Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration properties. Version 8.3.4 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property. Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16,  8.3.1, 8.3.2, and 8.3.3. In version 8.3.5 you can run configurations created in version 8.3.4 or earlier without making changes to the configuration and without changing its data structure. This allows you to perform quick transition to version 8.3.5 without making any configuration changes, then work with the configuration as usual and remove the compatibility mode at later time. This also allows you to use version 8.3.4 for working with the infobase even after the transition to version 8.3.5. You can use this option both before and after the compatibility mode is removed (in the latter case you have to turn the compatibility mode back on).
Development tools. In Designer, new icons for external data source tables and cubes are implemented. Pictures for external data source tables and cubes were different. Icons for external data source tables and cubes are uniform with other platform pictures.
Development tools. In Designer, you can filter objects by parts of names, synonyms, comments, or presentations. The filter is available in the following windows:
  • Configuration window
  • Configuration object selection dialog box
  • Type editing dialog box
  • Object properties window

For the Subsystem configuration object, a quick filter is implemented in the configuration window. The filter is available from the Subsystem objects context menu command of the object.

In the configuration window, you can set a quick filter for configuration repository objects locked by the current user.

This feature was not provided.

Only filtering by objects included in subsystems was available.

Improved usability for developers.
Interface. 1C:Enterprise script provides tools for managing start page (desktop) form contents and positions.

The StartPageForms object is implemented.  For the StartPageSettings object, the  GetForms() and SetForms() methods and the default constructor are implemented.

The global context method RefreshInterface() rebuilds the start page (desktop) based on the settings from the system settings storage.

The StartPageSettings object stored the differences between the start page (desktop) settings of the client application and the settings specified in Designer.

1C:Enterprise script did not provide tools for managing form contents and positions.

You can manage contents and positions of the client application start page (desktop) forms using 1C:Enterprise script.
Administration tools. For the Purpose column of value table returned by the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method, new purposes are specified. The full list of database table purposes is available in the description of the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method in the Syntax Assistant. The list of table purposes did not fully describe the current database schema. The purposes of database scheme tables are described more clearly.
Data exchange. For exchange plans, the ThisNode standard attribute is implemented. It specifies whether the exchange plane node describes the current infobase.

For the ExchangePlanObject object, the DataExchange property is implemented. Only the Load property can be used in this property. The DataExchange property is used for disabling the uniqueness check of  the ThisNode item when exchange plan items are edited or deleted.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

The ThisNode standard attribute was not available in exchange plans. Replacing the exchange plan node that described the current infobase was impossible.

The ExchangePlanObject object did not have the DataExchange property.

You can define ThisNode items in a distributed infobase in a session that does not use separators.

You can replace the  data item that describes the current infobase in the exchange plan.

Managed form. For managed form text boxes, the EditTextChange event is implemented. This event occurs when one of the following actions modifies the text box content:
  • Typing in the text box
  • Copying text from the clipboard
  • Running Undo or Redo command
  • Canceling input by pressing ESC

The event occurs before the AutoComplete event.

There was no event that occurred when text box content was modified. Actions triggered by this modification could be performed in the AutoComplete event handler (with limitations). In managed forms, complete implementation of the following scenario is available: text being typed in a text box is used as a filter parameter in the linked dynamic list.
Development tools. New features in the module editor:
  • Find all usage instances of an export variable, procedure, or function in the entire configuration.
  • Convert a selected code fragment to a separate procedure or function.
  • Rename a local variable, procedure, or function.
  • Insert a comment block that describes the function or procedure purpose, parameters, and return value before the function or procedure declaration.
  • Convert modal calls to nonmodal calls (in a limited set of cases).
  • Convert procedures or functions to types that can be used in sequences of asynchronous calls.
  • Convert a selected code fragment to a separate procedure or function suitable for using in sequences of asynchronous calls.
  • Find all usage instances of modal methods in the specified module.
  • Convert all modal methods that are found to their asynchronous analogs.
  • Create notification processing events for methods that lock the interface.

