This article describes the requirements to 1C:Enterprise script clauses. All of the listed recommendations are mandatory unless noted otherwise.
1. Use the canonical capitalization (as in the documentation and Syntax Assistant).
endIf ENDIF endif Endif
2. In a block of several assignment operators the following alignment is acceptable:
SelectionDialog.FullFileName = FileName; SelectionDialog.Directory = PathName; SelectionDialog.Title = NStr("en = 'Select the file with the list of queries'"); SelectionDialog.Filter = NStr("en = 'Query files (*.sel)|*.sel|All files (*.*)|*.*'"); SelectionDialog.DefaultExt = "sel";
You do not have to align the operators throughout the entire module. We recommend that you align the operators located next to each other.
3. Wrap compound logical expressions within If...EndIf according to the expression wrapping rules.
4. To check the result of a function that returns a logical expression, do not use comparisons with logical constants.
If IsNew() Then
If IsNew() = True Then
5. To compare expression results, first assign the results to auxiliary variables, and then compare those variables.
Answer = DoQueryBox(NStr("en = 'The data is not saved. Do you want to save it?'"), QuestionDialogMode.YesNo, , DialogReturnCode.Yes); If Answer = DialogReturnCode.Yes Then Write(); Else Return; EndIf;
If DoQueryBox(NStr("en = 'The data is not saved. Do you want to save it?'"), QuestionDialogMode.YesNo, , DialogReturnCode.Yes) = DialogReturnCode.Yes Then Write(); Else Return; EndIf;
6. Use the system value sets whenever possible. For example, use Chars.LF instead of Char(10).
Next page: Getting object metadataSee also: