1C:AccountingSuite is a small business accounting and inventory software. The applied solution supports US GAAP and IFRS accounting, and reporting standards. The software provides full visibility into purchasing and sales transactions, automates accounts receivable and accounts payable. 1C:AccountingSuite makes managing payments, receipts, and bank transactions a breeze, providing business owners with a real-time financial snapshot of operations.
The demo version lets you:
- emulate accounting of the live business;
- learn accounting and taxes calculation;
- learn how to adjust documents and reports;
- estimate the economy on the manual labor cost;
- generate reports, including Balance sheet and Profit and loss statement;
- adjust and adapt the applied solution.
The demo version is not intended to be used in live business accounting according to limitations of 1C:Enterprise (training version).
The demo version includes:
- 1C:AccountingSuite applied solution;
- 1C:AccountingSuite user manual PDF book;
- 1C:Enterprise (training version);
- Installation instructions.
You can find this application description, download files and support in 1C:AccountingSuite section of 1C:Developer Network.
Next page: Business automation