• Application interface appearance has been changed. New display of controls, new colors and pictures used. The interface remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • Modified display of several form elements. Table field header area increased. Left and right indents in table field cells increased. Size of panel tab size increased and space between tabs also increased. The interface is not changed in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • Windows 98, Windows Me operating systems are no longer supported.
  • 1C:Enterprise installation wizard has been changed.
  • It is now possible to install and work with multiple 1C:Enterprise versions.
  • Administrative installation eliminated, the admupd.cfg file is not installed to the platform installation folder, the /AU command line option is not supported.
  • The list of infobases is contained in ibases.v8i file located at %APPDATA%\1C\1CEstart.
  • By default, configuration files are located in the C:\Program Files\1Cv82\conf folder. The folder intended to store server cluster settings has been renamed from server to srvinfo. The servers cluster settings files (when a server is installed as a service) are located in the C:\Program Files\1Cv82\srvinfo folder.
  • New location of the templates folder. It is now possible to designate multiple templates folders. The v8cscadr.lst file is no longer used.
  • Modified names of Linux distribution packages: 1C_Enterprise-*.rpm files renamed to 1C_Enterprise82-*.rpm, 1c-enterprise-*.deb files renamed to 1c-enterprise82-*.deb.
  • To operate with servers of previous versions you need to register utility of appropriate version using RegMSC.cmd file (by default the utility of the newest version is registered). The shortcut for the server cluster administration utility has been renamed to 1C Enterprise servers.
  • Maximum size for unlimited length data decreased to 1Gb in IBM DB2 database management system and data logging introduced. When an Infobase is converted from the previous versions or when an Infobase is loaded from file, the maximum length of unlimited length data is reduced. Infobase file conversion or loading will be aborted if such an Infobase contains the unlimited length data with its actual size larger than 1Gb.
  • In 1C:Enterprise server debugging mode (launched using /debug parameter) configuration objects are loaded when required, unlike regular server operation mode, when all configuration objects are loaded. Thus configuration startup is accelerated.
  • In attributes, which are not stored in the Infobase, it is allowed to use all available types, excepting Characteristic.<Chart of characteristic types name>, to create composite type of attribute.
  • New approach to operations with text templates files. A separate templates file is used for every 1C:Enterprise script variant. It is not recommended to store custom templates files in the 1C:Enterprise installation folder. Standard templates can not be modified.
  • Totals split attribute is now enabled by default for new accumulation and accounting registers. When database configuration is updated, totals split attribute is enabled for such registers as well. When a new Infobase is created in a configuration that has totals split enabled for the registers, this attribute will also be enabled for the respective registers in this new Infobase. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • Subsystem metadata object storage manner changed in the configuration. After conversion from the previous versions for the Infobases connected to the repository, the subsystems will be displayed as new objects. It is required to lock the metadata root object and locate the subsystems to the repository.
  • Picture editor now supports alpha-channel. When editing of pictures created in the previous versions is finished, such pictures will be converted to PNG. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • In picture editor Set transparent background and Remove transparency buttons are available only for BMP, JPEG and TIFF formats.
  • When spreadsheet documents are compared, the rows added in the end of a spreadsheet document and the cells added in the end of a row, are considered to be added.
  • Reference types now have a new appearance. An appearance of a reference type now only contains the metadata object appearance.
  • The accounting register fields and the Extra Dimensions type fields now have a new appearance in the tabular section of an account form.
  • It is forbidden to enter the characters that are not allowed by XML 1.0 to the entry fields and text editor. When such a character is added interactively, the entry of the character is ignored while when a text is pasted from the clipboard, the invalid characters are dismissed and will not be contained in the pasted text.
  • The behaviour of the XSLT mechanism when transforming HTML tags has been modified. The XSLT mechanism optimizes HTML according to http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt standard, described in Chapter 16.2 HTML Output Method.
  • When using tools for working with HTML it is not allowed to use the <TABLE> element as child of the <P> element. In such a way the <P><TABLE></TABLE></P> construction is transformed to the  <P></P><TABLE></TABLE> after processing. This behaviour corresponds with the HTMLstandard (http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/text.html).
  • Text appearances have been changed for some commands of the data composition system.
  • Specifying the nonexistent fields of the DataCompositionDataParameters object in the data path in regular form calls the exception.
  • A changed text for the message that is displayed when an object is edited that has been changed by another user. The new message text: The data has been modified or deleted by another user.
  • A changed representations for error messages concerned with standard attributes. Messages have the following appearance: "FieldName" field value сause of error, for example, if catalog code is not unique, then the "Code" field value is not unique message is displayed.
