• Conversion of configurations, Infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the previous version to the version 8.2.18.
  • To create an index by the Ref field in a document journal table, you can do one of the following:
    • Make changes that lead to the restructuring of one or several selected document journals.
    • Restructure the tables during the verification and repair of the Infobase.
  • For Infobases that use the OpenID authentication, you have to change the publishing settings in the default.vrd file.
  • For the file Infobase, it is recommended that you perform the compression of Infobase tables after a transition from any of the previous versions.
  • If the current configuration is updated to a new version that has version 8.2.16 or later compatibility mode set and the update is performed using 1C:Enteprise version 8.2.15 or earlier, this can lead to mismatches between metadata description and database structure. Starting the configuration in 1C:Enterprise mode also becomes unavailable, an error occurs during the startup and the system is shut down. Mismatches occur if any of the following configuration objects are used in the applied solution: scheduled job, constant, exchange plan, accumulation register, or accounting register.

    To fix the issue, run the Infobase verification and repair. The check for mismatches between metadata description and database structure is performed every time, regardless of the states of the checkboxes in the Verifications and modes list. If the "verification and repair" operation is started in the verification only mode and mismatches are detected, a message describing the problem and the solution recommendations is displayed.

Previous version: 8.2.17

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