Changes requiring changes to the configuration and administrative settings

  • If one of the command line parameters defining application operation mode (RunModeOrdinaryApplication or RunModeManagedApplication) is used in the client application launch, this parameter is passed through to the client application being started from a parent client application using RunSystem() and Exit() global context methods (with indication that restart is required).
  • RefreshInterface() method call does not trigger the OnOpen event handler of the managed form for opened forms.
  • The format of navigation links is modified. Quotes (") are removed from link texts, and parameter values (after = symbol) are encoded in correspondence with the chapter 2.2. URL Character Encoding Issues of RFC 1738 (using % symbol and two hexadecimal symbols) for dimension values of information registers and table keys of external data sources. If the information register dimension is of complex type and type name is specified in dimension value, then type name is also encoded. Navigation links created by version 8.2.15 do not work in previous versions.
  • In the external components technology implemented support of Mozilla Firefox browser version 6.0. External components adapters for Mozilla Firefox version 6.0 will work with newer versions of the browser without recompilation. For the manifest file of external components working in Mozilla Firefox it is recommended to specify the only minimal required number of version of the browser.
  • New version of linguistic sorting is implemented for Oracle Database DBMS (lx327c6.nlt file). The new version is based on UNICODE 6.0 standard, also Russian Е and Ё letters are discerned. The installation of the new version is not required. "1C:Enterprise" can operate either the old or new version of linguistic sorting. If an Infobase is loaded from .dt file then indices will be automatically created in the new sorting version (if it is installed in the system).
  • If the AutoMarkIncomplete is set to True for a text box then for a web client the MarkIncomplete property of this field is updated in correspondence with the value displayed by this field, on each modification of this value.
  • If authentication separation is used in an applied solution and the corresponding separators are not used in the current session then using FindByName() method of InfoBaseUsersManager object throws an exception.
  • The type.xml configuration file used in Linux OS for calculation of the font metrics is located in conf/grcmncfg subdirectory of 1C:Enterprise binary files directory. The $HOME environment variable is no longer used when searching for this configuration file.
  • When operating with the configuration repository the "1C:Enterprise" used by the repository server should be the same as the one used in Designer mode.
  • If the document property Add register records on posting is set to Record selected value, then after the document is written from the regular form the modification flag of register record sets, included into Register records collection of the written document, is cleared.

Table of contents

Next page: Transition from the previous version to the version 8.2.15

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