Functionality After Before Result of change
 1C:Enterprise software system. 1C:Enterprise version is changed to 8.3.

Installation directories are changed:

  • For Windows: C:\Program Files\1cv8;
  • For Linux: /opt/1С/v8.3.

Names of installation files are changed:

  • For Windows: 1CEnterprise 8*.msi;
  • For Linux: 1С_Enterprise83*.

Names of COM objects are changed: V83.Application, V83.ComConnector.

The server service name is :

  • For Windows: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Server Agent;
  • For Linux: srv1cv83.

The default name of the user on whose behalf the server service starts is usr1cv8.

Default template directory is changed: %APPDATA%\1C\1Cv8\tmplts.

Add-in installation directory is changed: %APPDATA%\1C\1Cv8\ExCompT.

1C:Enterprise version was 8.2.

Installation directories had the following names:

  • For Windows: C:\Program Files\1cv82;
  • For Linux: /opt/1С/v8.2.

Installation files had the following names:

  • For Windows: 1CEnterprise 8.2*.msi;
  • For Linux: 1С_Enterprise82*.

COM objects had the following names: : V82.Application, V82.ComConnector.

The server service had the following name:

  • For Windows: 1C:Enterprise 8.2 Server Agent;
  • For Linux: srv1cv82.

The default name of the user on whose behalf the server service started was  usr1cv82.

Default template directory was %APPDATA%\1C\1Cv82\tmplts.

Add-ins installation directory was %APPDATA%\1C\1Cv82\ExCompT.

Due to the version number change, names and identifiers that include the version number are changed.
Applied objects. In a document journal the attribute containing the document number is generated with fixed length if all documents included in the journal have a number field of String type of fixed length. Otherwise, the journal field will have variable length. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode. In a document journal the attribute containing the number of documents was always generated with fixed length. The document number is retrieved in a uniform way, which does not depend on the retrieval method (from the document itself or from the document journal).
Spreadsheet document. When any of the spreadsheet document methods Show(), Print(), Hide(), and Write() is called at server or in an external connection with the SpreadsheetDocumentFileType parameter set to XLS95, an exception occurs. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode. When the method was called at server or in an external connection, this did not lead to an error, but the method did not perform any actions either. Simplified detection of configuration errors related to specifying incorrect file type when working with a spreadsheet document at server or in an external connection.
Working with queries. Specifying type qualifiers in the Type() function of the query language is not allowed. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode. Specifying type qualifiers for the Type() function was allowed, but it did not affect the returned values. Implemented a check that eliminates the chance to misuse the query language syntax.
Spreadsheet document. Print scaling of a spreadsheet document does not affect its margin size. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode. Print scaling of a spreadsheet document affected its margin size. Independent management of margin size and print scaling.
Data composition system. When data composition result is put into a collection of values, fields belonging to different groups and referencing to the same data composition field are put in the same collection column. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode. When data composition result was put into a collection of values, fields belonging to different groups and referencing to the same data composition field were put in different collection columns. Output of the result to a collection is performed in the same way as output of the result to a spreadsheet document.
Command interface.

1C:Enterprise script.

Format of navigation links to navigation points generated by standard command is modified to the following: e1cib/navigationpoint/Purchases/Catalog.Products.OpenList (example link). The former navigation link format is also supported.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

Navigation links to navigation points generated by standard commands had the following format: e1cib/navigationpoint/Purchases/Catalog.Products.Command.OpenList (example link). Unified usage of metadata names.
Operating with DBMS.

External data sources.

If the Name in the data source property of an external data source field contains a value enclosed in single straight quotation marks, when a DBMS query is generated, this value is not enclosed in double straight quotation marks. Otherwise, if the field value contains special characters, it is enclosed in double straight quotation marks. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode. If the Name in the data source property of an external data source field contained special characters (including single straight quotation marks), the value was enclosed in double straight quotation marks. Compatibility with DMBS that use different field description syntaxes in their query and database fields (for example, MySQL).
Software licensing. The search for available licenses covers all folders where they might be located. The search for available licenses only covered *.lic files stored in the first folder of the list and skipped any other folders where the license files might be located, regardless of whether the license was found in the first folder. Increased flexibility of the licensing mechanism. Elimination of problems that occured when the license files were located in multiple folders (for example, the first folder that was searched contained a server license, while another folder contained a multiuser license).
Managed form. In managed forms, the platform does not read data from hidden dynamic lists. When a form is opened, the value of the CurrentRow attribute of the managed form table connected to the dynamic list is Undefined. The CurrentRow attribute value is changed at the moment when the table is displayed to the user. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode. In managed forms, the platform read data from all dynamic lists, whether they were displayed on the form or not. Reduced time for opening forms that contain multiple pages with dynamic lists.
Functional options. Managed form. Behavior of the following form elements related to functional options is modified:
  • Form attributes of reference type are disabled if configuration objects that determine their type are disabled by functional options. Form attributes of complex type are disabled if functional options disable all types that form the complex type.
  • Form attributes of <Type>Object type (e.g., the main attribute of the form) are disabled if configuration objects that determine their type are disabled by functional options.
  • Form tables are disabled if they display data belonging to attributes disabled by functional options.
  • Types are not included in type selection dialogs (e.g., in text boxes connected with attributes of complex types) if configuration objects that determine these types are disabled by a functional option. Information on types disabled by functional options is cached at the client and is cleared in 20 minutes or when the RefreshInterface() method is called.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

