This book is a tutorial consisting of individual lessons. At the beginning of each lesson, we provide an estimated time for lesson completion.
Each lesson ends with a quiz to test your new knowledge.
The book has a brief table of contents listing the lessons and their durations. The lessons themselves include detailed tables of contents, you can use them to navigate to specific sections of completed lessons. A detailed table of contents for all lessons is available at the end of the book.
Each lesson is a logically complete part of applied solution development. Hence, while the lessons have different durations, we recommend completing each lesson in full, from the beginning to the end. Otherwise, as a novice developer, you may face difficulties while resuming your activities from some point in the middle of a lesson.
Each lesson starts with simple concepts, which are followed by more complex ones. The lessons provide step-by-step descriptions of basic techniques and various fields of 1C:Enterprise development.
The book includes numerous figures and 1C:Enterprise script examples accompanied by detailed explanations. If such explanations seem to be unnecessary or too detailed, you can skip them.
The lessons also include the theory that you can either read while you work on a lesson or leave for later. Whatever you choose, it will not influence the completion of the development example that is covered in the book.
Lesson 5. Theory provides detailed examples of using Debugger and Syntax Assistant. This will help you to further learn 1C:Enterprise script on your own and deal with the typical mistakes when you work through this tutorial.
The applied solution created in the book is provided as a demo infobase in the book distribution package. You can use this demo when you need to check whether you perform the tasks described in the book correctly.
Since the example studied in the book is quite large, the demo contains four infobases instead of one. These infobases correspond to completing lessons 8, 13, 20, and 27. This will help you quickly find the applied solution fragments that you need.
Next page: Distribution package contents