Functionality After Before Result of changes
Internet-enabled functionality.
Future 1C:Enterprise versions will not support NSS certificates and related objects, regardless of the compatibility mode.

The NSSSecureConnection object will be unavailable for use in 1C:Enterprise script and in thin client HTTPS connection settings.

1C:Enterprise system supports NSS certificates. Future platform versions will not support NSS certificates.
Automated testing.
For the TestedFormGroup object, the CurrentVisible() function returns False if the object is linked to form group, which is inactive page located in a page group where tabs are not displayed.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

For the TestedFormGroup object, the CurrentVisible() function returned True if the object was linked to a form group, which was an inactive page located in a page group where tabs were not displayed. The automated testing feature emulates the system functioning and provides form item status data more accurately.
Managed forms.
For managed form attributes of spreadsheet document, graphical schema, and text document types, calling the Show() method raises an exception.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The system behavior depended on the attribute location on a form and the client application type:
  • The attribute is linked to a managed form item:
    • Thin client:
      • Spreadsheet document: the current form is activated.
      • Graphical scheme: a new form with a copy of the scheme is opened.
      • Text document: a new form with a copy of the document is opened.
    • Web client:
      • For attributes of any type (spreadsheet document, graphical schema, or text document) the current form is activated.
    • The attribute is not linked to a managed form item:
    • Thin client:
      • For attributes of any type (spreadsheet document, graphical schema, or text document), a form with a copy of the document is opened.
    • Web client:
      • Spreadsheet document: a new form with a copy of the document is opened.
      • Graphical scheme: the current form is activated.
      • Text document: the current form is activated.
Unified behavior of various objects in different client applications.
Managed forms.
In the thin and thick clients, buttons (or hyperlinks) located in managed forms become unavailable when commands (or hyperlinks) linked to these buttons become unavailable.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

In the thin and thick clients, buttons (or hyperlinks) located in managed forms stayed available even when commands (or hyperlinks) linked to these buttons were unavailable. The system behaves as expected.

Unified system behavior in different client applications.

Managed forms.
When an item is created in the drop-down list of a text box, you can verify whether the created item matches the choice parameters used for opening the new item form. If the item does not match the choice parameters, a diagnostic message is displayed and the created item is not placed in the text box.

The verification is implemented for managed form extensions for objects, catalogs, documents, charts of characteristic types, business processes, and tasks.

The following features are implemented:

  • ChoiceParameters standard property of the managed form extension
  • ChoiceParameters property of the managed form extension
  • ChoiceAvailable property of the managed form extension
  • ValueChoice event of the managed form extension

The ChoiceParameters and ChoiceAvailable properties of the managed form extension are not available in version 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

A new item that did not match the choice parameters specified for a text box could be created and selected in the text box. Reduced chance of creating items (from a text box choice list) that do not match the choice parameters specified for the text box.
Managed locks.
The Period field whose value is specified in a periodic information register record set filter is included in the set of managed lock fields for read and write operations on record set data.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The Period field was not included in the set of managed lock fields for read and write operations on periodic information register record set data. Improved user experience for periodic information register operations. Reduced chance of deadlocks.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Information registers.
When an information register data set is recorded, the default values of independent and shared separators that include the information register are replaced by the separator values set in the current session.

If a separator value is not identical to the default value of that separator type or is not equal to the separator value set in the current session, an error is generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

When an information register data set was recorded, the default values of independent and shared separators that included the information register were always replaced by the separator values set in the current session Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Internet-enabled functionality.
When the InternetMail object is used for interaction with a Microsoft Exchange server, if the filter criterion string value (the Filter parameter of the GetHeaders() and GetUIDL() methods of the InternetMail object) only includes US-ASCII characters, the platform notifies the Exchange server about this in addition to passing the string to the server. Otherwise the platform passes a UTF-8-encoded string.

If the filter criterion string value passed to the Exchange server contains not only US-ASCII characters (for example, it includes Cyrillic characters), an error is generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The GetHeaders() and GetUIDL() methods of the InternetMail object always returned an empty array when a string value of the Filter parameter was used in interactions with Microsoft Exchange. Improved compatibility with Microsoft Exchange during operations with the InternetMail object. You can search in the filter criterion string if all its characters belong to the US-ASCII encoding.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The libetpan library is used to work with IMAP, SMTP, and POP3.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The UW IMAP toolkit library was used to work with IMAP, SMTP, and POP3. Improved performance and stability of email management features.
Internet-enabled functionality.
During the creation of an InternetProxy object on Linux operating systems, if the DefaultProxy constructor parameter value is True and the platform cannot find the file inetcfg.xml, the constructor uses the values of the following operating system environment variables: http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, ftps_proxy, and all_proxy.

