• The message file specified by the Out command line option is opened in mode allowing shared reading. When Designer is launched in the batch mode writing to this file is performed immediately, and is not buffered.
  • When operating with SMTP-server using InternetMail object, it does not disconnect from SMTP-server when the error 501 occurs.
  • If RunModeOrdinaryApplication command line option is specified in the command line of the launcher or in the additional startup options (in the Infobase options), the thick client is started with an indication of this command line option if the connection to the Infobase is performed not through a web server. If RunModeManagedApplication command line option is specified in the command line of the launcher, then the client application starts, which is selected based on the Infobase settings, specified in the list of Infobases. If any of these command line options (RunModeOrdinaryApplication or RunModeManagedApplication) is specified, then the mechanism of automatic selection of client application is disabled except for the case when a user has explicitly specified the AppAutoCheckMode option in the command line.
  • Implemented the directory to store copies of basic versions licenses (%APPDATA%\1C\licenses). If any basic licenses located in 1C:Enterprise license directories version 8.0 or version 8.1 are found upon launching of a basic version of an application, they are copied to this directory. The search for basic version licenses is performed in the following order: the directory of licenses of version 8.2, directory of copies of previous versions of licenses, directory of licenses of version 8.1, licenses of version 8.0.
  • When an Infobase is being restructured, the check of the uniqueness of the code/number (for documents, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, business processes and tasks) is performed only if the code/number length is greater than 0 and uniqueness check is enabled.
  • The Input by string right check-in managed forms is implemented for text boxes, located in the form, in the table, and cell of a spreadsheet document (if it has Contains value property set).
  • The boundary values for the display period are directly set in the virtual table parameters if the managed form displays a dynamic list which main table is a virtual table with BeginOfPeriod and StartOfPeriod parameters.
  • In Designer: available fields in the dynamic list settings dialog are displayed as fields' names, not as their presentations.
  • If in the given Infobase the first register record is written for the accumulation register or accounting register for the present set of separators, and the given register settings table is empty, then the register is locked entirely (for the current set of separators). In addition, for the turnover accumulation register the table of settings of aggregates will be locked entirely if the table of aggregate settings is empty for the given register and current set of separators.
  • If a license is not found upon client application start, then in the displayed dialog the Details button is available to view the log of the license search.
  • In the About 1C:Enterprise dialog the history of licenses which were used with the given Infobase is displayed only for users with the Administration right.
  • If a client application is connected through a web server, licenses obtained for this client application are not listed in the cluster administration console and are not saved in the list of licensed used for the Infobase.
  • During the license binding check only two first digits of Windows OS version number are used.
  • During the license binding check only absence of previously installed devices is taken into account, not the installation of new ones. The face of increasing RAM does not lead to re-obtaining the license. Re-obtaining the license is needed if the volume of RAM has become less than when license was obtained. Due to the changed rules of check of the list of devices:
    • If a license was obtained by version 8.2.14 or earlier, then the binding is checked for full match with the of list of devices.
    • If license is obtained by version 8.2.15 or older, then the binding is checked only by list of devices, installed at the moment the binding is done.
    • In order to check license binding obtained by version 8.2.14 or earlier only by list of devices installed at the moment the binding created, you need to update the license using the version 8.2.15.
  • In tabs operation mode, opening a form from a modal window is always performed in a separate window. In this case the Window parameter of OpenForm() and GetForm() methods is ignored.
  • Implemented support for time zones unknown to "1C:Enterprise". It is not recommended to store such time zones in the database or pass them to the third-party systems. If the TimeZone() method at server returns a time zone which is not supported by 1C:Enterprise, then it is recommended to use the time zone which is supported by.
  • When a configuration is loaded from a file, an update file etc., the exchange plan (with enabled Distributed Infobase property) registers only changes in the current configuration (modified, removed and added objects), not in the full configuration.
  • When establishing an encrypted connection between a client application and a cluster, as well as between the debugger and the item being debugged, the algorithm of check whether server IP-address belongs to the current host (local computer) is modified. The IP-address belongs to the current host if the list of IP-addresses of the current host overlaps the list of addresses provided by DNS.
  • The XDTO-serialization of the Picture object is modified. Picture can be successfully restored if there is a picture with the same name in the target configuration.
  • NotifyChanged() method call leads to clearing of caches relating to the changed objects at client application side.
  • In the header and footer cells of managed form tables only those lines are displayed which completely fit the cell height.
  • Implemented the possibility to call SetString() method of HTMLReader object without specifying the Encoding method parameter.
  • The 'index by dimensions' is of cluster type for new independent and non-periodic information registers. When creating first scheduled job the 'index by job' identified is cluster also. To create necessary indices in the existing Infobase one of the following actions can be performed:
    • Execute database restructuring.
    • Load Infobase from a .dt file.
  • Moved from the OpenSSL version 0.9.8a to OpenSSL version 1.0.1.
  • If InputFileName parameter is specified for GetEventLogFilterValues() and UnloadEventLog() methods, they open log file in the mode which allows shared writing. This offers the opportunity to read event log of other 1C:Enterprise operating entity.
  • For locking-type DBMS (Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2) changing Infobase users in transaction no longer conflicts with authentication process, except for the case:
    • User data were modified.
    • The transaction that the modification was done is not complete.
    • The user tries to perform authentication.
  • The latest versions of web-browsers – Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Google Chrome – are supported without specifying a specific version supported. The Microsoft Internet Explorer is supported as before – with explicit indication of supported version of the browser.
  • Recommendations for implementation of external components, compatible with "1C:Enterprise" earlier than version 8.2 are removed from the external component creation technology description.
  • The call of RepresentDataChange() or NotifyChanged() methods, or writing an object in a form it updates presentations of references in managed form tables associated with a form attributes of FormDataCollection, FormDataTree, FormDataStructureAndCollection types and in the form fields of Label type. In addition, calling the NotifyChanged() method updates presentations of references in a form fields of Text box type. Also, at writing an object in a form it updates presentations of references in the form tables, associated with dynamic lists.
  • The dialog of type selection in the client application contains only types for which the current user has the View right.
  • Table box cell (in ordinary forms) and table cell (in managed forms) displays up to 20000 characters. This restriction affects working with text from the Script and generation of the tooltip text.
  • Implemented the possibility to print spreadsheet documents in a web client using documents in PDF format. Implemented Print method setting in the web client options dialog.
  • If data composition system parameter expression contains other parameters all of these parameters have no values specified, the following is used as a value of this calculated parameter:
    • If the parameter is selected on the Parameters tab of the Settings tab of the Data Composition Schema wizard, the value specified in the data composition settings is used.
    • If the parameter is not selected on the Parameters tab of the Settings tab of the Data Composition Schema wizard, the default value of this parameter specified in the data composition schema is used.
  • If the number of managed locks in a single space exceeds 20000 in a single transaction, the lock escalation occurs and space is locked entirely.

    When using independent separators, lock escalation is performed for a single set of separators values:

    • The entire space is locked only within separator values.
    • The escalation does not affect sessions with other separator values.

Table of contents

Next page: Changes requiring changes to the configuration and administrative settings

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