1C:Enterprise is a universal software system that is intended to automate enterprise accounting, planning, and management, as well as to solve personal tasks.

1C:Enterprise operation is divided into two time-spaced parts: setup (configuration development) and user work (accounting or calculation operations).

Configuration development. At the configuration development stage, an application is developed in compliance with the enterprise specifics. This includes the design of object structure and ways for viewing the objects, interface design, and the design of available user rights.

To learn more about configuration development, see 1C:Enterprise Developer Guide.

This stage also includes administrative routines: user list maintenance, Infobase parameter setup, event log customization, configuration update, and more.

User work. Users work with Infobases that are running in 1C:Enterprise mode. This is when the software actually operates to accomplish its goals: data input, report generation, scheduled calculations, and so on.

A user works with the data, while the structure of this data and data processing algorithms are defined at the configuration development stage.

This Manual provides a general description of user work with 1C:Enterprise: entering and viewing data, obtaining reports, customizing the interface, and so on. For the description of user work with application-specific objects, see the application description. To learn how to view the application description, see Chapter 12. Getting help.

The next chapter: Chapter 2. Installation and update

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