1.1. Configurations must use standard and documented 1C:Enterprise features only.

1.2. Configurations must be compatible with all DBMS, operating systems, web browsers, and operation modes supported by 1C:Enterprise. In the web client, all of the key configuration features must be available without the file system extension installed, and the user interaction must be asynchronous. For more information, see the following:

In particular, the configuration check must not show any errors.

1.3. While designing technical solutions, user interface, reports and so on, we strongly recommend that you stick to the defaults of 1C:Enterprise platform. The implementation of alternate technical solutions is only acceptable in specific justified cases.

2.1. Names, synonyms, and comments of metadata objects and common modules, and any other textual information (which is visible to users or intended for developers) must comply with the language rules and, in particular, must not contain grammatical errors.

2.2. The configuration must not contain any unused metadata objects (catalogs, documents, command interface sections, and so on).

2.3. Top-level metadata objects like Catalogs, Documents, or Common modules must be sorted by name in the metadata tree. Subordinate metadata objects like attributes, dimensions, or forms must be ordered according to the implementation logic.

This rule has the following exceptions:

  • Common attributes (because the order of common attributes that serve as separators must be based on the order of setting session parameters)
  • Objects with the Delete prefix, which can be placed at the end of respective metadata branches
Next page: Metadata object names in configurations

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