  • Changed representation for information register record when error message is generated.
  • Error message that is displayed when an operation in event handler is cancelled, has been changed. The text that used to read Operation not performed has been replaced with Failed to post: "Sale of goods"!.
  • New format of an error message displayed in the event of database object lock error. Database object lock appearance changed in the cluster console.
  • The following item names were changed in the event log written as .XML: User (instead of UserID), Event (instead of EventName) and Metadata (instead of MetadataName).
  • New properties have been added to the technological log file events: SessionID – session number assigned to the current stream, AppID – client application identifier of the session assigned to the current stream. The value for the Usr property is now filled from the assigned session instead of from the connection.
  • Improved column width calculation in the data composition result output to a spreadsheet document.
  • When an external report or data processor is saved, the pictures selected from the pictures library are not converted to absolute pictures. This conversion is still carried out in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • Modified output format of InputByString metadata object property used for configuration report. Now fields’ names are displayed in the report, not representations.
  • The values of the Number and Date types are displayed in compliance with regional settings of the current session if Use regional settings of the current session property is selected in the Infobase Regional Settings dialog.
  • Values of Boolean type is displayed in compliance with platform interface language if specific values are not set in the Infobase Regional Settings dialog.
  • Values of Boolean type are displayed by Yes/ No words instead of True/ False (corresponding with platform interface language being used). Representation is not changed in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • Add-in object type and string representation are generated in accordance with what is specified in parameter of New() script operator, which is used for creating an object instance. Behaviour is not changed in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • The spreadsheet document properties Output and PageOrientation can only have the values of corresponding types. When an improper value type is assigned, an exception will be generated. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • If a nonconventional border or border color is selected for a form element (in any client and in any form view) or if a nonconventional button background color is selected for the Button, Text box, and Track bar elements, the form element will be displayed same as it was displayed in version 8.1. In 8.1 version compatibility mode the form elements are displayed the same.
  • When Tab or Shift+Tab buttons are pressed in a form table that does not contain lines or has the Row selection mode selected, it will activate either the next form element or the previous one respectively. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • For commands to operate with hierarchy (in table, spreadsheet and text documents) implemented the following keyboard shortcuts: explode node ? Shift + Alt + Gray+, collapse node ? Shift + Alt + Gray-, exlode all nodes ? Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Gray+, collapse all nodes ? Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Gray-. Only these keyboard shortcuts are used in web client. In other clients previously shortcuts can be used.
  • The titles of active columns of form tables are not highlighted. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • GetModificationTime() and SetModificationTime() methods of the File object now feature a new behavior. The time when a file was modified is either retrieved or set taking into account the time shift rules that existed at the time of modification instead of at the time of retrieving or setting such time. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • A query that contains the keyword DISTINCT and a clause ORDER BY with an expression, which is absent from selection list, is treated as invalid. An error message will be displayed. The error message will not be displayed if the version 8.1 compatibility mode is enabled.
  • If union data set is used in the data composition schema and some field is only available in one subsidiary data set, when filter is applied to this field, the composition result will only contain the records from this data set. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • If a user is not allowed to interactively view the metadata object, the composition system will treat all the object table fields as invalid. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • A new display of full names of modules in the technological log file, log file, etc. The previous display of full names of modules is used in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • The identifier assigned to a reference of a new object created by copying, will remain the same in the object procedure OnCopy() (to be used in the future during recording). The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • The Contains condition of the data composition system treats the _, %, and [ characters as regular characters instead of special ones. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • CAST query language operation will retrieve a variable-length string (without padding spaces) when it is converted to the STRING type. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • The Fixed Length String metadata attribute can not have a length over 100 characters. This limitation is not applicable to the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • In the VALUE expression of the query language when route points values are referenced, the Points term is replaced by RoutePoint. It is still possible to use the Points term for compatibility reasons.
  • The Field property of the DataCompositionAvailableField object contains the data path written using the script specified in the 1C:Enterprise Script Variant configuration property. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • The Parameter property of the DataCompositionAvailableParameter and the DataCompositionParameterValue objects contains the parameter written using the script specified in the 1C:Enterprise Script Variant configuration property. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • When data composition settings are filled by the system (in interactive editing, details processing, etc.), all the DataCompositionField properties are filled with a data path written using the script specified in the 1C:Enterprise Script Variant configuration property. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • In the color selection dialog web colors are sorted by shades. In the 8.1 version compatibility mode, the colors are sorted by their English-language names.
