Functionality After Before Result of changes
Background and scheduled jobs.
Server clusters.
Changed approach to storing background and scheduled job execution history. In client/server mode, the stored history data was broken down by infobase. The following history data is stored for each infobase:
  • Up to 1 000 1C:Enterprise script-based background jobs
  • Up to 1 0000 scheduled jobs
  • Up to 1 000 system background jobs (i.e. background jobs created by system)

For each job (background, scheduled, or system background), information about at least 3 latest job executions is saved, if possible. The three executions limit can be reduced if over 1 000 records are created for any given job type.

In file mode, the stored job history data was broken down by infobase. In client/server mode, the stored job history data was broken down by server cluster. In both cases, data was stored on the total of 1 000 jobs, regardless of job type (background, scheduled, or system background). Improved diagnostics of background and scheduled job execution when a large amount of jobs is present in the system. Reduced risk of information about rarely used 1C:Enterprise script-based background jobs being superseded by information about a large amount of scheduled jobs or system background jobs.
Data display.
For objects Chart, GanttChart, PivotChart, and Dendrogram, the default value of Font property of subordinate objects describing specific chart areas is set to Auto, meaning Normal text font. When the web client is running on Windows, the procedures of displaying charts in the web client, exporting spreadsheet documents containing charts to HTML5 format, and exporting charts to SVG format include checks for OS-based substitutions of chart fonts. If the OS substitutes chart fonts, the resulting files include the names of the fonts that are actually used. When exporting spreadsheet documents to HTML format and displaying spreadsheet documents in the web client, system fonts are not substituted by Arial; instead, the names of the fonts that are actually used are determined. For objects Chart, GanttChart, PivotChart, and Dendrogram, the default value of Font property of subordinate objects describing specific chart areas was set to Text font. When the web client was running on Windows, the procedures of displaying charts in the web client, exporting spreadsheet documents containing charts to HTML5 format, and exporting charts to SVG format included exporting fonts "as is", without attempting to determine which fonts were actually used. When exporting spreadsheet documents to HTML format and displaying spreadsheet documents in the web client, system fonts were substituted by Arial. Unified fonts used to display charts across client applications, including the web client running in a variety of web browsers. Unified fonts used to display spreadsheet documents across client applications. When exporting spreadsheet documents containing charts, original fonts used to display the charts are retained.
Binary data.
Binary data management capabilities are now expanded. Implemented bilateral conversion between binary data and the following data types: binary data array, string, binary data buffer, Base64 string, hexadecimal string, and binary data as string.

Implemented binary data usage in methods and constructors that previously supported files only. Implemented bitwise operations (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND, and inversion) for binary data stored in a binary data buffer. Implemented binary data exchange with add-ins for add-in developers (also available in the web client). Implemented getting bulk permissions when working with binary data in the web client.

Implemented direct copying of binary data from DataReader object to DataWriter object.

Implemented global context methods ConcatBinaryData(), SplitBinaryData(), GetBinaryDataFromString(), GetBinaryDataBufferFromString(), GetStringFromBinaryData(), GetStringFromBinaryDataBuffer(), GetBinaryDataFromBase64String(), GetBinaryDataBufferFromBase64String(), GetBase64StringFromBinaryData(), GetBase64BinaryDataFromBinaryData(), GetBinaryDataFromBase64BinaryData(), GetBase64BinaryDataBufferFromBinaryDataBuffer(), GetBinaryDataBufferFromBase64BinaryDataBuffer(), GetBinaryDataFromHexString(), GetBinaryDataBufferFromHexString(), GetHexStringFromBinaryData(), GetHexStringFromBinaryDataBuffer(), GetHexBinaryDataFromBinaryData(), GetBinaryDataFromHexBinaryData(), GetHexBinaryDataBufferFromBinaryDataBuffer(), GetBinaryDataBufferFromHexBinaryDataBuffer(), GetBinaryDataFromBinaryDataBuffer(), GetBinaryDataBufferFromBinaryData(), NumberFromHexString(), and NumberFromBinaryString(). Implemented the option to use binary data streams:

  • In TextReader, TextWriter, ZipFileReader, and ZipFileWriter object constructors
  • In Open() method of TextReader, TextWriter, ZipFileWriter, and ZipFileReader objects
  • In Write() method of TextDocument, SpreadsheetDocument, FormattedDocument, GeographicalSchema, and Picture objects
  • In Put() method of FTPConnection object
  • In Read() method of TextDocument, SpreadsheetDocument, and GeographicalSchema objects
  • In the following methods of CryptoManager object: Encrypt(), Decrypt(), Sign(), and VerifySignature()
  • In method CryptoCertificate.Unload()
  • In method DataHashing.Append()
  • In method FTPConnection.Get()

Implemented OpenStream() method for objects HTMLReader, HTMLWriter, JSONReader, JSONWriter, FastInfosetReader, FastInfosetWriter, XMLReader, and XMLWriter.

Implemented GetBodyAsStream() method for objects HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse, HTTPServiceRequest, and HTTPServiceResponse. Implemented method ConversionToCanonicalXML.CanonicalizeToStream().

For XSLTransform object, implemented methods LoadXSLStyleSheet() and Transform().

Implemented method ZipFileWriter.GetBinaryData().

For BinaryDataBuffer object, implemented methods WriteBitwiseAnd(), WriteBitwiseOr(), WriteBitwiseXor(), WriteBitwiseAntNot(), and Invert().

For DataReader object, implemented methods CopyTo() and BeginCopyTo().

For methods CopyTo() and BeginCopyTo() of Stream object, changed the purpose of the second method parameter and the return value: the number of bytes to be copied is passed as the second parameter, and the return value is the actual number of copied bytes. The buffer size is defined automatically. The method descriptions are now uniform with the similar methods of DataReader object. This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode.

For methods CopyTo() and BeginCopyingTo() of Stream object, the size of buffer used for copying was passed as the second parameter, and return values were not available. It is now easier to use binary data for a range of applied tasks.
Event log.
In the event log (opened from a file or otherwise), each data presentation string recorded to the log when an event was registered is only displayed to users that have the right to view this data or Administration right. If a user does not have Administration right and the data presentation is probably unavailable to them, the saved data presentation is hidden from this user. If the Data field of an event log record contains a reference and a user probably has no rights to view the related data object, the Data presentation field is blank. Access rights of the current user were not checked when displaying presentation of event log data. Users with restricted rights no longer can access data objects that are unavailable to them by accessing presentations of unavailable objects that were saved earlier.
Development tools.
In the call stack window of the debugger, implemented correct display of method parameters containing extremely long text strings or multiline strings. In this case, the presentation is based on the initial 20 characters of the parameter string appended with ellipsis (...), continued with other parameters and the closing bracket of the method. In the call stack window of the debugger, method parameters containing extremely long text strings or multiline strings were displayed incorrectly: text presentations of the following parameters (if any) and the closing bracket of the method were missing. The accuracy of data in the call stack window is improved.
Spreadsheet documents.
When exporting spreadsheet documents to XLS (Microsoft Excel 97-2003) or Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007- 2010) formats, only right-aligned cell text is converted into numeric format. The content of cells without right alignment is saved as text. This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode. When exporting spreadsheet documents to XLS (Microsoft Excel 97-2003) or Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007- 2010) formats, cell text was converted into numeric format regardless of text alignment. Exporting spreadsheet documents to XLS (Microsoft Excel 97-2003) or Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007- 2010) formats is improved.
Print tools.
Implemented settings for default page size during printing (including printing to PDF file). This feature is available both for the web client and for documents generated by scheduled jobs. Implemented the PrintSettings object. In the web client parameters dialog box, implemented Default page size settings item. This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode. A4 format was used as the default paper size. In the web client parameters dialog box, Default page size settings item was not available. When printing a document (or saving it to a PDF file) in the web client, the paper size set for the current client application is used for pagination purposes. Thus, the resulting document better satisfies user expectations. This functionality is now also available for the documents generated by scheduled jobs.
Data composition system.
When loading data composition schema and data composition settings in interactive mode, style colors and fonts not available in the current configuration are automatically removed from the schema and settings. When loading data composition schema and data composition settings in interactive mode, style colors and fonts not available in the current configuration caused XDTO data conversion errors.

Now data composition schema and data composition settings containing style colors and fonts not available in the current configuration can be used.
Dynamic lists.
Content of System fields folder cannot be used as selection fields in dynamic lists. If a dynamic list has no main table specified or the specified main table is missing a dynamic list key field, grouping fields cannot be set up for this dynamic list.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode.