Attributes and form elements had the following behavior:
  • Form attributes of reference type were not disabled when configuration objects that determined their type were disabled by functional options.
  • Form attributes of <Type>Object type were not disabled if configuration objects that determined their type were disabled by functional options.
  • Form tables were not disabled if they displayed data belonging to attributes disabled by functional options.
  • Type selection dialogs contained all types, including those disabled by functional options.
Increased effect of default functional option values on the data composition system. Unification of functional option effect on various application elements.

Functional options.  Data composition system. Functional option effect on the data composition system is modified:
  • A data composition system field becomes unavailable if it is connected to attributes whose types are disabled by functional options.
  • A query table and attributes of this table become unavailable if a functional option disables the configuration object forming this table.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

The data composition system did not disable fields or query tables connected to data whose type was disabled by functional options. Increased automatic effect of functional options on the data composition system. Unification of functional option effect on various application elements.
Functional options. Command interface. Commands of the command interface become unavailable in the following cases:
  • An attribute, which is a command parameter, is disabled by a functional option.
  • A command parameter type is disabled by a functional option. If the command parameter has complex type, the command becomes unavailable if all of the parameter types are disabled.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

The command availability was not changed if the availability of the attribute, which was used as a parameter for the command, was changed, or when the command parameter type was disabled by a functional option. Increased effect of functional options on the data composition system. Unification of functional option effect on various application elements.
Data composition system. Spreadsheet document. You can fix rows and columns of a spreadsheet document using the FixedLeft and FixedTop output parameters. If the fixed area exceeds the displayed area, the fixing is automatically turned off. The data composition system always used fixing of rows and columns in reports. In spreadsheet documents the fixed area might be larger than the displayed area. Improved usability of row and column fixing in reports. Users can disable fixing in reports when they find it inconvenient. Fixing is disabled automatically when it does not allow scrolling of the spreadsheet document.
Managed form. It is recommended that you use methods SetObjectAndFormConformity() and GetObjectAndFormConformity().

Methods SetObjectAndFormAttributeConformity() and GetObjectAndFormAttributeConformity() are declared deprecated, they are only supported for compatibility purposes.

Methods SetObjectAndFormAttributeConformity() and GetObjectAndFormAttributeConformity() were not declared deprecated. New methods with enhanced functionality are implemented, while the old ones that provide similar functionality are declared deprecated.
Lock manager. When using the Range object constructor, an exception is thrown if the left range boundary is greater than the right one. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode. Using the Range object constructor was allowed when the left boundary of the range was greater than the right one. Elimination of unpredictable behavior of the managed locks manager. Elimination of developer errors.
Managed locks. When a managed lock is set in the file mode of the infobase, types are validated for the values located in the DataSource attribute of the DataLockItem object. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode. Validation of the value types was not performed in the file mode. Unified behavior in the file and client/server modes. Easier detections of errors in the applied solution.
1C:Enterprise script. An attempt to assign a value to an item of a fixed structure causes an exception. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode. An attempt to assign a value to an item of a fixed structure did not cause an exception, and the value was not assigned. Behavior of fixed structures is similar to behavior of other fixed collections.
Web client. System requirements. Mozilla Firefox versions 3.0 and 3.5 are no longer supported. Mozilla Firefox versions 3.0 and 3.5 were supported. Increased web client stability, as web browsers with issues, non-standard behavior, and low popularity are no longer supported.
Web client. System requirements. Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 is no longer supported. The warning that was displayed when the web client was started in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 is changed to the warning about unsupported web browser. Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 was supported. Increased web client stability, as web browsers with issues, non-standard behavior, and low popularity are no longer supported.
Spreadsheet document. Whenever a spreadsheet document is transferred between the client and the server, the values of its ReadOnly and Protection properties are preserved.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

Whenever a spreadsheet document was transferred between the client and the server, the values of its ReadOnly and Protection properties were set to False. Whenever a spreadsheet document is transferred between the client and the server, its properties are preserved in a uniform way.
Formatted document. Formatted document object model is extended. The document text consists of paragraphs of various types, which are included in the paragraph collection. A paragraph consists of items included in the formatted document item collection. Functionalities for paragraph and item management are implemented.

