Functionality After Before Result of changes
Client application installation. While the client application is being updated via the Internet, a dialog box displaying the progress of downloading the distribution kit from the server is being displayed. You have the option to cancel the download.

While the client application was being updated, the progress of downloading the distribution kit was not displayed.

Improved process of updating the client application using Internet services: the progress is displayed and the download can be canceled.
Client application. The Help window is opened like any other form:
  • In the Forms in separate windows mode, it is opened in a separate window.
  • In the Forms in tabs mode, it is opened in a tab.
  • In the Taxi mode, it is opened in the main window working area.
  • If help is opened from a form that locks the entire interface, it is opened on top of all windows and locks the entire interface.
  • If help is opened from a modal form, it is opened in a modal form.

The help command bar is modified.

The search is started either when the focus leaves the search text box or when the user clicks Find.

Help was always opened in a new window, regardless of the main application window interface settings.

The help command bar had different content.

The search started while the search expression was still being typed (during a pause in the typing).

The behavior of the Help window is unified with other forms.
Configuration installation. New splash screen in the configuration installation wizard. The configuration installation wizard used a different splash screen. The configuration installation wizard and the platform installation wizard have uniform looks.

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