Mobile platform

Functionality After Before Result of changes
System requirements. For iOs-based devices, the iOS version 4.x is not supported. The minimum iOS version is 5.1.

For Android-based devices, the minimum RAM size is 256 MB.

iOS version 4.x was supported.

Android-based devices required 100 MB of RAM to run 1C:Enterprise.

System requirements for the mobile platform are revised.
Managed form. In the mobile application, the extended tooltop can be used, except the Balloon option. Extended tooltips were not available in mobile applications. On the mobile platform, you can create tooltips for form elements using a variety of tooltip design options.
Common objects. Geolocation functions and multimedia tools (photos, audio- and videorecording) provided by mobile devices are available in mobile applications.

The following geolocation functions are implemented: GeographicCoordinates, LocationData, LocationProviderInformation, LocationTools, AddressData. The LocationTools global context property is implemented. Global context methods GetAddressByLocation(), GetLocationByAddress(), and ShowOnMap() are  implemented. The GeographicalSchemaCoordinates type is renamed to GeographicCoordinatesp; it is used in geolocation functions. The GeographicalSchemaCoordinates type name is supported for compatibility purposes.

The MultimediaData and MultimediaTools objects are implemented to support processing multimedia features. The MultimediaTools global context property is implemented.

These features were not provided. Geolocation and multimedia functions of mobile device perating systems are now available in the mobile platform. You can add features for defining the current location, making photos of incoming items, and so on.
Development tools. The configuration check verifies whether the conifiguration language code meets the ISO standard.  It is recommended that you use ISO-compliant language codes. The language codes were not checked for compliance with ISO standard. Reduced chance of incorrect mobile platform language selection based on the mobile device language.
1C:Enteprise script. Common modules that reuse returned values are now supported This feature was not provided. On the mobile platform, you can optimize getting the same data multiple times during a single session or a single server call.
Predefined data. While a mobile application is being updated, metadata objects are compared by their internal identifiers. When a mobile application is updated to version 8.3.3, the corresponding restructuring is performed. While a mobile application was being updated, metadata objects were compared by their names. You can rename metadata objects while preserving the object data.
Display of information. The mobile platform picture format is replaced by the format that supports several screen resolutions of mobile devices. All mobile platform pictures had the same resolution. The sizes of system pictures displayed on mobile device screens depend on the screen resolutions.
Backup When an infobase is created on iOS-based devices, the directory containing the application data is marked as excluded from the backup. When the infobase data is modified (object form extension data and register data is recorded), the directory with application data is marked for backup and the backup is initiated using the system tools. On iOS-based devices, the infobase directory was marked for backup since it was created. The application behavior meets the requirements of the Apple company to user data backup.
Spreadsheet document. On the mobile platform, resolved issues with displaying spreadsheet documents that have a large number of rows and columns. In some cases displaying a spreadsheet document with a large number of rows and columns on the mobile platform led to an unexpected shutdown. Improved mobile platform stability when processing large spreadsheet documents.
Internet-enabled functionality. For the mobile platform, the HTML-document field is implemented. The HTML-document field has the following specifics:
  • The Document and Output properties are not supported.
  • The OnClick event is fired only during the attempt to switch to a new page. At this time, all properties of the EventData parameter except Href contain the UNDEFINED value. The Href property contains the address of the new page.
The HTML-document field was not supported on the mobile platform. In mobile applications, displaying HTML pages in forms is implemented. For example, you can create a manual for your configuration.
Interface. On mobile devices with Android OS, you can change the order of items in the list of applications. On mobile devices with Android OS, changing the order of items in the list of applications was not available. Improved usability of the list of applications. User can arrange applications in any order.
Data composition system. Processing data composition system details on the mobile platform is implemented (this includes opening values and remote processing of the details). For mobile platform, the DataCompositionDetailsID object is implemented. On the mobile platform, reports that contained data composition system details could not be opened. ?On the mobile platform, reports can be generated using the data composition system. Report that contains details can be opened on the mobile platform.
Mobile application development. In the Mobile application creation wizard data processor, you can specify a key for Google Maps. You can also specify a logo for screen resolution 950?1136 (iPhone 5 screen) in this data processor. These features were not provided. You can use the Mobile application creation wizard data processor for creating mobile applications that utilize new mobile platform features (geocoding support). Support of iOS-based devices was improved as well.
Internet-enabled functionality. For the objects HTTPConnection, WSProxy, WSDefinitions, and InternetMailProfile, and for the CreateWSProxy() method, the option to set a timeout for interaction with a  network resource is implemented. User names and passwords that are  passed  to WSProxy, WSDefinitions, and HTTPConnection objects can contain special characters, except ":". You can encode (the EncodeString() method) and decode (the DecodeString() method) custom text strings for using them in URLs. Encoding is performed in compliance with the RFC 1738 standard ( You can process HTTP request headers and return codes, as well as get and set request bodies as strings or binary data. The HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse objects are implemented.