The methods of the HTTPConnection and FTPConnection objects do not attempt to determine the proxy server settings. Instead, they use the settings stored in the Proxy property of the respective object.

For the Set() method of the InternetProxy object, the User and Password parameters are implemented. For the InternetProxy object, the User and Password methods are implemented. The User and Password properties of the InternetProxy object are declared obsolete, they are suported for compatibility purposes.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

Environment variables were never used for creation of InternetProxy objects on Linux operating systems. If the proxy server parameters were not specified during the creation of HTTPConnection and FTPConnection objects, methods of these objects attempted to retrieve the proxy server settings from environment varaibles. Eliminated the difference in platform behavior on Windows and Linux operating systems. Eliminated unintuitive platform behavior where methods of HTTPConnection and FTPConnection objects attempted to determine the proxy server settings.
Client application.
Idle handlers are not called while a client application is locked using the LockApplication() global context method or the Temporary lock command.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

Locking a client application using the LockApplication() global context method or the Temporary lock command did not affect the execution of idle handlers. Increased system security.
xBase support.
If an error occurs during a .dbf file operation performed using the XBase object, an exception is generated. This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode. If an error occurred during a .dbf file operation performed using the XBase object, dialog boxes were generated. Eliminated scenarios that looked as if the platform stopped responding (for example, errors generated by .dbf file operations at 1C:Enterprise server side).
Managed forms.
For the TypeLink object constructor, you can specify the first parameter (DataPath) as an empty string. The TypeLink object constructor did not accept an empty string as the DataPath parameter value. You can clear the TypeLink property of a managed form field by replacing its value with a new object of that type that does not have the data path specified.
External data sources.
For the ExternalDataSourceTableObject, the GetChangeableFields() and SetChangeableFields() methods are implemented. These methods are intended both for restricting the list of writable external data table fields and for expanding that list with fields have the read-only flag set in the configuration (the ReadOnly property set to True). The GetFieldsToWrite() and SetFieldsToWrite() methods are declared obsolete, they are supported for compatibility purposes. The GetFieldsToWrite() and SetFieldsToWrite() methods only provided the option to reduce the number of fields that were recorded to external data source tables. The option to record data to fields that are marked as read-only in Designer was not provided. The platform supports custom algorithms for external data source management. For example, data that is normally not recorded to external data source table fields can now be recorded using a custom algorithm.
Administration tools.
When a list of infobases is updated or when a client application distribution kit is downloaded via the Internet, the root certificates of certification authorities are obtained from the Windows certificate store. When a list of infobases was updated or when a client application distribution kit was downloaded via the Internet, the root certificates of certification authorities were only obtained from the cacert.pem file. Improved usability of self-signed certificates in the enterprise environment.
Server clusters.
You can specify the user on whose behalf the cluster manager (rmngr) is started, and it can be different from the user on whose behalf the cluster agent (ragent) is started.

You can specify users on whose behalf the cluster manager (rmngr) and working processes (rphost) is started for each cluster on a given computer.

You can specify a custom cluster register directory for each cluster manager (rmngr) on a given computer.

The following parameters and parameter groups are implemented for the swpuser.ini file:

  • the rmngr_user and rmngr_pass parameters
  • the registry parameter
  • the <PortName:> parameter group, which can contain all of the swpuser.ini file parameters.
Only the user on whose behalf the working process (rphost) was started could be changed. You can increase server cluster security in scenarios like this: service users use their own applied solutions, external data processors, and add-ins whose access to the server cluster computer infrastructure should be restricted.
Data access restrictions.
Access restriction template parameters that are specified in comments are not replaced by actual values when the template is applied.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

Access restriction template parameters that were specified in comments were not replaced by actual values when the template was applied. Increased stability of the access restriction system in some scenarios.
Data composition system.
The option to use nested reports during the export of data composition result to a value collection is implemented.

Columns with duplicate names are never created during the export.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The option to use nested reports during the export of data composition result to a value collection was not available.

The check for duplicate column names was never performed during the export, so columns with duplicate names might be created.

Extended data composition system functionality.
Data composition system.
When additional data is displayed for hierarchical records, hierarchical record data is used.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

When additional data was displayed for hierarchical records, the detailed record data was used. Reports display expected data: if a report contains a table with hierarchical groupings in its rows, the data obtained from the hierarchical records is displayed in the columns of additional data for hierarchical grouping rows, not from the detailed records, as it was implemented earlier.
Data composition system.
The value assigned to the Text conditional appearance parameter, which is enabled, is applied to fields of predefined grouping templates and fields of data composition system reports.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The value assigned to the Text conditional appearance parameter, which was enabled, was not applied to fields of predefined grouping templates or fields of data composition system reports. Predefined grouping templates can be used together with the Text parameter of data composition conditional appearance.
Data composition system.
The appearance of cells that store parent grouping fields is based on the field expressions obtained for the current grouping.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The appearance of cells that stored parent grouping fields was based on the field expressions obtained for the parent grouping. The cell appearance is formed as expected.
Dynamic lists.
If the platform cannot generate the list of available dynamic list settings, an exception is generated and the form is not generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

