• The mechanism of common attributes implemented. It allows adding attributes to different metadata objects without modificating them.
  • The mechanism of separating data implemented. It allows storing data, splitting into separate data areas in one Infobase. Operation with the data areas is independent.
  • Implemented the possibility to obtain data from external data sources. The ODBC interface is used. In order to access data from the external data sources you can uses object model, query language and data composition system. Manage external data sources standard function implemented. ExternalDataSource metadata object implemented.
  • Extended list of logical integrity issues, which can be detected and recovered by the configuration check.
  • RunApp() global context method operates at server.
  • The AllFunctionsMode access right implemented.
  • Implemented the possibility to merge managed forms, at that merge rules can be specifiedfor different form parts. Managed form comparison report implemented.
  • Context tooltip in the module editor opens after entering the <> operator.
  • Implemented the possibility to authenticate web client session using the POST-query to the e1cib/start address. Parameters transferred in the query body take precedence of query string parameters. Use of HTTPS protocol is recommended for sending the query.
  • Context tooltip implemented for parameters of some methods, if the parameters are specified by string literals. Automatic tooltip on typing quotation marks parameter implemented in Designer settings.
  • Multiline text editing implemented in managed form editor for the Title property of the form command, attribute, attribute column and group (of Column group type) and Footer of form table field.
  • Extended module check mode implemented. This mode provides checking for calls to object methods and properties "using dot" for some types, and validation of some parameters (String type) for some methods.
  • Mask property implemented for cells and pictures of spreadsheet documents.
  • Report form extension handlers implemented: BeforeLoadDataFromSettingsAtServer(), BeforeLoadVariantAtServer() and BeforeLoadUserSettingsAtServer().
  • SavedInSettingsDataModified property implemented for managed forms. If this property is set to True and the form has been forced to save the form data automatically, then data is saved in the settings during the form close.
  • Implemented the possibility to edit the access restrictions templates, defined for all roles, in one window.
  • Dump and load of common pictures using Designer commands Configuration – Dump configuration files and Load configuration files implemented. Picture parameters implemented for DumpConfigFiles and LoadConfigFiles options of the batch mode of Designer startup.
  • Dump and load of access rights using Designer commands Configuration – Dump configuration files and Load configuration files implemented. Right parameter implemented for DumpConfigFiles and LoadConfigFiles options of the batch mode of Designer startup.
  • Using separate table space in the Oracle Database, when ORA-01450 error is raised during infobase restructure or loading infobase (from .dt file) is now supported. Table space (V81C_INDEX_BIG) is not created automatically and must be created by a database administrator.
  • Possibility to specify named parameters in data access restriction templates implemented. Use # character in front of the parameter name when referring to the parameter in template body. Possibility to use predefined templates #CurrentTableName and #CurrentAccessRightName in texts of data access restriction is implemented. Possibility to use StrContains function and + operator for preprocessor expressions (in data access restriction texts) implemented.
  • IMAP protocol support implemented.
  • Possibility to display managed form tabs to the left and to the right from the Pages form item implemented.
  • Implemented support of GoTo operator in the web client.
  • Pictures added to the picture library: Picture, Char.
  • Possibility to specify a functional option for common form is implemented. If the common form is disabled by the functional option, its standard command (of the form) is not displayed in the interface.
  • The webinst utility now can update publication, delete publication and specify OS authentication for executing the publication.
  • DBMS query plan can be written in the technological log. You must add the <plansql> element and planSQLText property for events of SQL operator execution for different DBMSs in the configuration file.
  • International domain names are supported for the HTTPConnection and FTPConnection objects according to the RFC-3490.
  • Open by value standard command implemented for the Task object.
  • VerifyAccessRight() global context function implemented. If current user does not have the verified right, then the function raises exception and writes the Access.AccessDenied event in the event log.
  • BackColor property implemented for managed form field extension. Property can be used only if a field is placed in the form table.
  • The possibility to filter configuration objects, not included in any subsystem, is implemented. <Not in any subsystem> option is implemented in the subsystems tree of the filter dialog.
  • Implemented the possibility to include functional options and functional options' parameters in the subsystems content.
  • Possibility to create common forms for report, report settings and report variant is implemented. The common forms can be specified as properties values, indicating the corresponding forms. Configuration properties DefaultReportForm, DefaultReportVariantForm and DefaultReportSettingsForm implemented. Forms, specified in these properties, are used if corresponding forms are not set for the report.
  • An array can be passed as a parameter for the OpenValue() function. The array values are displayed in form as a table.
