To save parameters, an add-in object can utilize 1C:Enterprise data saving algorithms by using the IPropertyProfile interface. This interface inherits from the IPropertyBag interface (a standard COM interface), with a single method difference:



Registers the list of add-in parameters with name bstrProfileName.

When saving or loading parameters, you can represent them as a tree. For that purpose, in the Read() and Write() methods, provide parameter names in the following format: Node1\Node2\...\NodeN\ParameterName:DefaultParameterValue. The parameters are stored in the profile that corresponds to the current computer - Infobase - user combination.


HRESULT RegisterProfileAs(BSTR bstrProfileName);



Type: BSTR. Name of the list of add-in parameters.

Return value:

  • S_OK - successful registration.

  • E_FAIL - an error occurred during registration. The error message is displayed in the message window.

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