Functionality After Before Result of changes
Collaboration system.
Implemented the correct data area switching when a collaboration server is used. If the new data area is already registered in the collaboration server, this registration will be used. This feature was not provided.

The reconnection to the collaboration server was not performed if the data area was switched.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Managed forms.
Changed the selected row view of the managed form table in the Taxi interface. The current row color now affects the selected row view. The current row color did not affect the selected row view in the Taxi interface. Improved the selected row view of the managed form table in the Taxi interface.
Development tools.
Modules locked with password are ignored in the Designer batch mode.

A diagnostic message is displayed instead.

When modules locked with password were accessed in the Designer batch mode, the password request dialog box might be displayed. Eliminated all interactive actions in the Designer batch mode, which does not support them.
Data display.
If the space is used as a group separator in the format string wizard the resulting format string the will use the nonbreaking space instead. If the space was used as a group separator in the format string wizard the space was used in the resulting format string too. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

Decreased number of issues caused by the incorrect group separator.

Collaboration system.
Implemented noncontext conversations with two participants (face-to-face). Other users can not take part in such conversations.

Implemented the CollaborationSystemConversation.Group and CollaborationSystemConversationsFilter.Group properties.

Implemented the capability to combine subscribers applications (infobases or data areas). Implemented the capability to match users of different applications. Implemented the capability to combine context conversations from different applications. Only the subscriber owner can perform the listed above actions.

The Collaboration system management standard function can now merge applications, cancel applications merging, match users and context conversations.

Implemented the CollaborationSystemUser.MappingKey property. Implemented the following methods of the collaboration system manager:

  • CurrentApplicationID()
  • GetApplication()
  • GetSubscriberApplications()
  • SetSubscriberApplicationLinks()
  • CancelSubscriberApplicationLinks()
  • GetSubscriberApplicationLinks().
These features were not provided.

The collaboration might be established only within a single subscriber application.

Expanded the collaboration system capabilities.
Development tools.
Error and warnings that are generated by the metadata check, are now displayed as dbstru type messages.

Implemented the DBRestuctError value for the error-type message. It describes the infobase restructuring error.

Implemented the CommandFormatError value for the error-type message. It describes the invalid command format error.

Error and warnings that were generated by the metadata check, were displayed as log type messages. Improved the diagnostics of issues that occur in the Designer agent mode.
Data composition system.
The composite type child fields are available in user settings if the user has the View right to at least one table of that type and the field itself. The composite type child field can be used in filters, sorting, conditional appearance and other available user settings.

Implemented the RestrictGettingFieldsByRefByViewRight property of the DataCompositionProcessor.Initialize() method.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

If the user did not have the View right to at least one table of the composite type, there were no child fields of the locked type in the user settings. The user can now obtain the child fields data that he has a View right on.
The following options are now available in the chart type input field:
  • The picture of a selected chart type is displayed in the input field.
  • The picture of chart type is displayed in the chart type selection list.
  • Implemented the autoselection when typing the chart name.
  • Implemented the input field selection button that opens the chart type selection dialog box.

Implemented the ChartTypeChooseDialog object.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

The chart type input field behavior was the following:
  • There was no selected chart type picture in the input field.
  • There was no chart type picture in the selection list.
  • There was no autoselection when typing the chart name.
  • There was no selection button that opened the chart type selection dialog box.
Improved the chart type selection in some scenarios.
Collaboration system.
The video call can not be performed if one of the participants do not have the microphone available. The appropriate message is generated.

The collaboration system displays the microphone and camera diagnostic icons during the conversation.

The hardware diagnostics was not performed before and during the video call. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Development tools.
The attribute or the tabular section can not be named Presentation if it is stored in the database.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

An attribute or a tabular section could be named Presentation, but this might cause different issues. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Managed forms.
Implemented the following changes, when managed form tabs are displayed to the left or right of the Pages item:
  • The height of tabs headers is not affected by the form height. You can now scroll tabs headers vertically if they do not fit the form height.
  • You can use the wheel button to scroll tabs headers.
  • You can now use touchscreen to scroll tabs headers in the thin client on Windows.
When managed form tabs were displayed to the left or right of the Pages, the tabs headers height was decreased to fit the form height. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Managed forms.
Mobile client.
The different form Auto values of managed form table HeightControlVariant property can now be used in configurations with version 8.3.7 or earlier compatibility mode. The different form Auto values of managed form table HeightControlVariant property were used in configurations with version 8.3.10 or earlier compatibility mode. Options of controlling the height of managed form table are now compliant with the mobile client.
Managed forms.
Dynamic lists.
If the main table of the dynamic list has both groups and elements, the form conditional appearance is applied to columns that are not linked with the main table, regardless whether the current row displays either an element or a group of the main table.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode.

If the main table of the dynamic list had both groups and elements, the form conditional appearance was applied to columns that were not linked with the main table, in the following way:
  • to a column that displays the common field (not expresiion) provided that the current row displays the main table element.
  • otherwise the form conditional appearance is applied when the current row displays the main table group.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Accounting registers.
If the Period adjustment property of an accounting register is greater than 0, the PeriodAdjustment standard attribute is displayed in the edit standard attributes form and becomes available in the StandardAttributes collection of the AccountingRegister metadata object (there is no PeriodAdjustment attribute in the StandardAttributes collection in version 8.3.12 compatibility mode). The PeriodAdjustment standard attribute was not displayed in the edit standard attributes form and was not available in the StandardAttributes collection of the AccountingRegister metadata object. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

Next page: Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

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