  • Including in the configuration is not recommended distribution settings rule implemented. Objects with such rule are not offered for merging with a target configuration. In this way configuration objects for demonstration purposes can be filtered.
  • Distribution options tab is implemented in the More window.
  • OnChange event handler is called for the managed form table, linked with a dynamic list, in the following cases:
    • After writing an object to a form.
    • After direct deletion.
    • After checking or clearing the deletion mark.
    • After posting and clearing posting.
    • After moving to a group.
    • After reading or writing changes of an exchange plan contents.
  • OnChange event handler is called for the managed form table, linked with register record set after executing the Switch Activity command.
  • SaveUserData access right implemented. This right allows saving user data and settings (history, favorites, form settings, command interface setting, report settings, etc.).
  • Implemented the possibility to save a spreadsheet document to an OpenDocument Format (*.ods) spreadsheet file.
  • Implemented the possibility to use Undefined as a value of a collection item for session parameters with fixed collection type (FixedArray, FixedMap or FixedStructure).
  • The Syntax Assistant now includes information on which methods cache results when called at client.
  • A user message can now be linked to a specific form. In this case implemented the TargetID property for the UserMessage object. Implemented methods SetObjectAndFormConformity() and GetObjectAndFormConformity() allowing to set and get association of object, form and attribute on this form using script.
  • FormGetProcessing event is implemented in the manager module of several objects. The event is called at server on receiving standard managed forms for some objects. You can redefine opened form using this event. If the form being opened is specified explicitly, the event is not called.
  • New possibilities of compare and merge mechanism implemented:
    • The comparison report for desktop contents.
    • The comparison report for command interface.
    • Merge of and merge report for applied objects' characteristics.
    • Merge of and merge report for functional options' content.
    • Merge of and merge report for roles, data access restrictions and data access restriction templates.
    • Merge of the of event subscription contents.
  • A query, containing IN operator with multiple operands and with sorting in a subquery, can be executed if there are no calls to the external query fields from the subquery.
  • Implemented properties Top, Bottom, Left and Right for the objects ChartPlotArea, ChartTitleArea, ChartLegendArea, GanttChartPlotArea, DendrogramPlotArea and DendrogramTitleArea. The properties are used for specifying a position of the corresponding area border relatively to the chart area.
  • Chart display is enhanced:
    • Display of horizontal labels is enhanced. The ChartLabelsOrientation property implemented for theChartPlotArea object and ChartType.LabelsOrientation parameter for the ChartAppearance object of the data composition template.
    • For the Chart objects implemented LabelFont, TransparentLabel, LabelBackColor, LabelBorder and LabelBorderColor properties.
    • For the ChartLabelLocation system enumeration implemented EdgeInside and EdgeAuto values.
  • Managed form editor enhanced:
    • When attribute or command is deleted it is offered to delete linked elements.
    • The Events submenu implemented in the context menu of form elements, allowing to create a new handler and to go to the existing one.
    • In the form element context menu, linked to a command, implemented the possibility to go to the procedure, executing the command action.
    • In the form preview window implemented selection of elements. At the same time automatic selection of the element, corresponding to the element in the preview window, in the list of form elements is performed.
    • Dragging elements in form preview windows is implemented.
    • In form preview window implemented context menu for elements, similar to context menu in the list of form elements.
    • Implemented the possibility to go between linked objects in the form editor using the Go to command.
  • TDEADLOCK and TTIMEOUT events implemented in the technologic log. Events are used for analysis of interlocks and timeouts on locks.
  • The properties Regions (list of names of lock spaces), Locks (locks applied) and WaitConnections (list of numbers of connections, which a collision occurs with) are implemented in the technologic log of the TLOCK event.
  • Selecting a user from the drop-down list is available when specifying a user, on behalf of whom "1C:Enterprise" will be launched from Designer.
  • Support rules can be specified hierarchically when a configuration is compared and merged with vendor configuration.
  • The following features implemented for the GetFiles() method:
    • The FilesLocation parameter can contain the choose file dialog in the save mode, which will be called for each received file, except for those, which are specified by the full path.
    • The value of the Name property of the corresponding TransferedFileDescription object will be used as an initial name of a file transferred.
    • If choosing a file to be received is canceled then the Name property of the corresponding TransferedFileDescription object will be set to empty string value.
    • The method returns True if at least one file is saved at a local file name.
    • The procedure of receiving files is actually executed after finishing with the dialogs of selecting file names for all received files.
