StandardSettingsStorageManager.SetDescription() method did not include a check for SaveUserData access right.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior. In particular, commands related to dynamic list settings are no longer available to users that do not have SaveUserData access right.
Data composition system.
Items of conditional appearance of data composition system are applied using the following rules:
  • More specific conditional appearance items have higher priorities (this behavior did not change).For example, if a report, a table, and a table grouping have conditional appearances, they are prioritized as follows: table grouping (the highest priority), table, and report (the lowest priority).
  • Parts of a conditional appearance item are prioritized in accordance with their relative positions in the list: the lower the position, the higher the priority.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

Items of conditional appearance of data composition system were applied using the following rules:
  • More specific conditional appearance items had higher priorities.
  • Parts of a conditional appearance item were prioritized in accordance with their relative positions in the list—the lower the position, the higher the priority.The only exception to this rule was the list of conditional appearance items that included parts with specified filters and specified or unspecified formatted fields. In this case the conditional appearance items with formatted fields specified were applied first.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
In report and dynamic list forms, when a filter by a data composition field is applied, the qualifier of that field affects the filter presentation.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

In report and dynamic list forms, when a filter by a data composition field is applied, the qualifier of that field did not affect the filter presentation. Improved filter presentations in dynamic lists and data composition system-based reports.
Infobase operations.
When administrative infobase parameters are set from 1C:Enterprise script within a transaction, 1C:Enterprise behavior is different from that of the previous versions. For details, see 1C:Enterprise documentation. When administrative infobase parameters were set from 1C:Enterprise script within a transaction, 1C:Enterprise behavior was different. This behavior was not documented. Setting administrative infobase parameters is more intuitive and predictable.
In managed applications, calls of SwitchInterface() global context method are ignored in all client modes. We recommend that you do not use ordinary forms in managed client application mode. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.11 compatibility mode. In managed applications, calls of SwitchInterface() global context method displayed command bars. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
1C:Enterprise script.
When CurrentLanguage() global context function is called on the server, in the thick client, or in an external connection, it returns the interface language of the current user. If the current user is not specified, or the interface language is not specified, or the specified interface language is not included in the configuration, the function returns the default configuration language.

The CurrentLanguage() function behavior is now uniform across all modes.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

When CurrentLanguage() global context function was called on the server, in the thick client, or in an external connection, if the interface language specified for the current user was not included in the configuration, the function returned Undefined.

The CurrentLanguage() function behavior on the client and on the server was not uniform.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
In a nested query included in the right part of a left join, its WHERE section does not include an explicitly specified field, and the parent query includes a different field with the same data composition name, the template composer does not include the filter to the nested query.

To preserve the previous query behavior, explicitly specify a field in the WHERE section.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

When filling available data set fields, the template composer always included the filter in the nested query. The result of automatic filling of available data set fields is more predictable.
Internet-enabled functionality.
In InternetMail.Logon() method, implemented authentication request with the user name and password if APOP authentication fails. The InternetMail.Logon() method generated an exception if APOP authentication failed. The authentication attempt with the user name and password was not performed. The user authentication on the mail server better complies with RFC 1939 standard.
Managed forms.
In OpenForm() method, changed the algorithm of searching for an open form instance.
  • When a data processor form or a report form is opened, the search algorithm analyzes the owner of that form.
  • When the main object form specified in the configuration or the overriding form specified in FormGetProcessing() handler is opened, if its owner is not specified, the owner window is not blocked, and a form instance is already open, the search will find it (in the thin and web clients).

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.11 compatibility mode.

The following algorithm of searching for an open form instance was used.
  • When a data processor form or a report form was opened, the search algorithm did not analyze the owner of that form.
  • When the main object form specified in the configuration or the overriding form specified in FormGetProcessing() handler was opened, if its owner was not specified, the owner window was not blocked, and a form instance was already open, a new form instance was opened (in the thin and web clients).
Eliminated unexpected system behavior. Unified the algorithm that searches for an open form in different client application modes.

Next page: Renamed objects

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