To save a spreadsheet document to a file, on the main menu, point to File and click Save. If you are saving a new document, specify the file name and path.
To save a spreadsheet document with a different name or in a different format, on the main menu, point to File and click Save As.
By default, spreadsheet documents are saved in a proprietary 1C:Enterprise format (*.mxl). You can save spreadsheet documents in other formats: Excel sheet (*.xls), HTML document, HTML3 document, HTML4 document, or HTML5 document (*.htm), PDF document (*.pdf), ANSI text file and UTF-8 text file (*.txt), Spreadsheet document v7.х (legacy 1C:Enterprise format), Excel95 sheet (*.xls), Excel97 sheet (*.xls), Word 2007-... document (*.docx), Excel2007-... sheet (*.xlsx), and ODF spreadsheet (*.ods). Select the file format in the Save As field.
Note 1. The following limitations apply to export spreadsheets to DOCX format:
If text orientation is set, the text is displayed horizontally or vertically, whatever is closer to the original orientation.
Pictures of Text type are always displayed with a horizontal orientation.
The only available text placement is Wrap. Other placement types are converted to Wrap.
If at least one rectangle border is displayed, all its borders are displayed.
Note 2. When you open an XSLX document in Microsoft Excel version earlier than 2007, some spreadsheet document colors might be displayed incorrectly.
Note 3. When you select HTML document format, the document is saved in HTML4 format. Charts and simple pictures are converted to embedded SVG pictures.
Note 4. When you select PDF format, the number of copies is ignored and a single copy is saved.
When you save a spreadsheet document to a DOCX file, the following spreadsheet document print properties are preserved: page size, page orientation, scale, breakdown by pages, field settings, header and footer settings, header presentation on each page, and the option to disable the display of headers and footers on the first page.
When multiline cell text is output to a spreadsheet document, its content is enclosed in quotation marks ("), while each quotation mark within the multiline string is replaced with two quotation marks.
When you save a spreadsheet document in Excel sheet format, it is saved in the default Microsoft Office Excel format (equivalent to Excel97 spreadsheet).
Spreadsheets saved as HTML documents may be viewed in any HTML document viewer, for example, in Microsoft Internet Explorer. HTML documents are saved in HTML4 format, which preserves most formatting parameters. Pictures and charts are preserved as well.
The following limitations apply to export spreadsheets to HTML3 and HTML4 formats:
- If a nonblank cell has Text placement property set to Auto, cells from this one to the next nonblank cell or to the end of row are merged.
- If a picture occupies multiple spreadsheet document cells, these cells are merged. The resulting cell contains the text that originally was in the top left cell.
- Text-and-picture overlapping is not supported. A picture is displayed first, then text.