There are several items that are available in each form. A form title normally contains the name of the object or the list of objects displayed in the form, which cannot be customized.
To select an item, click it, or use the arrow keys.
If an item appears shaded, it is not available for editing.
To edit an item, double-click it or press Enter.
Form items can have tooltips that describe their purpose. To view a tooltip, move the pointer over the item and wait a couple of seconds. Then, if a tooltip is available, it is displayed next to the pointer.
To navigate through form items, press Tab or Shift + Tab, or click the item that you need.
Some items (for example, the command bar) can be unavailable for navigation with Tab or Shift + Tab. To navigate to such items, click them or press Alt + F10.
To complete editing a form attribute, press Enter. This usually moves the cursor to the next form item. The movement sequence is defined by the application developer.
A form can check whether the entered data is valid and complete. If you attempt to enter invalid data, the form can display an error message.
Besides, when you complete entering an attribute, the system can perform some actions automatically (for example, fill values of other form attributes).
Saving form parameters. If a form can be resized, the form size and its position on the screen are saved when you close the form. The form items also retain the sizes they had when the form was closed.
You can customize a form appearance if the application provides this option: on the More menu, click Change form. For more information, see Customizing forms.
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