Functionality After Before Result of changes
Command interface. In the information register record form the system behavior has been changed in the case when the OnlyInAllActions  property of the Copy command is set to Auto. This value now means that the command is only present in the All actions menu. This change is not implemented in 8.3.1 compatibility mode. The Auto value of the OnlyInAllActions property of the Copy command meant that the command was present both in the command bar and in the All actions menu. The behavior of the Copy command in the information register record form is unified with its behavior in form of other objects.
Window management. Relative positions of the user notification window and the window showing server calls are changed.

The default position of the user notification window is the bottom right corner of the workspace area.

The default position of the window showing server calls is the bottom left corner of the workspace area.

On Windows operating system, default window positions depended on the taskbar position. On Linux operating system, default window positions were not defined. Unified default positions for the user notification window and the window showing server calls in different operating systems. Eliminated indeterminate behavior on Linux operating system.
Web client. When a pop-up window is blocked by the pop-up blocker in Google Chrome web browser, the browser displays a related setup instruction in a new tab. The browser setup instruction was displayed in a new browser window (not in a new tab) Better usability of web browser setup.
Applied objects. A value obtained from an empty table of values attributes, a value tree or a tabular section matches the default value of the column attribute type (the type qualifier is taken into account).

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

A value obtained from an empty table of values attribute, a value tree or a tabular section matched the default value of the column attribute type, but the type qualifier was not taken into account. The default value generation is uniform throughout the system.
Client application. Operating with DBMS. System requirements. Configuration repository. The mechanism of shared work with Infobase files and configuration repository files is revamped. Shared work with Infobases and configuration repositories is supported for both Windows and Linux users. For the files 1Cv8.1CD, 1Cv8tmp.1CD, 1Cv8.1CL, 1Cv8tmp.1CL, and for some other files the system creates auxiliary files that have the same names with .cfl extension added (for example, 1Cv8.1CD.cfl). These files have zero size and are never deleted on closing client applications.

Shared work with a file Infobase is only possible if all client applications have the same version number.

The number of simultaneous connections to a file Infobase is limited to 1024.

The mechanism of shared work with the file Infobase and the configuration repository did not take into account some peculiarities of Linux file system. Shared work with the file Infobase and the configuration repository is available to both Windows and Linux users. Issues related to multiuser work with file Infobases and configuration repositories on Linux operating system are eliminated.
Display of information. When you create a formatted string in Designer (in the dialog for editing a formatted string), you can use style elements (font face and color). The formatted string stores references to style elements that were used during its creation. Converting style elements to actual fonts and colors (dereferencing) is performed when the string is displayed. The dialog for editing a formatted string did not have options for specifying style elements.

Formatted strings that were created using 1C:Enterprise script and included style elements actually contained explicit font and color values (not the references).

Improved usability of formatted string creation. You can simultaneously change the formatting of all text fragments that have the same style element applied to them.
Internet-enabled functionality. If you use the InternetMail object with a mail server where secured StartTLS connection is set up to use the same ports as unsecured connection, the StartTLS connection is established.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode. 

If you used the InternetMail object with a mail server where secured StartTLS connection was set up to use the same ports as unsecured connection, the StartTLS connection was not established. You can establish a secured StartTLS connection to a mail server.
Spreadsheet document. When the Join() method of a spreadsheet document is called, the properties StayWithNext, PageTop, and PageBottom of a spreadsheet document cells area are only copied when joining is performed for the area located beyond the right border of the resulting document.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

When the Join() method of a spreadsheet document was called, properties of a spreadsheet document cells area were always copied. The Join() method handles page breaks during the output to a spreadsheet document.
Server cluster. Removing a server cluster or a working server from the cluster console requires a confirmation. Removing a server cluster or a working server from the cluster console did not require confirmation. The chance of accidentally removing a server cluster or a working server from the cluster console is decreased.
Administration tools. The URL parameter is added to the CheckInfoBases method of the WebCommonInfoBases internet service. It allows "redirection" of Infobase list requests to another internet service (provided that the other service has the same method descriptions). The other internet service can have different authentication settings. Internet service "redirection" was not available. All web service calls used the same authentication. When retrieving the list of Infobases through internet services, you have the option to use multiple services with different authentication requirements. This allows implementing scenarios of the following type: the check for Infobase list changes does not require authentication, but retrieving the list requires authentication.
Applied objects. Information registers. Attributes, common attributes (that are not separators), and resources are not read implicitly when record sets are written to information registers.

Rights to read attributes, common attributes (that are not separators), and resources are not required when writing a recordset to an information register.

Rights to read attributes, common attributes (that are not separators), and resources were required when writing a recordset to an information register. Access right restrictions for reading operations are not checked when writing a record set to an information register.

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Next page: Changes that require changes to the configuration and administrative settings

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