Commands that perform these functions are located in the Refactor submenu of the module text editor context menu and in the Configuration section of the Designer main menu.

These features were not provided. Improved efficiency of routine operations performed by developers.
Managed form. In text boxes that display values of StandardBeginningDate type, in the date input mode, the AutoComplete (on value input) and TextEditEnd (on generating a value based on the input string) event handlers are implemented.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In text boxes that display values of StandardBeginningDate type, in the date input mode, the AutoComplete (on value input) and TextEditEnd (on generating a value based on the input string) event handlers were not implemented. The behavior of text boxes linked to values of StandardBeginningDate type in the date input mode is identical to behavior of text boxes linked to values of Date type. 
Client application. The option to follow a navigation link during client application startup is implemented, with the navigation link passed as a parameter. This feature is implemented for the 1C:Enterprise launcher, thin and thick clients, the GotoURL() method, the standard full-text search form, and the new Go to link command in the startup window. Only external navigation links (which contain infobase connection settings) are supported. When following a link, the platform attempts to use running client application instances connected to the infobase specified in the navigation link. In 8.3.4 version compatibility mode, the GotoURL() method is not modified.

The /url startup option is implemented for the launcher, thin client, and thick client.

This feature was not provided.

Users could only follow external links when they accessed the infobase using the web client.

Simplified access to infobase data if a link to this data is provided by third-party tools, such as email.
Internet-enabled functionality. For the InternetMailMessage object, the GetSourceData()SetSourceData(), and GetSourceText() methods are implemented. These methods are intended for getting original email messages without changing the encoding and processing source texts of messages whose encoding was changed. This feature was not provided. You can save email messages to files and load them from files, provided that they comply with RFC 822 URL9, and you can also perform custom processing of email message source texts.
Display of information. Charts. Animated charts are implemented. The Animation property is implemented for the Chart object. The ChartsViewSettings object is implemented. The chart display settings are stored in the system settings storage.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

This feature was not provided. More chart display options are available.
Web services and HTTP services.

Data exchange. Working with database. Tools for publishing the web client and web services.

1C:Enterprise infobase data can be retrieved and modified using the OData protocol (read more) v3 (read more). The following data presentation is supported: atom-xml.

Enabling this feature does not require modification of applied solution, it is performed using a web server publication.

The enableStandardOData attribute is implemented for <point> tag in the default.vrd file.

In 8.3.4 version compatibility mode, all configuration objects that support OData protocol are available through this interface. If the compatibility mode is disabled, the access to objects is managed using the SetStandardODataInterfaceContent() method.

Universal access to 1C:Enterprise infobase data was only available on Windows operating systems and was based on COM/OLE features. It was not available on Linux. The option to access data using web services implemented in applied solutions was also available. Extended integration features for 1C:Enterprise data, including data access from external Linux systems, which does not require modification of applied solutions .
Configuration repository.

Optimized selective comparison of forms, access rights, and command interface fragments in scenarios where the configuration repository is located on a network drive or on a repository server.

Local data cache is implemented for configuration repositories. You can manage the size and location of local and global repository caches using the configuration repository administration settings dialog box or cfgrepo.conf configuration files. These files are located in the cfgrepo subdirectory of the infobase service files directory (for the local cache) or in the configuration repository directory (for the global cache).

The following features are implemented for batch Designer startup mode:

  • Clearing the global configuration repository cache (the /ConfigurationRepositoryClearGlobalCache command-line option)
  • Clearing the local configuration repository cache (the /ConfigurationRepositoryClearLocalCache command-line option)
The selective comparison of forms, access rights, and command interface fragments lacked efficiency if the configuration repository was located on a network drive or on a repository server.

Editing the size and location of the global configuration repository cache was not available. The local cache for configuration repository data was not available.

Selective comparison and some other configuration repository features are optimized.

