Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration properties.
For configuration property Compatibility mode, new value Version 8.3.15 is now implemented. Compatibility mode with versions 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, and 8.3.1–8.3.14 was available. Configurations developed using 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3.15 or earlier can now run on version 8.3.16 (without the need to update the configuration or the application data structures). This provides the option to migrate to version 8.3.16 in two stages: first, update the platform version (without any changes to the configuration), and then make the required changes and disable compatibility mode. This also gives you the option to open the infobase using version 8.3.15 after the migration to version 8.3.16, even if you disable the compatibility mode (simply enable it again).
System requirements.
Implemented Programming Training Version running on Linux and macOS. Programming Training Version ran on Windows only. Programming Training Version runs on all supported operating systems.
System requirements.
OS X family (version 10.11 or under) is no longer supported. Client application runs on macOS only (version 10.12 or above). Client application could run on OS X (version 10.8 or above). Outdated operating systems are no longer supported.
Server clusters.
Administration tools.
In client/server mode, you can now limit the number of logon attempts with an incorrect password.

The following parameters are implemented for the infobase: maximum number of failed authentication attempts before a user is blocked; a time interval during which a user who made a threshold number of authentication attempts cannot attempt authentication again; username suffixes that should be used if it is necessary to authenticate as a blocked user.

New global context property: AuthenticationLock.

New form to view authentication locks in Designer (Administration – Authentication locks). This command is available only to a user with administrative rights.

Implemented the following event log events:

  • Users. Authentication lock (_$User$_.AuthenticationLock).
  • Users. Authentication unlock (_$User$_.AuthenticationUnlock).
  • Users. Authentication unlock error (_$User$_.AuthenticationUnlockError).

New data of event log events:

  • Infobase. Infobase parameters change.
  • Session. Authentication.
  • Access. Access (only for a Z version)
  • Access. Access denied.

In the display form of the list of active users of Designer, you can now view a column with characteristics of user data separation.

This feature was not provided.

The platform did not prevent someone from guessing the password by going through the options.

Reduced the likelihood of guessing the infobase user password by going through the options.
New feature: the query language now supports grouping sets.

Upgrade: the query language now supports keywords GROUPING SETS for sentence GROUP BY.

New query language function that allows you to determine whether a function parameter can be grouped: GroupedBy().

This feature was not provided. Upgrade: grouping by several field sets is faster because grouping is performed per table scan.
Data composition system.
When using charts, you can now save a map between an object (displayed by different charts) and its color.

For charts displayed on the form, 1C:Enterprise code is required for this. For the data composition system, this feature is available using settings.

A map between an object and its color is saved to the settings system storage.

Implemented the Chart.FillSeriesColors() method.

For objects


DataCompositionGroupOutputParametersValues, DataCompositionChartOutputParametersValues, and

DataCompositionAreaChartAppearance, implemented properties ChartType.ColorsSaving and ChartType.ColorsSavingKey. New property: ProcessorOfDataCompositionResultOutputToSpreadsheetDocument.AppearanceForValues. New property: DataCompositionAreaChartGroupTemplate.Presentation.

This feature was not provided.

The same object could be displayed by charts with a different color, resulting in bad report readability.

The same object can be displayed by charts with the same color that helps make charts look better and more informative.

Collaboration system.
When using the collaboration system, you can now share your PC screen on a video call.

In the web client, screen sharing is available only in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. In the web client, Google Chrome supports sharing of the current web browser tab.

This feature was not provided. Expanded the collaboration system capabilities.
Collaboration system.
On setting the CollaborationSystemMessage.Text property of the FormattedString type from 1C:Enterprise code, appearance is saved (except pictures to be deleted). This message is displayed by the system considering its formatting. A message with appearance cannot be created interactively.

Smileys set by emoticons (Unicode characters) are now supported.

This feature was not provided. New operations with collaboration system messages.
Administration tools.
Server clusters.
You can now get a server cluster version using program administration interfaces. Getting a server cluster version is only available if a server cluster is running 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.11 or above.

Implemented ServerAdministration.GetVersion() method.

Implemented the agent version command of the rac utility.

This feature was not provided. On program administration of the server cluster, you can now determine which features can or cannot be used depending on 1C:Enterprise version the server cluster is running on.
Spreadsheet documents.
Formatted documents.
On saving a PDF document, the OpenType font is now available if it is used in appearance of the document to be saved. This feature was not provided. On saving to the PDF format, only TrueType fonts were embedded. Improved compatibility of PDF documents generated by 1C:Enterprise with different PDF document display devices.
You can now interactively change values displayed by charts of the following kinds: a line, a step, and an area (including summarized and normalized series). This feature is not provided in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

Implemented the ValuesEditMode property for Chart and ChartSeries objects. New property: ChartValue.EditMode. New event for the chart form field extension: OnEditValue.