This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform. On the mobile plaform, the following features are available:
  • Setting timeouts for interaction with network resources
  • Using characters that do not belong to the ASCII character set in user names and passwords
  • Generating URLs and getting values from them according to the RFC 1738 standard ( when custom text is added to a URL
  • Generating HTTP requests, processing responses, and interacting with REST services from 1C:Enterprise script
1C:Enteprise script. The CurrentUniversalDateInMilliseconds() function is implemented. It gets the number of milliseconds that passed since January 1, year 0001, 0:00:00 UTC.

The attempt to assign a value to a fixed structure item raises an exception. In value tables, serialization of index descriptions is implemented. The index contents are not serialized but restored during deserialization. The hash function value can be calculated based on MD5 and CRC32 algorithms using the DataHashing object. This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform. On the mobile platform, you can do the following:
  • Measure time intervals more precisely. For example, this can be handy for getting the duration of a specific action.
  • Use fixed structures in a similar way to other fixed collections.
  • Restore the value table state in more detail during its deserialization.
  • Quickly determine whether a data set was modified in any way, regardless of data volume, from the script and without using any third-party tools.
Managed form. When specifying values of managed form fields or tables, you can specify data stored in a specific row of a form attribute that is a table (but not a dynamic list). Data belonging to dynamic lists that are currently not displayed on a managed form is not read during the operations that involve the managed form. For attributes of String type that have fixed length and are located in managed form tables, table boxes, or spreadsheet documents, the appearance of the mark that indicates that the field must be filled is modified. The following style fonts are implemented: SmallTextFont, LargeTextFont, and ExtraLargeTextFont. For the Font type, the Scale property is implemented. It defines increase or decrease of the font relative to the initial size. For groups of "usual group" or "page" type, you can set the background color of form group extensions using the BackColor property. The URLProcessing handler is implemented for the Label form field, Decoration form field of Label type, and managed form. The handler is called when a user clicks a formatted string with a hyperlink in a field. Extended appearance customization options for form fields of label type and decorations of label type. In usual groups with limited width, the size of managed form buttons can vary depending on the width, which is similar to the behavior of other form items in a group with limited width. This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality. This feature was not provided on the mobile platform. On the mobile platform, you can do the following:
  • Edit data stored in specific rows of form table data in separate fields.
  • Get fast access to managed forms with dynamic lists located on different pages.
  • Ensure that the behavior of the mark that indicates that the field must be filled is the same for all attribute types.
  • Specify font size in a form relative to the form base font, without using absolute font size values.
  • Improve form usability by highlighting group colors.
  • Create a handler for each hyperlink represented as a formatted string.
  • Use more appearance customization options in managed forms.

When the size of a usual group is limited, the algorithm used for resizing group items is the same for all item types.

