By default, 1C:Enterprise 8 converts Date and Number values to string format according to regional settings. The default regional settings depend on language (country) settings specified during Infobase creation. You can change Infobase language (country) in Designer (on the Administration menu, click Infobase regional settings). This dialog box also allows you to specify parameters for displaying dates, numbers, and Boolean values. For example, you can remove triplet separators from long numbers in a specific Infobase.

The standard English(US) number presentation includes separating triplets by commas and using a period as a decimal point character.

Note that the same rule is applied to the conversion of all numbers to string format, regardless of number meaning. This is because the number only stores its absolute value and sign, and does not store any data related to its meaning. Therefore, numeric catalog codes and the like are formatted just like any other number, with triplets separated. You can also note that only the significant figures of the fractional part are displayed, regardless of the number of digits allocated for the number (for example, in a document attribute). In other words, a number itself does not contain information about the number of digits in it and therefore is converted to string format according to the common rule. To display a number in string format with specific formatting, use the Format() function or specify the format string in object properties (for example, in the spreadsheet document cell properties).

If you specify space as a triplet separator, the platform converts it to a nonbreaking space. This ensures that numbers in string format are never carried over to the next line. For example, if an agreement includes the total amount, the number must not be carried over in the print layout. You can get the nonbreaking space character from the Chars system value set using the following syntax: (Chars.NBSp).

Next page: Understanding "empty" values

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