The form field extension event for the OnChangeAreaContent spreadsheet document will be called upon interactive editing of a chart and a Gantt chart inserted into the spreadsheet document. The AdditionalParameters parameter is implemented in the handler.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

This feature was not provided.

The form field extension event for the OnChangeAreaContent spreadsheet document was not called upon interactive editing of a Gantt chart inserted into the spreadsheet document.

Improved chart interactivity.
Web client.
You can now embed the web client in third-party sites and ensure the web client interacts with these sites.

New global context property: ExternalSiteWindow. Implemented the ClientApplicationMainWindowMode.EmbeddedWorkplace system enumeration value.

Implemented the MainWindowMode command-line command for the client application and web client.

Implemented the following access rights, which allow you to start the client application in a main window mode: StandardMainWindowMode, MainWindowModeWorkplace, MainWindowModeEmbeddedWorkplace, MainWindowModeFullScreenWorkplace, and MainWindowModeKiosk.

Implemented Embedded WebClient API, which allows a site to interact with the web client.

This feature was not provided.

It was impossible to embed the web client in a third-party site.

Advanced web client features.
Spreadsheet documents.
New feature: you can save a spreadsheet document to PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3 (versions of the PDF/A format used for long-term storage).

New values for the SpreadsheetDocumentFileType system enumeration: PDF_A_2 and PDF_A_3.

Implemented two syntax options for the SpreadsheetDocument.Write() method. Implemented the Attachments parameter for the SpreadsheetDocument.BeginWriting() method.

New objects: ReadPDF and WritePDF.

It was possible to save a spreadsheet document to PDF/A-1 only. Expanded spreadsheet document export features.
Charts of characteristic types.
Implemented the FullDescription() method for ChartOfCharacteristicTypesRef and ChartOfCharacteristicTypesObject objects. This feature was not provided. Unified behavior of the chart of characteristic types and the catalog for getting an item presentation based on hierarchy.
Spreadsheet documents.
New feature: you can write a spreadsheet document (using the SpreadsheetDocument.Write() method in an option for writing to a stream) to a stream as XLSX. It was not possible to write a spreadsheet document (using the SpreadsheetDocument.Write() method in an option for writing to a stream) to a stream as XLSX. Expanded features of spreadsheet document export to streams.
Configuration extensions.
You can now create the following objects in a сonfiguration extension:
  • Constants
  • Functional options and functional option parameters
  • Filter criteria.

You can now extend the following:

  • Adopted functional options (using own and adopted objects)
  • Adopted filter criteria using attributes of own extension objects.
These features were not provided. Extended configuration extension options.
Managed forms.
New feature: you can generate a planner context menu from 1C:Enterprise code and specify an action called upon clicking (depending on the click area).

New events for the form field extension for the planner field: GenerateCommandsProcessing,



and WrappedTimeScaleHeaderClick.

New properties for the form field extension for the planner field: TimeScaleItemHyperlink, DimensionItemHyperlink, and


These features were not provided. New planner features.
Managed forms.
New feature: you can use a search string for a form table that displays a value table, a value tree, or a value list.

Search history is stored in the system settings storage with the following key: Common/TableSearchHistory/<Form name>.<Table name>.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

New feature: you can use the Find by current value command in all form tables ignoring сonfiguration compatibility mode.

The search string was available only for form tables that displayed a dynamic list. In other tables, search was done using the standard dialog box, which performed positioning.

Search by current value was not available.

Improved search in tables of managed forms, including a pictorial view of searching in the table.
Data composition system.
New feature: you can use pictures for conditional appearance of reports in the data composition system. New property: DataCompositionAppearance.Picture.

New pictures in the picture library: AppearanceGreenUpTriangle, AppearanceYellowHyphen, AppearanceRedDownTriangle, AppearanceGreenUpArrow, AppearanceGreenUpInclineArrow, AppearanceYellowUpInclineArrow, AppearanceYellowRightArrow, AppearanceYellowDownInclineArrow, AppearanceRedDownArrow, AppearanceRedDownInclineArrow, AppearanceGrayUpArrow, AppearanceGrayUpInclineArrow, AppearanceGrayRightArrow, AppearanceGrayDownInclineArrow, AppearanceGrayDownArrow, AppearanceGreenCircle, AppearanceYellowCircle, AppearanceRedCircle, AppearanceBlackCircle, AppearanceCharCheckBox, AppearanceCharExclamationMark, AppearanceCharCross, AppearanceCheckBox, AppearanceExclamationMark, AppearanceCross, AppearanceGreenFlag, AppearanceYellowFlag, AppearanceRedFlag, AppearanceFullStar, AppearanceHalfFullStar, AppearanceEmptyStar, AppearanceFilledCircle, AppearanceThreeQuartersFilledCircle, AppearanceTwoQuartersFilledCircle, AppearanceOneQuarterFilledCircle, AppearanceEmptyCircle, AppearanceFourFilledBoxes, AppearanceThreeFilledBoxes, AppearanceTwoFilledBoxes, AppearanceOneFilledBox, and AppearanceEmptyBoxes.