Methods GetItems() and GenerateItems() return the array of formatted document items located between the specified bookmarks. Method FindText() returns the formatted document area (FormattedDocumentRange object) that contains the specified text.

The ItemType parameter type in methods Add() and Insert() of the FormattedDocument object was changed.

Methods Add() and Insert() of the FormattedDocument object return the added/inserted item.

You can add a picture by specifying its URL (in text format).

It is recommended that you do not add or insert pictures using binary data, this options is present for compatibility purposes only. It is recommended that you use the Picture object for inserting pictures.

Formatted document text was not represented as an object model. You can implement various text processing algorithms that are based on standard formatting elements (paragraphs, lists, and so on). Automated text generation is now simpler.
Data access restriction. If the Update right of an object includes data access restrictions with conditions that apply to tabular section attributes, writing the object after it was modified is only allowed if tabular section data before and after the modification match the data access restrictions.

Requests from data access restrictions to tabular sections increase the processing time.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

If the Update right of an object included data access restrictions with conditions that applied to tabular section attributes, then whenever tabular section attributes were modified, their compliance with the data access restrictions was not be verified. Data access restrictions apply to object data and object tabular section data in a uniform way.
Operating with DBMS. For complex Oracle Database queries of certain type, DBMS request generation rules are modified. Cases that led to DBMS errors are eliminated. A slowdown in DBMS request execution can occur if there are many join operations. It is recommended that you do not use queries with a large number of join operations. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode. When executing complex Oracle Database queries of certain type, DBMS errors might occur in some cases. Improved stability when using Oracle Database.
Internet-enabled functionality. You can use secure versions of SMTP and POP3.

The following properties are implemented for the InternetMailProfile object: SMTPUseSSL, POP3UseSSL, IMAPSecureAuthenticationOnly, SMTPSecureAuthenticationOnly, and POP3SecureAuthenticationOnly.

POP3 supports the GetMessageCount() method of the InternetMail object.

It is recommended that you do not use SMTPAuthentication and POP3Authentication properties of theInternetMailProfile object, as well as  SMTPAuthenticationMode and POP3AuthenticationMode enumerations. SMTPAuthentication and POP3Authentication properties, as well as SMTPAuthenticationMode and POP3AuthenticationMode enumerations are supported for compatibility. It is recommended that you use SMTPSecureAuthenticationOnly and POP3SecureAuthenticationOnly properties of the InternetMailProfile object.

The InternetMail object did not supportsecure versions of SMTP and POP3. You can use secure versions of SMTP and POP3.
Working with Internet. Default values are changed for InternetMailProfile object properties that store port numbers:
  • The default SMTPPort value is 0, which means port 25 for nonsecure connections and port 465 for secure connections.
  • The default POP3Port value is 0, which means port 110 for nonsecure connections and port 995 for secure connections.
  • The default IMAPPort value is 0, which means port 143 for nonsecure connections and port 993 for secure connections.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

The InternetMailProfile object properties that store port numbers had the following default values:
  • SMTPPort - 25.
  • POP3Port - 110.
  • IMAPPort - 143.
Simplified port setup for the InternetMailProfile object. In most cases the default port values suffice.
Managed form. Changed the behavior of the drop-down list in form fields that contain reference data types, enumerations, or system enumerations. Changed the look and behavior of the drop-down list. The system storage settings now store the history of previously selected values (the ChoiceHistory setting).

If user-generated lists, using a value of the FormattedString type as a value presentation is allowed.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

The drop-down list had a different look and behavior. The choice list did not appear in the drop-down list. Better usability of fields, which display data of reference types, enumerations, or system enumerations.
Working with Linux OS. The configuration utility for Linux is named config_system. The configuration utility for Linux was named config_server. The new utility name provides a better description of its purpose because it performs the environment check not only at the server side, but also at the client application side.
Administration. The location.cfg configuration file stores the list of directories where 1C:Enterprise searches for system data.