  • In form wizard and template wizard the name will not be changed when a synonym is changed same as the synonym will not be changed when the name is changed, if the synonym does not match the one created automatically. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • Only when the Edit right is assigned, the following rights can be assigned as well: InteractiveInsert, InteractiveDelete, InteractiveSetDeletionMark, InteractiveClearDeletionMark, InteractiveDeleteMarked, InteractivePosting, InteractivePostingRegular, InteractiveUndoPosting, InteractiveChangePosted, InteractiveStart, InteractiveActivate, InteractiveExecute. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • The ApplicationModule configuration property has been renamed to OrdinaryApplicationModule. The previous version preserved for compatibility purposes. When configuration files are dumped, the ordinary application module is dumped to a Configuration.OrdinaryApplicationModule.txt file while in 8.1 version compatibility mode it is dumped to a Configuration.ApplicationModule.txt file. When configuration files are loaded, both variants will be accepted.
  • The Client property has been renamed to Client (ordinary application). Those shared modules that have the Client (ordinary application) property checked, will be loaded in the thick client in the ordinary application mode.
  • The database that stores the 1C:Enterprise infobase now has a modified structure of tables. Some values have been changed in the Purpose column of the values table that is the result of the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method.
  • In JOIN operations on request tables applied to object tables, ON section is not allowed to access tabular sections if used object tables are object of data access restrictions. In 8.1 version compatibility mode the behavior has not changed.
  • The Type property of the DataCompositionAvailableField, DataCompositionFilterAvailableField, and DataCompositionAvailableParameter objects is not recommended for use as it has only been preserved for compatibility reasons. Instead the ValueType property should be used.
  • GroupBackColor, GroupTextColor, HeaderBackColor, HeaderTextColor properties of a spreadsheet document have been removed. These properties are supported in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • When an empty string is written into an XML-file using the WriteAttribute() or WriteText() methods (these methods can be requested between the WriteStartAttribute() and WriteEndAttribute()) of the WriteXML object, the output stream will contain the following expression: <AttributeName>="". The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode: when an empty string is written as an attribute value, nothing will be written in the output stream.
  • The Client command line parameter option has been renamed to ThickClientServerOrdinaryApplication, while the ClientServer command line parameter option has been renamed to ThickClientOrdinaryApplication, and the ExternalConnectionServer – to ExternalConnection. Use of Client, ClientServer, and ExternalConnectionServer is available in 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • If Date attribute (containing Date and Time) is edited in a field that is format string designated to display only part of the attribute (date or time), editing of one part of the attribute (date or time) will not result in modification of another part.
  • All the 1C:Enterprise 8 components are fully Unicode-applications.
  • It is now impossible to choose a character set in the font selection dialog. Unicode-fonts should be used.
  • We have switched from use of ICU 3.4 to use of ICU 4.0. ICU 4.0 is based on CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository) standard version 1.6. For more information, please visit http://www.unicode.org/cldr/. Due to updates of CLDR standard and the updated ICU version, for a number of languages and countries numbers and dates formats as well as strings sorting have been changed.
  • JIS_X0201 encoding is not supported any more.
  • Web services publishing using .1cws files is not supported. The wsinst utility removed from the delivery kit.
  • Web-service connection pool setting is performed using default.vrd file. Wsconnectionpool.xml file is not used anymore. Connection pool is enabled by default after publication.
  • New session starts and SessionParametersSettings() handler is called on each Web-service call.
  • The Type virtual field has been implemented for document journals tables. This field contains the document type.
  • If a report query uses a limitation of parameters referencing standard period dates and if some part of the date will contain an empty date, the value for this date will be treated as unassigned. If a user does not enter the end date for a custom period, it will be considered not to be designated.
  • When cells of a spreadsheet document are copied to the clipboard, the data will be stored in the clipboard in Excel97 format. This makes it possible to paste cells containing Cyrillic characters to ОpenOffice. Also, a copied spreadsheet document fragment in Excel97 will preserve the columns shift for every row of a spreadsheet document.
  • When a spreadsheet document is saved in XLS format the following conversions are performed: fonts from WindowsFonts system set are substituted by Arial font, cells are merged using new algorithm (if a spreadsheet document cell is represented by several cells in Excel and along with this a spreadsheet document is limited on the left and on the right by border or color, then Excell cells are merged). In 8.1 version compatibility mode the behavior is not changed.
  • All the system text strings generated on the 1C:Enterprise server are displayed in compliance with the interface language of the current session.