If the platform could not generate the list of available dynamic list settings, no exceptions were generated and the managed form continued functioning as if the dynamic list data source did not have any fields available. All of the form items related to dynamic list data disappeared from the managed form. Improved error diagnostics during dynamic list operations.
Data composition system.
The data composition template composer uses detailed data set fields for hierarchical grouping records. You can use the EvalExpression() function for getting hierarchical record values within aggregate functions.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The data composition template composer used hierarchical data set fields for hierarchical records (provided that the fields were available in the set). You can use all detailed record fields in aggregate functions calculated for hierarchical records.
1C:Enterprise script.
The FindMarkedForDeletion() method only processes data available to the current user.

In the Syntax Assistant, the descriptions of the FindByRef() and DeleteObjects() methods are modified to describe their actual behavior.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The FindMarkedForDeletion() method did not check data access rights. If access was denied, a run-time error was generated.

In the Syntax Assistant, the descriptions of the FindByRef() and DeleteObjects() methods did not describe their actual behavior.

The generation of run-time errors during the search for objects marked for deletion is eliminated in scenarios where the user does not have access rights for all objects involved in the search.

The description of the system behavior is now correct.

Managed forms.
In the thin client, in the OnOpen managed form event handler, if the Cancel parameter is set to TRUE, the OnClose event handler and the notification set in the OnCloseNotifyDescription managed form property are not called.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

In the OnOpen managed form event handler, if the Cancel parameter was set to TRUE, the OnClose event handler and the notification specified in the OnCloseNotifyDescription managed form property had the following behavior:
  • they were called in the thin client;
  • they were not called in the web client.
Uniform system behavior across multiple client applications.
Automated testing.
New automated testing features:
  • Operations with performance indicators. For the TestedApplication object, the GetAccumulatedPerformanceIndicators() and ClearAccumulatedPerformanceIndicators() methods are implemented.
  • Support of the following managed form items: progress bar fields and track bar fields. The Tumbler radio button field type is now supported.
  • Extended managed form table operations:
    • Deletion mark management. For the TestedFormTable object, the SwitchRowDeleteMark() method is implemented.
    • Setting row selection and getting selected rows. For the TestedFormTable object, the SelectAllRows() and GetSelectedRows() methods are implemented. For the GotoRow(), GotoFirstRow(), GotoLastRow(), GotoPreviousRow(), and GotoNextRow() methods, the Select parameter is implemented.
    • Ordering table data. For the TestedFormTable object, the SetOrder() method is implemented.
  • Expanding and collapsing managed form groups. For the TestedFormGroup object, the Collapse(), Expand(), and GetCurrentPage() methods are implemented.

The GetCurrentAreaText() method of the TestedFormField is declared obsolete. It is recommended that you use the GetAreaText() method of the TestedFormField object.

In the event of unexpected shutdown of a client application the user actions are automatically recorded to the user action log (provided that the user action log recording is enabled). A dump is also recorded to the dump directory.

The data processor that converts the log of user actions to a 1C:Enterprise script scenario is updated


Operations with performance indicators were not supported, as well as managed form table and managed form group operations.

Progress bar fields, track bar fields, and the Tumbler radio button field type were not supported.

In the event of an unexpected shutdown of a client application, the user actions were not recorded to the user action log and the accumulated action log was lost.

New automated testing features. Reduced number of manual operations during the testing.
Data display.
In sessions that do not have user interface (background and scheduled jobs, web services, and so on), the BriefErrorDescription() and DetailErrorDescription() method generate results that exactly match the results provided by these methods in managed application client sessions.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

In sessions that did not have user interface (background and scheduled jobs, web services, and so on), the BriefErrorDescription() and DetailErrorDescription() methods generated results that exactly matched the results provided by these methods in ordinary application client sessions. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Common objects.
When a configuration is saved, a check for style elements whose names match the values of the corresponding system value sets is performed:
  • For style elements of Color type: the StyleColors system value set
  • For style elements of Font type: the StyleFonts system value set
  • For style elements of Border type: the StyleBorders system value set

If such elements are found, an error is displayed and the configuration is not saved.

When a configuration was saved, a check for style elements whose names matched the values of the corresponding system value sets was not performed. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

Eliminated situations where two values with the same name were present in a single system value set whose values were connected to style elements.

Internet-enabled functionality.
In the parsing of Internet mail messages, the message validity check is implemented. The check is available both for messages received from the server and during the generation of outgoing messages using the SetSourceData() method of the InternetMailMessage object. For the InternetMailMessage object, the ParseStatus property is implemented.

In the technological log, the <MAILPARSEERR> event is implemented.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

Detection of invalid mail messages resulted in an unexpected shutdown. Improved system reliability during email operations in scenarios where email messages being processed contain errors.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For the SetBodyFromString() method of the HTTPRequest and HTTPServiceResponse objects, the UseBOM parameter is implemented. It manages the availability of BOM in the specified text.

In version 8.3.5 compatibility mode, the BOM mark is added by default.

This feature was not provided. Simplified interaction with systems that do not expect BOM in HTTP queries.
Ordinary forms.
The Name property of ordinary form items is read-only.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The DBMS request based on the VALUETYPE function was more complicated. Eliminated issues that occurred when a DBMS could not process a complex request.
OData operations.
The list of functions supported by OData standard interface is revised. The description of mod function is removed from the documentation. The documentation stated that the mod function was supported by standard Odata interface.

The documentation describes the actual platform behavior.

File operations.
Client application.
Both in thin and thick clients, when a file is obtained interactively using the GetFile() method with the "open file" option, the search for associated application is performed (by the file extension). If an associated application is found, a system dialog box for selecting an application to open the file is displayed. If an associated application is not found, getting the file is canceled.

In the web client, the behavior is not changed, so it is now uniform with the behavior of thin and thick client applications.

In both thin and thick clients, when a file was obtained interactively using the GetFile() method with the "open file" option, the search for associated application was performed (by the file extension). If an associated application was found, the file was opened using this application. If an associated application was not found, getting the file was canceled.

The web client displayed a system dialog box for selecting an application to open the file.

Eliminated the difference in the web client, thin client, and thick client behavior.
File operations.
Web client.
The File object constructor with a file name parameter is available regardless of the Synchronous call usage mode for extensions and add-ins configuration property value. Configuration verification and refactoring no longer treat the File constructor with a file name parameter as a legacy synchronous call. Execution of this constructor no longer causes an exception in 1C:Enterprise mode.

In the web client execution of File constructor with a file name parameter no longer requires installing the file system extension.

The descriptions of File constructor without parameters and File.BeginInitialization() methods are removed from the documentation. The File.BeginInitialization() method is supported for compatibility purposes.

The File object constructor with a file name parameter was available when the Synchronous call usage mode for extensions and add-ins configuration property was set to Use or Use with warnings. Configuration verification and refactoring treated the File constructor with a file name parameter as a legacy synchronous call. If the Synchronous call usage mode for extensions and add-ins configuration property was set to Do not use, execution of this constructor caused an exception in 1C:Enterprise mode.

In the web client execution of File constructor with a file name parameter required installing the file system extension.

Operations with the File object that do not require access to the file system (such as getting a file extension) no longer require installing the file system extension.
Internet-enabled functionality.
IDs of email messages received using IMAP do not depend on whether you specify the mailbox by name or use the default one.

Once you disable the compatibility mode, the option to map messages to each other using the InternetMailMessage.MessageID property becomes available.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

IDs of email messages received using IMAP did not depend on whether you specified the mailbox by name or used the default one. You can unambiguously identify each email message, regardless of the selected mailbox. This simplifies the algorithm for distinguishing between received and new messages.

Web client.
System requirements.
The list of supported web browsers includes Google Chrome for x86-64 architecture. The platform uses 32-bit versions of add-ins and extensions with this browser. The list of supported web browsers did not include Google Chrome for x86-64 architecture. Extended list of supported web browsers.
Data composition system.
When columns of a data composition system report template are output to a value tree or a value table, invalid characters are removed from column names.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 repository compatibility mode.

When columns of a data composition system report template were output to a value tree or a value table, the column names matched the field names. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
In the add-in development technology, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome support (for all Windows, Linux, and MacOS X architectures) is now uniform. The xulrunner utility is no longer required for building add-ins and is removed from the distribution kit.

It is recommended that you build new installer packages (.msi and .sh) for Mozilla Firefox and create a new archive with version 40.* specified in the manifest. For support of earlier platform versions, also add legacy (.xpi) packages to the archive with version 31.0 specified in the manifest.

The add-in development technology documentation and examples are updated accordingly.

Add-ins created for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome were different. The xulrunner utility was used to build Mozilla Firefox add-ins. Support of add-ins for browsers that no longer support legacy add-in creation functions is implemented.
Predefined data.
The configuration check that is always performed before database configuration update includes a check for uniqueness of predefined item names. No duplicate predefined item names are allowed for any configuration object. If duplicate predefined items are found, this is reported to the message window but does not prevent the configuration update. The configuration check that is always performed before database configuration update did not include a check for uniqueness of predefined item names. Improved reliability of configuration updates for configurations that include predefined data.

Next page: Renamed objects

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