You can manage the size and location of configuration repository data cache.

Dynamic list. Extended search capabilities in tables that display dynamic lists. A standalone search string box that provides full-text search is implemented. Search by current cell value is available. The search history is implemented. The current search state is clearly visible. The search result includes items that have search words located both in a single column and in different columns. In each column, search by a single value is available (the Find in search results option is not supported).

For automatically created forms that contain tables linked to dynamic lists, the set of items related to search in dynamic lists is modified (together with their appearance). The search dialog box layout is modified.

The new FormItemAddition managed form item stores additional properties of form items.

Extensions of form items intended for displaying a search string, a view status, and a search control are implemented.

For the FormTable managed form item, the predefined items SearchString, ViewStatus, and SearchControl, and also properties SearchStringLocation, ViewStatusLocation, and SearchControlLocation are implemented.

The search history is stored in the system settings storage with the following key: Common/TableSearchHistory/<Form name>.<Table name>.

The SearchControl picture is added to the picture library.

Search in tables was performed using the search dialog box. The option to search a column by multiple values (the Find in search results check box) was available. The search dialog box had a different layout. There was no simple way to determine whether the search is applied to a table (except for checking the availability of the Cancel search button if it was present on the command bar). The search in managed form tables is improved, it is clearly visible whether the search is applied to a table.
Web services and HTTP services. Developers can create HTTP services in applied solutions. Developers can access HTTP request body, headers, and line.

Publishing HTTP services is similar to publishing web services.

To access HTTP services, use URLs of the following format: http://<host name>/<base name>/hs/<resourсe identifier>. You can create HTTP services in the Common/HTTP services branch of the configuration tree.

The following objects are implemented: HTTPServicesHTTPService, HTTPServiceRequest, and HTTPServiceResponse.

This feature was not provided.

Only access to web services implemented in the applied solution was available.

You can create services that have the following advantages over web services:
  • Simpler implementation.
  • Less amounts of data transferred.
  • Less computing power is required to parse a response.

A different usage model (RESTful services).

Server cluster. Client application. Working with database. The Hibernated session state is implemented, which is intended for preserving sessions after unexpected connection losses. Sessions that require licenses release the occupied licenses once they are hibernated. If a connection is assigned to a hibernated session, the session loses its Hibernated state. During the recovery from hibernation, sessions that require licenses attempt to obtain licenses. If a license cannot be obtained, the session is terminated. The option to set a timeout for automatic shutdown of hibernated sessions is implemented. If a connection to the client is closed by the 1C:Enterprise server, the session is hibernated(instead of being terminated).

For the ISessionInfo object, the following properties are implemented: Hibernate, PassiveSessionHibernateTime, and HibernateSessionTerminateTime. New global context methods are implemented: SetPassiveSessionHibernateTime(), GetPassiveSessionHibernateTime(), SetHibernateSessionTerminateTime(), and GetHibernateSessionTerminateTime().

The hibernation timeout and the timeout for closing hibernated sessions can be set in Designer, in the infobase parameters dialog box.

This feature was not provided.

If a client application was inactive for 20 minutes, the session was closed.

In the client/server mode, in some scenarios the client application continues functioning even when the client computer stays in hibernation mode for a long time.
Data composition system. In the data composition system, new options are implemented for comparison of string data: BeginsWith, NotBeginsWith, Like, and NotLike. This feature was not provided. Extended features for filtering by string expressions in reports created using the data composition system and in dynamic lists.
Applied objects. For catalog, chart of characteristic types, chart of accounts, chart of calculation types configuration objects,  the GetPredefinedNames() method is implemented. This feature was not provided. You can get the flag indicating that a configuration object has predefined items, as well as the full list of predefined item names. Using this list, you can check whether data items are set for all predefined items.
External data sources. You can write data to external data source tables.

This feature is intended for integration with other applications, external sources should not be used as applied solution data storages.

This feature was not provided.

External data source table data was read-only.