  • In 1C:Enterprise mode help can be opened from a form without selecting a topic. If no help topic has been defined for a particular form, help topic is opened for the metadata object this form belongs to while if no such topic exists, the General Information about Forms section is opened. The topic selection is preserved in 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • For the Fill Checking property a default setting has been implemented as the Display Error value for the following standard attributes: Name of an exchange plan; Owner and Name of a catalog; Date of a document; Name of a chart of characteristics; Code, Name of a chart of accounts; ExtDimensionType of a chart of accounts for extra dimensions types; Name of a chart of calculation types; CalculationType of a chart of calculation types for leading calculation types; CalculationType of a chart of calculation types for base calculation types; CalculationType of a chart of calculation types for displacing calculation types; Period of an information register; Period of an accumulation register; Period of an accounting register; RegistrationPeriod, CalculationType, BegOfActionPeriod, EndOfActionPeriod of a calculation register; Date of a business process; Name of a job. When these objects are entered and the respective attributes have not been filled, an error will be generated. The check is not performed in the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 compatibility mode.
  • The help does not have the automatically added fields and texts at the top and at the bottom (1C Company and 1C:Enterprise, configuration, and developer information).
  • In web server add-on modules operations the algorithm of designating the temporary file folder has been changed. When a query is received and a reply is sent, the default temporary files folder is the temporary files folder of the user who executes the query. When a query to a file-based Infobase is processed (it is processed directly by a web server add-on module), the default temporary file folder is 1Cv8Temp subfolder of the file-based Infobase folder. The <vrs:point> element of the default.vrd file has received an optional attribute temp that can be used to specify a temporary files folder for the operation of web servers add-on modules.
  • The Content property has been implemented for the Subsystem object. This property contains a list of all the objects belonging to the subsystem. Upon conversion from previous versions, this property is filled based on the subsystems that the configuration objects belong to. In 8.1 version compatibility mode the Subsystem property is available via the 1C:Enterprise script for the metadata objects that could belong to subsystems. Also, Content configuration property is available in the 8.1 version compatibility mode. This property is filled with references to the objects that belonged to the root element of the subsystems tree. When 8.1 version compatibility mode is disabled, the Content configuration property will be cleared and will not be available anymore in the configuration properties dialog.
  • Drop-down menu and context menu can now be scrolled using the mouse wheel if a menu can not be fully displayed. No moving up and down of the drop-down and context menus are now possible using the mouse wheel.
  • The possibility to specify using several working processes in a server cluster, Multiple Processes checkbox has been removed from the 1C:Enterprise server cluster console properties dialog. 1C:Enterprise server cluster supports running several working processes always. The value of the MultiProcess property in the COMConnector object of the Servers Cluster object is ignored (the property is preserved for compatibility reasons), the SetClusterMultiProcess() method of the Server Agent Connection object does not result in any actions and has also been preserved for compatibility reasons.
  • The Use property implemented for the IWorkingProcessInfo object. Property indicates the mode of using the working process (do not use/ use/ use as backup). The Enable property of this object is left for.
  • For the IServerAgentConnection object implemented the SetWorkingProcessUsage() method, using which you can set new value for the Use property of the IWorkingProcessInfo object. StartWorkingProcess() and StopWorkingProcessInfo() methods are left for compatibility.
  • For the IServerAgentConnection object implemented the SetClusterRecyclingExpirationTime() method, that sets time of forced termination of the working process. The SetClusterRecycling() method is left for compatibility.
  • Implemented global context methods SetSessionsLock() and GetSessionsLock() and also the SessionsLock object to control locking new infobase sessions. The global context methods GetConnectionsLock() and SetConnectionsLock() and the ConnectionsLock object the have been preserved for compatibility reasons. In the infobase properties, that are shown in the 1C:Enterprise server cluster console text Connection lock is set is changed to Session lock is set.
  • The SessionsDenied property implemented for the IInfoBaseInfo object. This property specifies if the creating new sessions is possible. The ConnectDenied property has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
  • The HTMLDocumentShell object now has a new set of methods.
  • Some element names have been changed in the servers cluster console. When the list of working processes is displayed, the computer name is now accompanied by a sequence number of the working process on this computer.
  • When executing the Lock() method, lock values are now checked in managed lock elements for all the fields for compliance with the lock field type. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • During spreadsheet document pagination on Linux-based server the size of resulting pages can differ from the size of those pages that are actually printed out. This is due to the peculiarities of font information presentation by this operating system. In this case you should change the margins for the paper.
  • Date autofilling changed for year-end (November-December): when dates are entered for the beginning of the year (January-February), the next year will be inserted. Date autofilling changed for the beginning of the year (January-February): when dates are entered for the end of the year (November-December), the previous year will be inserted unless the year is clearly designated.
  • The authentication dialog features a changed interface as well as displays the infobase name from the infobases list.
  • Presentation of 1CV8 application changed (in the ApplicationPresentation() method, system forms). Thick client is used instead of 1C:Enterprise.
  • Presentation of web servers applications changed (in the ApplicationPresentation method, system forms). Web prefix has replaced WEB.
  • Changes in color, font, and line selection dialogs in 1C:Enterprise mode.
  • When users list and active users list are accessed, by default the cursor is placed in the beginning of the list. Sort by user names is enabled by default for active users list as well.
  • Stricter operation implemented for DOM-XML name spaces. If name spaces are used, possible consequences of behavior changes should be analyzed.
  • Modified window mode for horizontal tile mode of Syntax assistant: command bar buttons are used instead of tabs Contents, Index and Search.
  • English-language version of the DefaultConstantsForm property name changed. DefaultConstantsForm is now used instead of DefaultConstantForm. It is still possible to use DefaultConstantForm for compatibility reasons.
  • English-language version of the DataCompositionSchema report property name changed. DataCompositionSchema is now used instead of CompositionDataSchema. It is still possible to use CompositionDataSchema for compatibility reasons.
  • For the Form object the WindowOptionsName form property has been renamed to WindowOptionsKey. The previous version has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
  • For the SpreadsheetDocument object the WindowOptionsName property has been renamed to WindowOptionsKey. The previous version has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
  • For the SpreadsheetDocument object the PrintParametersName property has been renamed to PrintParametersKey. The previous version has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
  • The print parameters saved with a name designated in the PrintParametersKey property of a spreadsheet document, will be preserved after the Page Setup dialog is opened, the preview window is opened and printing is executed (both interactively and software-initiated). Print parameters are saved to an Infobase. Print parameters of individual spreadsheet documents (objects) are changed independently (even if the key of print parameters is the same). The properties are filled from the print parameters saved using a key when the key was assigned. In 8.1 version compatibility mode such print parameters are not separated and are changed simultaneously.
  • The Put() and Join() methods of a spreadsheet document will result in an error if the first parameter in such methods contains a spreadsheet document area. The behavior remains unchanged in 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • The LocaleCode() global context method has been renamed to InfobaseLocaleCode(). The previous version has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
  • For spreadsheet document, geographical schema, graphical schema, and graphical schema field objects the Print() methods will accept the values of the PrintDialogUseMode type as a parameter. Use of Boolean type parameter has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
  • The WindowsUsers() method has been renamed to OSUsers(). Use of WindowsUsers() is still possible for compatibility reasons.
  • The English-language name of the OpenFile() method for FastInfosetReader and FastInfosetWriter has been changed from Open() to OpenFile(). The previous version has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
  • The name for the Transparency property has been changed to Transparent for the following objects: GeographicalSchemaPlotArea, GeographicalSchemaLegendArea, GeographicalSchemaTitleArea. The previous version has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
  • For the InfobaseConnection object we have implemented the SessionNumber property and renamed SessionStart property to ConnectionStarted. The previous name has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
  • The following pictures are only available to be selected interactively in 8.1 version compatibility mode: DocumentObject, ChartOfCharacteristicTypesObject, ScheduledJobs, CatalogObject, BusinessProcessObject, TaskObject, ChartOfCalculationTypesObject, ExchangePlanObject, ChartOfAccountsObject, InformationRegisterRecord. The following pictures have been renamed: SelectFromList to SelectValue, AddListItem to CreateListItem, NewFolder to AddFolder, EditListItem to Edit, MarkItemToDeleteFromList to MarkForDeletion, DeleteListItemDirectly to DeleteDirectly, DeleteListItem to Delete. The pictures with new names are available to be selected interactively while the pictures with older names are only available to be selected interactively in 8.1 version compatibility mode.
  • The Data Parameters tab renamed to Parameters in the automatically generated report settings forms and data composition schema wizard.
  • The report settings command text has been changed from New nested schema to New nested report.
  • In the format string editor the texts logical and logical value have been replaced with Boolean.
  • For Client/server mode the text Infobase has been replaced with Infobase Name in the About 1C:Enterprise dialog.
  • HTML-handling features returns tags in the lowercase, independently from which case was used in source HTML-text.
  • To activate the search field in Designer mode and thick client command bar use the Ctrl+Shift+D key combination. The Ctrl+D key combination is used to call the Add to favorites command of the managed application.
  • It is not recommended to include more than one type in the type of the chart of characteristics types used for storage extra dimensions of the chart of accounts, except when all types are references to database objects. This can lead to significant performance degradation.

Table of contents

Next page: Upgrading to Version 8.2 from Versions 8.1 and 8.0

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