The periodicity of a calculation register can have one of the following values:

  • Day
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Year

The calculation register periodicity defines the time period where each register record belongs.

If the periodicity is set to Day, each record in the register belongs to some day; if periodicity is set to Month, each register record belongs to some month, and so on.

To reflect the fact that a record belongs to a certain period, the register has the RegistrationPeriod system attribute of the Date type. When writing data to the register, the platform always sets the value of that attribute to the beginning of the period where the data belongs.

For example, if data is written to a calculation register with periodicity set to Month, and the RegistrationPeriod for that data is 4/8/2014, the register stores the data with the RegistrationPeriod value set to 4/1/2014 (fig. 17.6).

Fig. 17.6. Recording document data to a calculation register

If you set the register periodicity to Year in this scenario, the stored registration period value changes to 1/1/2014 (fig. 17.7).

Fig. 17.7. Recording document data to a calculation register

Next page: Displacement by action period

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