Content of System fields folder could be used as selection fields in dynamic lists. If a dynamic list had no main table specified or the specified main table was missing a dynamic list key field, grouping fields could be set up for this dynamic list, resulting in data retrieval error. Eliminated unexpected system behavior. Dynamic lists are more reliable now.
Dynamic lists.
The following properties of DynamicList object are unavailable in the thick client: DynamicDataRead, MainTable, CustomQuery, and QueryText. Assigning values to managed form attributes of DynamicList type is not allowed. Passing attributes of DynamicList type as method parameters or return values in client/server interactions is not allowed. This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode. The following properties of DynamicList object were available in the thick client: DynamicDataRead, MainTable, CustomQuery, and QueryText. However, changing their values did not affect the dynamic lists in any way. Assigning values to managed form attributes of DynamicList type was allowed. However, further behavior was not defined. Passing attributes of DynamicList type as method parameters or return values in client/server interactions was allowed. However, further behavior was not defined. Dynamic lists are more reliable now. The listed cases of dynamic list misuse are no longer supported.
Series data (marker) in a chart legend depends on the appearance of the series in the chart (line color, line style, and marker).

This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode.

Series data in chart legend was always represented by a square marker of color matching color of the series in the chart. Chart readability is now improved (best results for charts printed in black and white).
Data composition system.
Templates of resources created at intersection with matching predefined templates of grouping titles are initially blank. This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode. Resources were displayed in templates of resources created at intersection with matching predefined templates of grouping titles. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Cryptography support.
If a serial number of a certificate starts with a set high bit, a leading zero byte is appended to the serial number. This change is not implemented in 8.3.8 compatibility mode. A leading zero byte was not appended to serial numbers of certificates. Defects in encryption management logic are corrected.
Dynamic lists.
Implemented disabling auto filling of available fields in dynamic lists. This option is only available for dynamic lists generated using custom queries. The system behavior is identical to the similar data composition schema option. Implemented dynamic list property AutoFillAvailableFields. This change is not implemented in 8.3.7 compatibility mode. Auto filling of all available fields was enabled for all dynamic list queries. Availability of the list fields can now be changed by the extension of the query language for data composition schema.
Data composition system.
Implemented management of series display order in chart legends (also available in the data composition system). Implemented property Chart.SeriesOrderInLegend. For ChartType appearance item of DataCompositionAreaTemplateChartAppearance, DataCompositionChartOutputParameterValues, DataCompositionOutputParameterValues, and DataCompositionGroupOutputParameterValues objects, implemented parameter SeriesOrderInLegend. This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode. Series display order in chart legends could not be changed. Additional chart display features are now implemented.
Development tools.
The user is asked if they want to save their work whenever they attempt to close the query expression editor dialog box (in the query wizard) by pressing Esc or clicking the Close button (X) after making changes to the expression in the editor. The user was not asked if they want to save their work whenever they attempted to close the query expression editor dialog box (in the query wizard) by pressing Esc or clicking the Close button (X) after making changes to the expression in the editor. This behavior resulted in loss of user work. Eliminated unexpected system behavior. Reduced risk of loss of user work when editing query expressions.
Development tools.
Improved diagnostics and system behavior when an invalid or missing manifest is discovered in a picture archive:
  • Archive validation is performed during the import in interactive mode
  • Pictures with invalid or missing manifests are not displayed in Designer
  • Accessing the archive from 1C:Enterprise script generates an error more closely related to the actual problem
The system behavior was different when an invalid or missing manifest was discovered in the picture archive:
  • Archive validation was not performed during the import in interactive mode
  • Attempts to display the picture in Designer or to call it from 1C:Enterprise script could result in abnormal termination or a vaguely described error
Improved diagnostics and system reliability when accessing picture archives with invalid or missing manifests.
Dumping configurations to files/Restoring configurations from files.
During full restoration of a configuration from files, the following rules apply:
  • Configurations that are not covered by support and not connected to configuration repositories can be restored without any restrictions (as before).
  • Configurations that are connected to configuration repositories cannot be restored (the corresponding menu item is disabled).
  • Configurations that are covered by support can be restored provided that:
    • Editing is allowed.
    • All configuration objects can be edited.