New options for integration with information systems and databases.
Working with queries. A query wizard for managed mode is implemented. For the QueryWizard object, the Show() method is implemented.

The following pictures are added to the picture library:

Rename, Attribute, Dimension, Resource, NestedTable, QueryWizardShowChangesTables, QueryWizardCreateNestedQuery, QueryWizardCreateTempTableDescription, QueryWizardReplaceTable, QueryWizardTableParameters, QueryWizardCreateTempTableDropQuery

QueryWizardTempTableDescription, QueryWizardGroupTempTables, QueryWizardTempTable, QueryWizardNestedQuery, and CustomExpression.

This feature was not provided. New features for using queries in managed applications.
Working with queries. An object model intended for modification of query texts is implemented. The QuerySchema object is implemented. This feature was not provided.

You can modify queries from 1C:Enterprise script without analyzing the query text.

Spreadsheet document. You can insert pictures in spreadsheet document cells. You can specify text position relative to the picture in a cell (or an area of cells) of a spreadsheet document. A picture is linked to a cell where it is inserted. 

For the SpreadsheetDocumentRange object, the following properties are implemented: Picture, PictureSize, PictureHorizontalAlign, PictureVerticalAlign, TextPositionRelativeToPicture, and PictureParameter.

Pictures could only be inserted in spreadsheet documents as images that were not linked to any specific cell (or an area of cells). Improved usability of pictures in spreadsheet documents.
System requirements. Alt Linux SPT 6.0 distribution kit is supported. This distribution kit was not supported. New Linux distribution kit is supported.
Data composition system. For the DataCompositionFilter object, the default constructor is implemented. This feature was not provided. In a mobile application, you can set a filter for a list of contacts.
Event log. The _$Data$_.TotalsMaxPeriodUpdate event with presentation Data.Modify maximum calculated totals period is implemented. The event is registered when the SetMaxTotalsPeriod() or SetMinAndMaxTotalsPeriods() method is called.

The _$Data$_.TotalsPeriodUpdate event is used for compatibility purposes.

The _$Data$_.TotalsPeriodUpdate event was registered when the maximum totals period was set. The event log displays actions that set the totals period more consistently.
Linux. Client application. 1C:Enterprise searches for the ImageMagick library by name  libMagickWand-6.Q16. 1C:Enterprise did not search the ImageMagick library by name libMagickWand-6.Q16. During the startup, 1C:Enterprise is not shut down if the ImageMagick library was renamed and then reinstalled.
Operating with DBMS. Microsoft SQL Server 2014 DBMS is now supported. Microsoft SQL Server 2014 DBMS was not supported. New Microsoft SQL Server version is now supported.
Developer tools. For the Technological log configuration file editor  (read more) and User action log conversion (read more), data processors, which are distributed via, the English interface is implemented. Both data processors are rewritten using the English variant of 1C:Enterprise script. The Technological log configuration file editor and User action log convertor data processors had Russian interface only.

Both data processors were written using the Russian variant of 1C:Enterprise script.

Simplified usage and modification of the Technological log configuration file editor and User action log convertor data processors for non-Russian-speaking developers.
Development tools. In the "dump configuration to files" feature, the approach to dumping standard attribute data is modified. Only attributes whose properties differ from the default values (for the given attribute) are dumped. Changing properties of a single standard attribute results in dumping all of the standard attributes of the configuration object. The same behavior is implemented for loading: if an XML file contains a description of a standard attribute, it is loaded to the configuration even if the description of the standard attribute contains only default values.

An external data processor intended for deleting descriptions of standard attributes with default values from XML dump files is implemented.

The data processor can be used only with files dumped by 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.5. You have to use it once before loading the dumped files back to the configuration.

While dumping configuration files, standard attribute data was always dumped, even if all of the standard attribute properties had default values. Reduced configuration file size. Reduced number of "different" objects found when comparing configurations after dumping and subsequent loading.

Table of contents

Next page: New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

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