During the installation of version 8.3, the search for data (user profiles, configuration files, software license files, etc.) belonging to version 8.2 is performed in directories available to the current user. If directories with data belonging to version 8.2 are found, then location.cfg files are generated in the directories intended for storing data in version 8.3. These files contain links to directories with data from version 8.2. Therefore, installing the new version does not require transferring all data and settings from version 8.2 directories to version 8.3 directories.

This feature was not provided. After installing version 8.3, you can use a single list of settings for version 8.2.16 and version 8.3.
Software licensing. If the software license is activated "for all users" or using 1C:Enterprise server, the following directory is used for storing software licenses:
  • on Windows: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\1C\licenses (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1C\licenses - for Windows Vista and later);
  • on Linux: /var/1C/licenses.

The directory is created during 1C:Enterprise installation.

Rights for accessing the created directory are granted depending on the operating system being used:

  • On Windows, read and write rights are granted to the user under whose account the server service runs. If the service is not installed, the rights for accessing the directory are not changed.
  • On Linux, the user group grp1cv8 is created. All users under whose names the server daemon runs must be included into this group. The following rights are set for the created directory: owner - root, rights - read and write; owner group - grp1cv8, rights - read and write; other users are granted the read only right.

Only users with administrative rights can obtain a client license "for all users".

The following directory was used for storing the software license files:
  • on Windows: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\1C\1Cv82\Conf (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1C\1Cv82\Conf for Windows Vista and later);
  • on Linux: ~/.1cv82/conf.

On Windows, the directory was used when the software license was activated "for all users", and on Linux - when the software license was activated using 1C:Enterprise server.

Administration of software license files is made easier. 1C:Enteprise versions 8.2.16 and 8.3 can use the same set of licenses when their software licenses are activated "for all users" or using 1C:Enterprise server.
Server cluster.  Administration tools. The server cluster administration scheme is modified. The management of cluster processes and function distribution between these processes are performed automatically, and therefore the option to manage them manually is removed. You can affect the automatic distribution process by creating service cluster assignment rules or working server connection rules. The server cluster is functional until at least one working server marked as central server is running. The server cluster availability is defined by the Fault tolerance level parameter (the maximum number of working servers that can become unavailable without service interruption).

In the cluster console, the server cluster is displayed by its name (the Cluster name property), not by its port.

The software tools for administering server cluster version 8.3 are not compatible with the software tools for administering server cluster version 8.2.

The SessionFaultToleranceLevel property is implemented for the IClusterInfo object.

For the IWorkingServerInfo object the following properties are implemented: MainServer, ClusterMainPort, DedicatedManagers, InfoBasesPerWorkingProcessLimit, ConnectionsPerWorkingProcessLimit, and WorkingProcessMemoryLimit.

The IAssignmentRule object is implemented, it allows to manage the functionality of working servers.

The list of required functionality assignments is available via the IServerAgentConnection object and the cluster console.

For the IServerAgentConnection object the following methods are implemented: RegAssignmentRule(), UnregAssignmentRule(), GetAssignmentRules(), CreateAssignmentRule(), and ApplyAssignmentRules().

The properties of IWorkingProcessInfo, IClusterManagerInfo, and IClusterServiceInfo objects are read-only.

For the IServerAgentConnection object the following methods are removed: CreateWorkingProcessInfo(), RegWorkingProcess(), UnregWorkingProcess(), StartWorkingProcess(), StopWorkingProcess(), SetWorkingProcessUsage(), SetClusterMultiProcess(), SetWorkingProcessCapacity(), SetClusterDescription(), CreateClusterManagerInfo(), RegClusterManager(), UnregClusterManager(), RegClusterService(), UnregClusterService(), CreateStandbyClusterItem(), RegStandbyCluster(), UnregStandbyCluster(), and GetStandbyClusterList().

The IStandbyClusterItem object is deleted.

The SyncPort property is deleted for the following objects: IWorkingProcessInfo, IClusterManagerInfo, IWorkingServerInfo, and IClusterInfo.

Management of cluster processes and function distribution between these processes could only be performed manually. The server cluster was displayed in the cluster console as a port number. The fault tolerance level could not be set. Working processes are managed automatically, so that the load distribution in the server cluster is improved. At the same time, an administrator can specify working servers where certain cluster services or connections will be executed (using rules). For example, they can move the license management service to a separate working server with minimal configuration changes, or execute certain background jobs at the working server that is running Windows operating system.
Server cluster. On Linux operating system, a server is not automatically started after it is installed. On Linux operating system, servers were automatically started after they were installed. A server is not started in the environment that is not fully configured. To configure the environment, you have to run the config_system utility first, and then you can start the server.

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