Print preview. To preview a document before printing, on the main menu, point to File and click Print preview.

To switch between pages, click the Move to the next element and Move to previous element buttons. To toggle between one-page and two-page views, click Displayed Pages.

To scale the preview, use your mouse or the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons.

If the pointer is inside the preview area, click it to increase the scale. There are three fixed viewing scales. When you click a document while viewing it at the largest scale, it is displayed in the smallest scale again.

To increase the scale, click Zoom In. To decrease the scale, click Zoom Out.

To close a preview, click Close.

The preview uses the print options specified in the page setup dialog box. These options include paper size, print area borders, scale, and more. It also uses the row and column placement parameters specified in the spreadsheet editor. These parameters include manual page breaks, row and column repetition, row and column positions on a page, and more.

Printing a document. On the main menu, point to File and click Print. This opens the standard print setup dialog box.

In this dialog box, select the print parameters (the printer, the page range, and the number of copies) and click OK.

Note. The spreadsheet printing scale may or may not affect the page margins, depending on the application.

Next page: Editing spreadsheet document and cell properties

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