You can set a bookmark at any text line. Then you can quickly switch between the bookmarks.
To set a bookmark, move the insertion point to the line that you want to mark and then, on the main menu, point to Text and click Set/Clear Bookmark. The resulting bookmark is displayed as a blue square in the left border of the editor area.
To remove a bookmark, move the insertion point to the bookmark line and then, on the main menu, point to Text and click Set/Clear Bookmark.
To switch between the bookmarks, on the main menu, point to Text and then click Next Bookmark or Previous Bookmark. When you reach the end or beginning (depending on the search direction), the search continues from the beginning or end of the document.
To remove all bookmarks, on the main menu, point to Text and then click Clear all bookmarks.
When you close a document, all its bookmarks are removed.
Next page: Selecting text fragments