Applied objects. User presentations are implemented for database objects of the following types: Catalog, Document, and ExchangePlan. In document journals, the attribute containing the document number has fixed length if all documents included in the journal have the number field of String type with fixed length. Otherwise, the journal attribute has variable length. A value obtained from an unfilled table attribute, value tree, or tabular section is equal to the default value of the column attribute type, with the type qualifier taken into account. This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality. This feature was not provided on the mobile platform. On the mobile platform, you can do the following:
  • Get nonstandard data presentations in various scenarios.
  • Get document numbers in a uniform way, regardless of the method used to obtain the document numbers: either from the document itself or from the document journal. 
  • Generate default values in the same way as they are generated on the PC-based platform.
Command interface. In the information register record form, if the OnlyInActions property of the Copy command has the Auto value, the system behavior is changed. This value now means that the command is located in the More (or All actions) menu only.

This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform. On the mobile platform, you can specify the same default location for the Copy command in information register records set forms and in the item forms.
Charts. New types of charts are implemented:
  • Funnel
  • 3D funnel
  • Normalized funnel
  • 3D normalized funnel

The antialiasing mode is implemented for charts.

You can connect series of charts to each other.

The semitransparency mode is implemented for charts. 

The Indicator property is implemented for the tape graph chart.

This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform. Extended chart features on the mobile platform.
Information registers. For periodic information registers, the totals for getting first and last slices are implemented.

This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform. On the mobile platform, you can get  first and last slices, which represent data as of the last (current) moment in time, much faster.
Spreadsheet document. If a fixed area is larger than the displayed area, the spreadsheet document does not use the fixation.

The algorithm for horisontal cell placement in different rows is modified.

This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform. On the mobile platform you can:
  • Improve usability of reports that contain areas with left or top fixation.
  • Improve usability of spreadsheet documents.
Working with XML, XDTO. If a message to a user contains characters incompatible with XML format (in the thick or thin client), the error XML text contains invalid characters in X position is generated.

This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform. The processing of characters that are incompatible with XML format on the mobile platform is uniform with processing them on the PC-based platform.
Display of information. Formatted strings are available (the FormattedString type).

You can use a formatted string as:

  • Data for the "label field" form items
  • Title for form items of decoration type
  • MessageText parameter of the DoMessageBox() method
  • QueryText parameter of the DoQueryBox() method

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform. On the mobile platform, the text presentation capabilities are improved.
Working with XML, XDTO. During the import of XSD schema, if  the target namespace definition is missing in the schema, a diagnostic message is displayed. During the import of XSD schema, when any problems occurred while loading the XSD schema, a diagnostic message was not displayed. Improved diagnostics during XSD schema import.
Managed form. Command interface. Common objects. You can specify the Arbitrary type for a subordinate attribute of a managed form attribute (for example, a value table column or a value tree column). For managed forms, the URL and AutoURL properties are implemented. You can use the URL property to get a link to the main form of the object. For the GetForm(), OpenForm(), and OpenFormModal() methods, the URL parameter is implemented. Its value is assigned to the URL property of a form when the form is obtained or opened. Navigation links to lists are implemented. For a form whose main attribute is a dynamic list with a main table specified, the navigation link points to the list of the object specified as the main table. Following the link opens the main form of the list. You can use navigation links to global command interface commands. The format of navigation links to navigation points generated by standard commands is modified. Changes made to a table of totals storage settings for accumulation registers are applied within a transaction. Values of the ReadOnly and Protection properties are preserved when a spreadsheet document is passed between the client and the server. For the NumberInWords() global context method, the AU formatting option is implemented.

The TextReader and TextWriter objects are implemented. This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform. Some mobile platform features are now uniform with PC-based platform.
Mobile application. The mobile platform supports all of the interface languages that are supported in the PC-based platform. The mobile platform delivery that supports only English and Russian interface languages is also available.

The content of the mobile platform distribution kit is modified.

The mobile platform supported English and Russian interface languages only. The system part of the mobile platform interface supports more languages than before.
Development tools. If the Use purposes configuration property is set to Mobile device only, other configuration settings are changed automatically:
  • The Modality usage mode property is set to Use.
  • The Interface compatibility mode is set to Version 8.2.
If the Use purposes configuration property was set to Mobile device only, other configuration properties were not changed automatically. For configurations being developed for mobile platform only, eliminated the chance to save configuration property values that are incompatible with mobile platform limitations.

Table of contents

Next page: Transition from the version 8.2 to the version 8.3.3

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