During partial restoration of a configuration from files, the following rules apply:

  • Configurations can only be restored if all objects to be restored are locked in the configuration repository.
  • Configurations can be restored if all objects to be restored can be edited (for configurations that are covered by support).
Dumping and restoring configurations from files were executed regardless of whether a configuration is covered by support or connected to a configuration repository. Eliminated issues that occurred when attempting to restore a configuration that is covered by support or connected to the configuration repository from files.
Dynamic lists.
Improved algorithm for searching through search boxes of dynamic lists:
  • Implemented searching for full dates (including both date and time)
  • Implemented searching for numbers with integer and fractional parts by entering integer part only
  • Better readability of search results

This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode.

Searching through search boxes of dynamic lists was implemented as follows:
  • Searching for full dates (including both date and time) resulted in a separate search for date and a separate search for the string containing time data
  • Searching for values similar to numbers with integer and fractional parts resulted in a separate search for the integer part and a separate search for the fractional part, with AND conjunction
  • Search results could be displayed inaccurately
Improved searching using search boxes of dynamic lists.
Dynamic lists.
Fields that cannot be used in filters are not available in the advanced search dialog box of dynamic lists (i.e. not displayed in the Search in field list). If the current column of the table associated with the dynamic list displays a field that cannot be used in filters, the command that starts the search by current value is not available. Fields that could be used in filters were available in the advanced search dialog box of dynamic lists (i.e. displayed in the Search in field list). Availability of the command that starts the search by current value was not affected by whether the field displayed in the current column of dynamic list can be used in filters. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Administration tools.
During the verification and repair of a file infobase, infobase table records are deleted if their keys become non-unique after the records are modified. At that, a diagnostic message is displayed in the message window.

During the verification and repair of a file infobase, keys of infobase table records were not checked for uniqueness after the records were modified. This could result in records with non-unique keys occurring in the infobase. To remedy this, it was necessary to run the infobase verification and repair procedure once more. Unified behavior of infobase verification and repair procedure between file and client/server infobase modes.
1C:Enterprise script.
Enumerations are present in type selection dialog boxes and type description dialog boxes for all client applications running in managed application mode. This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode. Enumerations were not present in type selection dialog boxes and type description dialog boxes for thick client and thin client applications running in managed application mode. However, enumerations were present in these dialog boxes for the web client. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Spreadsheet documents.
When exporting spreadsheet documents to Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007 and earlier) format, the name of XML component of shared strings starts with a lowercase letter: sharedStrings.xml. This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode. When exporting spreadsheet documents to Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007 and earlier) format, the name of XML component of shared strings started with an uppercase letter: SharedStrings.xml. The platform behavior now conforms to OpenXML standard. Improved compatibility with case-sensitive systems parsing OpenXML files.
Managed forms.
Dynamic lists.
Implemented the Main attribute flag for managed form attribute of DataCompositionSettingsComposer type. In this case, Managed form extension for settings composer serves as form extension. The User-defined settings group form property and OnUpdateUserSettingSetAtServer event handler are now available for the form. Managed form property Main attribute was only set for automatically generated forms of dynamic list settings. Developers were not allowed to create these forms. Developers can now create all-purpose data composition settings editing forms.
Development tools.
When comparing and merging modules (without using third-party tools), placement of methods in areas defined by preprocessor instructions (#Region, #If) is taken into account. Areas defined by preprocessor instructions are isolated as separate entities (together with procedures and functions). For these areas, implemented specifying the merging parameters. This feature was not provided. The preprocessor instructions were processed as comments linked to the procedures they preceded. Module merging could result in corrupted structure of blocks defined by preprocessor instructions. Module merging performed by native Designer tools is now more reliable and user-friendly.
Managed forms.
The navigation panel of the item form of an hierarchical catalog or chart of characteristic types contains:
  • Commands used to access subordinate catalogs with item hierarchy or item and folder hierarchy (no changes since the earlier versions)
  • Commands used to access information registers whose leading dimension type matches the type of catalog or chart of characteristic types, and whose property Select folders and items for this dimension is set to Items or Folders and items

The navigation panel of the group form of an hierarchical catalog or chart of characteristic types contains:

  • Commands used to access subordinate catalogs with folder hierarchy or item and folder hierarchy
  • Commands used to access information registers whose leading dimension type matches the type of catalog or chart of characteristic types, and whose property Select folders and items for this dimension is set to Items or Folders and items

This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode.