  • Questions, asked by the cryptography extension, are generated using system interface localization language.
  • Obligatory parameters of a data composition scheme can be specified in the data composition system.
  • Implemented the DataCompositionGroupProcessing object and GroupProcessing function of the data composition system expression language. The function and the object allow creating custom aggregate functions receiving values of other aggregate functions as arguments.
  • The Array function implemented in the data composition system expression language. The function result is an array, elements of which are parameter value for each detail record. If the data composition system expression contains the Array() function, then it makes the expression aggregate. It is allowed to specify the Distinct keyword before the function parameter; in this case the returned array will not contain the same values. As a parameter the function can use an expression returning a value table. In this case the result of Array() function will be an array, containing values of the first column of the passed value table.
  • The ValueTable() function implemented in the data composition system expression language. The function result is a value table, in which the number of columns is equal to the number of the function parameters, and data in columns are obtained from detail records. If the data composition system expression contains the ValueTable() function, then it makes the expression aggregate. It is allowed to specify the Distinct keyword before function parameter; in this case the obtained value table will not contain rows with the same values.
  • The EvalExpression() function implemented in the data composition system expression language, calculating expressions in the context of some grouping. You can specify from which record to start and which record to end with the array of records for calculation (you can specify the first, last, next, previous records, also current and value of record filter by sort field), define sorting and processing for the same values, specify groupings not only by grouping names but also by names of grouping fields.
  • The DimensionAttribute property implemented for the DataCompositionDataSetFieldRole object. The property indicates that the data set is an attribute of a dimension field.
  • For the Presentation() and String() functions of the data composition system expression language the possibility is implemented to pass an array or a value table as parameter. The result is a generated string containing the representation of all items of the parameter-object, separated by ; character.
  • Implemented the possibility to pass the result of Array() function as a parameter for aggregate functions of the data composition system expression language (excepting Array() and ValueTable() functions).
  • Implemented the possibility to use an array and a value table in the standard processing of report details, created in the data composition system.
  • The GroupBy function implemented in the data composition system expression language. The function intended for deletion of duplicate values from an array.
  • The GetPart function implemented in the data composition system expression language. The function is intended for obtaining a value table containing only specified columns from a source table.
  • The Order function, intended for sorting the array elements, implemented in the data composition system expression language.
  • The JoinStrings function, intended for joining strings into one, implemented in the data composition system expression language.
  • The PercentInHierarchy subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains a percent of resource value in the current hierarchical group.
  • The RowOrSeriesPercent subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains the ratio of the resource value in the current cell to the value of resource total by row or series (in percents).
  • The ColumnOrPointPercent subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains the ration of the resource value in the current cell to the value of resource total by column or point (in percents).
  • The RowOrSeriesGroupPercent subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains ratio of the resource value in the current cell to the value of resource total in current group by row or series (in percents).
  • The ColumnOrPointGroupPercent subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains ratio of the resource value in the current cell to the value of resource total in current group by column or point (in percents).
  • The PercentInRowOrSeriesHierarchy subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains ratio of the resource value in the current cell to the value of resource total at the current hierarchy level of current group by row or series (in percents).
  • The PercentInColumnOrPointHierarchy subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains ratio of the resource value in the current cell to the value of resource total at the current hierarchy level of current group by column or point (in percents).
  • The possibility to fix rows and columns in a generated report automatically implemented. FixLeft and FixTop properties implemented for the DataCompositionAreaTemplateTableCellAppearance object.
  • The EvalExpressionWithGroupArray() function implemented in data composition system expression language. The function returns an array, each element of which contains a result of calculating expression for group by specified field.
  • The EvalExpressionWithGroupValueTable() function implemented in the data composition system expression language. The function returns a value table, each row of which contains a result of calculating expression for group by the specified field.
  • Implemented the possibility to use HIERARCHY keyword after a field name in the Groups property of the DataCompositionSchemaTotalField object. Adding this keyword indicates, that the expression will be used for hierarchical records of group by field, specified before the word, and for all nested groups, for which the value of the given resource is not specified.
  • Implemented the possibility to manage order of placement for resource fields in report: either after all group fields, or in order as they are placed in the report.
  • Implemented the possibility to display additional information in report (Group use variant data composition system parameter). All fields available in the given group can be used as additional information.
  • One can go to link in the formatted document, displayed in a form in read only mode. The link is opened in a new browser window.

Table of contents

Next page: New functions and changes in the 1C: Enterprise mode

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