• Modified the operation of storing constants and accumulation register settings when the compatibility mode is disabled. A separate database is used for each object. If the compatibility mode is enabled (set to Version 8.2.13 or Version 8.1), then reverse conversion is performed in order to provide launch of applied solution using version 8.2.13.
  • The presentation of the Data parameter output data composition system parameter is renamed to Display parameters. The format of the parameter output in the report title is changed.
  • The behavior of the report detailing is modified. A double-click on a report cell opens a value contained in the report cell. Use right click or the corresponding key button to open the details menu. The behavior described is only actual if the comaptibility mode is disabled. The MainAction property is implemented for the DataCompositionDetailsAreaParameter and DataCompositionDetailsProcessingAction objects. The AdditionalDetailProcessing event implemented for a spreadsheet document field extension. The UseMainAction and FormElement parameters are implemented for the ChooseAction() method of the DataCompositionDetailsProcess object.
  • The value, that is returned on a form close with the Close() method, is destroyed immediately after the form is closed, if there are not any references to this value from other objects.
  • Properties indicating the main and additional record form are cleared for the information register if the record mode property is set to Subordinate to recorder.
  • The icon for the Insert picture command is modified in the toolbar of the formatted document field.
  • If a publication at a web-server is performed for the first time, and publication with the specified name already exists, the warning is displayed.
  • The server is notified about a form close and locks releas, that are bound to the form, on call of server procedures from the client, opening forms and system inactivity for more than 20 seconds not only for low speed connections, but also on normal connection speed. The server receives information about all closed forms not only those for which the data were locked.
  • Search is cancelled, if it was performed, on activation of a user message, indicating a form table (linked with FormDataCollection, FormDataTree and FormDataStructureAndCollection form data). After the search cancelation the message is placed at the required table cell. A filter specified by the Script with the RowFilter property is not canceled.
  • Icons of '1C:Enterprise'-related files are taken out to a separate library, registration of which is done during the first installation of the system, and it is un-registered when last version of the system is removed from the computer.
  • If the ProcessingTime parameter is not specified or is set to 0 when the ProcessJobs() global context method is called, then the Processing jobs dialog is not displayed.
  • The compare and merge mechanism is revised:
    • Only modified objects information is output into Input by string property comparison report.
    • Only modified objects information is output into exchange plans (including different autoregistration settings) comparison report.
    • Only modified objects information is output into subsystems comparison report.
  • Subsystems are displayed in the 'filter by subsystems' mode.
  • Including the subsystem help in the help contents completely depends on the state of the Include in Help Contents subsystem property and does not depend on this property of objects, included into subsystem. If 8.2.13 compatibility mode is disabled, then the system changes the state of Include in Help Contents check box automatically for subsystems so that to save the help contents tree similar to the version 8.2.13. The behavior is not altered in 8.2.13 or 8.1 compatibility mode (the subsystem help was displayed in the help contents if any of the objects included in subsystem content had the Include in Help Contents property set, and the subsystem itself had this property disabled).
  • When the web client (from Designer mode or using the webinst utility) and web-services are publicated the possibility to publish to '%SystemDrive%\Inetpub\wwwroot' directory for the Microsoft IIS web server (version 7.х) is excluded.
  • If Designer mode is launched with the ConfigurationRepositoryReport options without parameters, then the storage history report is generated with grouping by versions. If the Compatibility mode property of the configuration being edited differs from the database configuration, then the value of Compatibility mode database configuration property is used at generating the report from the command line. In the 8.1 and 8.2.13 compatibility mode the platform behavior is not changed, that is the report is generated with grouping by objects.
  • When calling managed form items (context menu or automatic form command bar) as named elements of the Items collection, you can use CommandBar, ContextMenu and Form prefixes in any script language variant, whatever language variant was used upon the form creation.
  • More than one resource can be displayed in a chart created in the data composition system. The behavior is not changed in 8.1 and 8.2.13 compatibility mode (i.e. only one resource can be displayed in a chart).
  • When creating object of the Font type basing on the font description and if a non-empty string is specified as the font name, the value of the Type property of the received object will be set to the FontType.WindowsFont value, if the configuration has the compatibility mode disabled; otherwise, the property is set to FontType.Absolute.
  • The order of properties of the properties palette is changed in some categories.
  • When dumping the configuration files, template files of graphical schema and geographical schema types are unloaded with extension (.grs and .geo accordingly). These templates can be loaded either from files with extensions specified, or without them.
  • The compiled source code is directly executed at web-client side. Translation of the source code into theJavaScript is not used any longer.
  • For the dynamic list with a custom query set, the check is performed for key values identifying a displayed row. If there are duplicate key values found – a warning is displayed and data cannot be displayed.