All commands used to access subordinate catalogs were located in the navigation panel of the item form of an hierarchical catalog or chart of characteristic types. The navigation panels of group forms of these configuration objects did not contain any of the commands used to access subordinate catalogs. All commands used to access information registers were located in the navigation panel of the item form of an hierarchical catalog or chart of characteristic types. The navigation panels of group forms of these configuration objects did not contain any of the commands used to access information registers. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Development tools.
Dumping configurations to files/Restoring configurations from files.
In the "dump configuration to files" feature, changed the dump format of information about dynamic lists located in managed forms. It is recommended that you dump all forms containing dynamic lists once more. In the "dump configuration to files" feature, the dump format of information about dynamic lists located in managed forms was different. In the "dump configuration to files" feature, the format of resulting XML files is improved.
Database configuration update.
Messages about creation and deletion of options tables for charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, charts of calculation types, and catalogs are not displayed when updating database configuration. Messages about creation and deletion of options tables for charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, charts of calculation types, and catalogs were displayed when updating database configuration. Messages that contain no useful information for the user are no longer displayed when updating database configuration.

Expanded set of palettes that can be used to customize chart colors. The palettes can contain either fixed color sets or color sets that vary depending on the quantity of series. Implemented creation of custom color sets for charts. For ChartColorPalette system enumeration, implemented values Auto, Custom, Gradient, Blue, Orange, Green, Yellow, Gray, Warm, Cold, Bright, Soft, and Pastel. For Chart object, implemented the following:

  • Properties GradientPaletteStartColor, GradientPaletteEndColor, and GradientPaletteMaxColors
  • Methods GetPalette() and SetPalette()

For ChartType appearance item of data composition system objects DataCompositionOutputParameterValues, DataCompositionGroupOutputParameterValues, DataCompositionChartOutputParameterValues, and DataCompositionAreaTemplateChartAppearance, implemented parameters ColorPalette, GradientPaletteStartColor, GradientPaletteEndColor, and GradientPaletteMaxColors

Only two palettes (with 8 and 32 colors respectively) were available for picking chart colors. Creation of custom chart color palettes was not supported. Additional chart appearance features are now implemented.
Data composition system.
When data composition output processor outputs merged cells to a spreadsheet document, width of the columns containing merged cells is adjusted in order to minimize height of the content of these cells. This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode. When data composition processor outputted merged cells to a spreadsheet document, width of the columns containing merged cells was not adjusted in some cases. This could result in inappropriately narrow columns. Calculation of width of spreadsheet document columns containing merged cells performed by data composition output processor is improved in some cases.
Accounting registers.
The PointInTimeWithPeriodAdjustment type is available in the thin and web clients. The PointInTimeWithPeriodAdjustment type was available only in the thick client and only on the server. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Spreadsheet documents.
For spreadsheet documents, the option to paste data that has XLS (Microsoft Excel 97-2003) or ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format is added to the Paste special operation. For spreadsheet documents, the option to paste data that has XLS (Microsoft Excel 97-2003) or ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format was not available. The Paste special operation now supports selection from all spreadsheet formats that support pasting.
Spreadsheet documents.
Data composition system.
For spreadsheet documents, the option to automatically adapt column width to the display area is implemented (both for viewing and printing). For SpreadsheetDocumentRange and DataCompositionAreaTemplateTableCellAppearance objects, implemented properties HorizontalStretch and WidthWeightFactor. For DataCompositionAppearance object, implemented appearance parameters HorizontalStretch and WidthWeightFactor.

When the data composition system displays a chart in a spreadsheet document, it automatically sizes the chart to fit the display area width.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode.

Spreadsheet document column width could not be adapted to the display area width.

When the data composition system displayed a chart in a spreadsheet document, the chart had fixed width.

