Let us test the changes.

  1. Start 1C:Enterprise in the debug mode.
  2. Open the Employee accrual #3 document and then, on the More menu, click Clear posting.

    This cancels the document posting.
  3. Repost Employee accrual #1 and Employee accrual #2 documents.

    The Accruals calculation register should look as follows (fig. 18.15, 18.16, and 18.17).

    Fig. 18.15. Accruals register records

    Fig. 18.16. Accruals register records

    Fig. 18.17. Accruals register records

    You can see that salary has been accrued to all employees (the Result field) for the entire month in compliance with the source data (the Source data field). The employees Johnson and Walkman were accrued a bonus of 10% of their accrued salary.
  4. Post Employee accrual #3, and then post Employee accrual #1 and Employee accrual #2.

    At this point the Recalculation report should be empty.

    The register state should change as follows (fig. 18.18, 18.19, and 18.20).

    Fig. 18.18. Accruals register records

    Fig. 18.19. Accruals register records

    Fig. 18.20. Accruals register records

    As a result of Johnson’s absence, his salary amount is reduced, and his bonus is reduced accordingly.
Next page: Employee accruals report
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