Any 1C:Enterprise Infobase requires periodic execution of a specific set of scheduled operations.
For example, when you modify existing data or add new data, you need to create backups. If your Infobase gets out of order due to a failure, you can restore the majority of data from a backup copy. So the more frequently you use backups, the less data you need to reenter if a failure occurs.
Another example: in order to be able to use full-text search in a database, you need to index the data. This means that the full-text index should be regularly updated. How frequently? It depends on the intensity of data additions and modifications. But it is obvious that some specific interval should be used.
To automate such operations, 1C:Enterprise offers the scheduled jobs feature. You can create jobs, each of them representing a sequence of actions described using 1C:Enterprise script. You can create a schedule for each job to have it executed automatically in compliance with the schedule.
In this lesson you will study the jobs using two scheduled operations related to the full-text search: full-text indexing and index merging.
You will describe these operations using 1C:Enterprise script, as well as create schedules for automatic execution.
Next page: The task at hand