Improved options for adapting spreadsheed documents to the display area.
Spreadsheet documents.
For form field extension for a spreadsheet document field, the following improvements are implemented:
  • More options for cell selection visibility. You can completely hide the cell selection, or you can make the cell selection visible only when multiple cells are selected (Show selection property). For SelectionShowMode system enumeration, implemented properties DontShow, WhenMultipleCellsSelected, and WhenMultipleCellsSelectedWhenActive.
  • More options for scroll bar visibility: you can have scroll bars displayed only when necessary. The type of VerticalScrollBar и HorizontalScrollBar properties is changed to ScrollBarUse.
  • The option to change the shape of pointer located in a form field extension for a spreadsheet document field. The pointer shape can change depending on the spreadsheet document area where it is located. Implemented property SpreadsheetDocumentPointerType.
  • The behavior of arrow keys depends on the Show selection property value. If this property is set to Do not show, the arrow keys scroll the spreadsheet document. If this property is set to any of When multiple cells... values, pressing the arrow keys while holding down Shift changes the selection size, and pressing arrow keys without holding down Shift scrolls the spreadsheet document (while keeping the selection).
The following options were available for form field extension for a spreadsheet document field:
  • The selection was either always visible or visible when a cell was activated.
  • The scroll bars were always visible or always hidden. Making scroll bars visible when necessary was not available.
  • The pointer shape in a spreadsheet document always depended on the content of the cell where is was located.
  • The behavior of arrow keys in a spreadsheet document did not depend on any properties of form field extension for a spreadsheet document field.
Extended display options for spreadsheet documents embedded in managed forms.
Managed forms.
In managed form tables, improved algorithm for automatic column width calculation based on the font settings.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.9 compatibility mode.

The algorithm for automatic column width calculation based on the font settings sometimes generated poor results. Improved view of managed form tables.
Dumping configurations to files/Restoring configurations from files.
When restoring help topics from XML files, 1C:Enterprise does not check whether the language of the help topics (Language configuration object) is available in the configuration. When restoring help topics from XML files, 1C:Enterprise did not restore the help topics whose language (Language configuration object) was not available in the configuration. Simplified dumping and restoration of configurations, external reports, and external data processors to or from XML files.
Development tools.
Configuration extensions.
Configuration extension bookmarks, breakpoints, and performance measurements are stored with extension names. Configuration extension bookmarks, breakpoints, and performance measurements were stored with internal extension IDs. Support for future integration of extension debugging with 1C:Enterprise Development Tools.
Spreadsheet documents.
Implemented export of spreadsheet documents to PDF format on macOS. An attempt to export a spreadsheet document to PDF format on macOS generated an error. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Operating system.
The time zone detection algorithm on Windows is modified. Now the time zone is determined as follows:
  • Get time zone presentation using Windows API.
  • Search Windows registry for time zone ID by presentation.
  • Use ICU library to determine time zone by ID.
  • If the time zone cannot be determined using this algorithm, try the previous algorithm.
The platform used the following time zone detection algorithm on Windows:
  • Get time zone ID from Windows registry.
  • Use ICU library to determine time zone by ID.
  • If the time zone with this ID is not found in ICU, get time zone using Windows API.
  • Apply time zone parameters (offset, daylight saving time, and so on) and search ICU for a matching time zone.
The session time zone is determined correctly on Windows terminal servers.
DBMS operations.
If 1C:Enterprise is running in managed lock mode (in client/server mode) with PostgreSQL version 9.3 or later, it supports setting lock waiting time. The waiting time is retrieved from the infobase parameters, just like in configurations that use other DBMS types. If 1C:Enterprise was running in managed lock mode (in client/server mode) with PostgreSQL version 9.3 or later, it did not support setting lock waiting time. In configurations that used PostgreSQL, setting lock waiting time was only supported in automatic lock mode. In configurations that used PostgreSQL, operations with lock waiting time in managed mode are identical to operations with lock waiting time in configurations that use other DBMS.
Spreadsheet documents
When a spreadsheet document that contains a chart is saved to a file, automatically assigned point colors, series colors, and series markers are stored in the format supported by earlier 1C:Enterprise versions. This ensures that the colors and markers are displayed correctly in earlier 1C:Enterprise versions. When a spreadsheet document that contained a chart was saved to a file, automatically assigned colors and markers were stored in the format that was not supported by earlier 1C:Enterprise versions. This might significantly alter the chart look in earlier 1C:Enterprise versions. The look of spreadsheet documents with charts in earlier 1C:Enterprise versions is very similar to their look in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.10 or later.

Next page: Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

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