All you have left to do is create two roles: Accountant and Payroll accountant.

We are going to divide the rights for payroll calculation and for accounting. There is an accountant at Jack of All Trades, and an assistant accountant as well. The assistant usually performs payroll calculation, but sometimes the chief accountant does that. Therefore the chief accountant needs to have both roles, while the assistant only needs the Payroll accountant role.

  1. Create a new Role configuration object named PayrollAccountant.
  2. In the rights editor, grant the right for the Payroll subsystem (and remember to deny Interactive delete).
  3. For the Sales accumulation register and for the Customers catalog, grant the View right.
  4. For the Enterprise subsystem, grant the View right. 

    This completes the creation of the Payroll accountant role.
Next page: Accountant
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