In conditional appearance, you can use only the above pictures from the picture library.

If the сonfiguration already has pictures with the same names, a picture from the сonfiguration is added to the collection and a warning is generated upon сonfiguration update.

This feature was not provided. Conditional appearance of the data composition system did not allow you to use pictures for conditional appearance of reports. Specifying pictures in conditional appearance of reports built using the data composition system is now easier.
For common pictures, you can now specify that a common picture is used:
  • To select a picture in a cell, an image, or a header/footer of a spreadsheet document in 1C:Enterprise mode. New property: CommonPicture.ChoiceAvailability.
  • To select to use reports of the data composition system in conditional appearance. New property: CommonPicture.AppearanceAvailability.

Property CommonPicture.ChoiceAvailability is ignored in 8.3.15 compatibility mode. Property CommonPicture.AppearanceAvailability is ignored in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

This feature was not provided. New feature: you can specify which common pictures can be used when working with a spreadsheet document in 1C:Enterprise mode and conditional appearance. As a result, there are less pictures a user can select from in these situations.
XML and XDTO support.
New feature: the platform supports XSD schemas containing types, in which attributes are defined via references to global attributes, but overriding such properties as default or fixed ones. Upon trying to use in the platform XSD schemas containing types, in which attributes were defined via references to global attributes, but overriding such properties as default or fixed ones, errors occurred when checking the XDTO model, and such schemas were not available. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
You can now build combo charts and display a secondary value scale for the following chart types:
  • Column
  • Bar
  • NormalizedColumn
  • NormalizedBar
  • StackedColumn
  • StackedBar
  • Line
  • Step
  • StackedLine
  • Area
  • StackedArea
  • NormalizedArea
  • Column3D
  • StackedColumn3D
  • NormalizedColumn3D
  • Bar3D
  • StackedBar3D
  • NormalizedBar3D

Implemented animation upon chart value change.

Implemented the SecondaryValuesAxis property for ChartPlotArea and Chart objects. New property: ChartScale.Display. New properties for the ChartSeries object: GraphicalPresentationType, AccumulationType, AccumulationGroup, UsedValuesAxis, ValuesFormatInLabels, PercentageFormatInLabels, and FormatInDataTable.

The ChartSeries.Indicator property is deprecated and supported for compatibility purposes. Use the ChartSeries.GraphicalPresentationType property instead.

The Chart.ChartType property value is Column by default.

The Chart.Outline property value is False by default.

New properties for objects DataCompositionAreaChartGroupAppearance and DataCompositionAppearance: GraphicalPresentationTypeInChart, AccumulationTypeInChart, and UsedValuesAxisInChart. New property: DataCompositionAreaChartGroupAppearance.AccumulationGroupInChart. For objects


DataCompositionGroupOutputParametersValues, DataCompositionChartOutputParametersValues, and

DataCompositionAreaChartAppearance, implemented parameters ChartType.SecondaryValuesScale and ChartType.SecondaryValuesAxis.

The ChartType.IndicatorInChart parameter is deprecated and supported for compatibility purposes. Use the ChartType.GraphicalPresentationTypeInChart parameter instead.

New parameters for the DataCompositionAreaChartGroupAppearance object: ValuesFormatInChartLabels and FormatInChartDataTable.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

It was impossible to build combo charts and display a secondary value scale.

The Chart.ChartType property value is Column3D by default.

The Chart.Outline property value is True by default.

New chart features.
Server clusters.
You can now start backup working processes. A backup working process is started in advance and server cluster overhead is synchronized for it. This feature allows you to reduce the time spent on switching the client application to a new working process in case of unexpected termination of the working process serving this client application.

A flag indicating whether backup is required is set for the infobase. The number of backup working processes is calculated from the Number of infobases per process working server property.

New properties: AdministrationInfobase.WorkingProcessesBackup and AdministrationWorkingProcess.Backup.

The following Java-based methods are implemented in the administration server interface: IWorkingProcessInfo.isReserve(), IInfobaseInfo.getReserveWorkingProcesses(), and IInfobaseInfo.setReserveWorkingProcesses().

The following items are implemented for the cluster service command-line utility (rac):

  • Reserve-working-process parameter for infobase insert and infobase update commands.
  • Reserve-working-processes field for the infobase info command result.
  • Reserve field for the process info command result.
This feature was not provided.

A new working process was started only after the current working process was terminated, which could lead to significant time delays upon client application reconnection. From the user's point of view, it looked like the client application interface froze at the time of connection to a new working process.

Reduced time delays resulting from switching the client application to a new working process. Improved application reactivity.

Next page: New functionalities and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

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