  • The SystemLanguage parameter is implemented for the conf.cfg configuration file. The parameter specifies the default platform interface language. Use of *.res files is kept for compatibility (in case if the SystemLanguage is absent in the configuration file).
  • For the UserMessage object the TargetID property is set on calling the SetData() object method.
  • If the compatibility mode is disabled the AccessRight() and AccessParameters() functions do not perform recording of the Access.AccessDenied event of the event log if the right being checked is absent.
  • Enhanced chart display:
    • 32 different colors can be used for chart series (the ColorPalette property of the Chart object). In the compatibility mode the data composition system uses 8 colors to generate a chart.
    • The VerticalLabels property of the ChartPlotArea object and the ChartType.VerticalLabels parameter of theChartAppearance object in the data composition templates are considered outdated and kept for compatibility.
    • Labels displayed do not overlap.
  • Default support rules now allow detailed adjustment for objects with different distribution rules when: a) enabling the possibility to modify vendor configuration; b) configuration is set to vendor support, and c) configuration is being updated and modification is enabled. You can specify the support rules in details for: a) new vendor objects by distribution rules; b) unchanged, or becoming unchanged objects, by distribution rules, and c) modified objects, by distribution rules. In the Support Options dialog, the default values disallow editing objects for which the Object is editable rule is set. In the Change Support mode the Set for subordinate objects dialog checkbox is unchecked by default.
  • The Check Syntax menu item (Designer menu Text) renamed to Check module. The Check Syntax in Modules menu item (Designer menu Configuration) renamed to Check modules.
  • SearchOnInput property implemented for a form tables. The property manages the call for the search dialog on text input, if the table is an active element of the form. If the compatibility mode is disabled, then if the table is linked to form data of FormDataCollection or FormDataStructureAndCollection type, the search on input is not performed.
  • When dumping the configuration files, the HTML-document templates files are unloaded for each language, for which the template is defined in the configuration. Language code is included in the filenames. On load, an attempt to load a corresponding file for each language is performed (according to the language code included in filename). If the corresponding file not found, the attempt to load file is performed without taking into account the language code in the filename.
  • The color of the lines displaying fixing of rows and columns in the spreadsheet document, is changed.
  • The managed locks mechanism implementation is revised.
  • Txt property for the TLOCK technological log event is recorded only in 8.2.13 compatibility mode.
  • The presentation of a deleted user is modified in records and in the filter dialog of the event log. The old presentation: User name <deleted>, the current presentation: User name <not found>.
  • In Russian interface the presentation of Администрирование access right is changed to Администрирование.
  • The Post Document standard function is available to all users, not only those with administrative rights.
  • The Delete Marked Objects standard function is available to users with the Exclusive mode right set, not to users with administrative rights.
  • Calling the RefreshInterface() method leads to clearing of the cache memories: reference presentation, object data, quick choice data, choice forms, and restrictions by type.
  • The query wizard uses the same icon for the Constants table fields as for the object attributes.
  • If the data composition system settings the display of totals is disabled for the row/column group, then totals for rows/columns of this grouping are not displayed in the column/row of totals by row/column.
  • In the text box, associated with an attribute of Number type with 0.0 precision, implemented the possibility to display leading zeroes after the decimal point using the format string. Behavior is not changed in the compatibility mode (in described case leading zeroes are not displayed).
  • Hyperlink, inserted to the formatted document, remains unchanged. In previous versions if the hyperlink was not absolute, then full path to the Infobase was added to hyperlink.
  • Increased accuracy of conversion the floating-point number (double type) to the Number type of "1C:Enterprise" system.
  • For the form control, displaying a document journal column, and for the report field the following properties are used automatically (specified for the corresponding attributes): Format, Mark negative. For the form element, displaying a document journal column, the Password mode and Tooltip are applied also.
  • When a new role is created the following rights are set by default: SavingUserData, ThickClient, WebClient and Output.
  • The cancellation of the transition to winter time is taken into account for Russia (starting from 2011). This behavior impacts the work of the following script methods: CurrentSessionDate(), ToLocalTime(), ToUniversalTime(), StandardTimeOffset(), DaylightTimeOffset(). Also, this modification affects the behavior of standard platform features which operate the session date. You need to update the operating system in order to make the CurrentUniversalDate() method work properly.
  • Information about time zones for Russia is brought into accord with new rules of time calculation.
  • In accordance with the laws adopted in The Republic of Belarus and Ukraine, daylight saving time for these countries was revoked in the version After the repeal of the above-mentioned law in Ukraine, daylight saving time was restored in the version
  • The procedure defining the time zone, set in the system for Windows OS, is modified. At first, the attempt is performed to define the time zone by presentation returned by OS. If the found zone does not meet the parameters, the search is performed for the first appropriate zone.

Table of contents

Next page: Changes that require changes to the configuration and administrative settings

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