To open a Microsoft Excel 97–2010 spreadsheet Excel workbook (*.xls, *xlsx) or an OpenDocument spreadsheet OpenDocument Spreadsheet ODF(*.ods), on the main menu, point to File, click Open, and select a document of that type. This creates a spreadsheet document and imports the original file to it.
The import has the following limitations:
- Import of password-protected documents is not supported.
- Import of charts is not supported.
- Import of pivot tables is not supported.
- Import of colors does not include opacity.
- Import of gradient patterns is partially supported: they are replaced with solid patterns that have the color of the first gradient point.
- Import of OLE objects is not supported.
- Import of text formatting has some limitations.
- Filling AutoShapes with patterns and pictures is not supported.
- Import of graphical effects applied to pictures is not supported. This includes filters, blur, glow, antialiasing, and other effects.
- Rotation of AutoShapes and text aligned with AutoShapes is not supported.
- Import of hyperlinks is not supported. Imported hyperlinks are converted to plain text.
- AutoShapes: only import of ellipses, rectangles, and straight lines is supported.
- AutoShapes: for lines, import of arrow parameters is not supported.
- Import of different border colors for a single cell is not supported.
- Only formula results are imported.
- When Microsoft Excel documents are imported from the clipboard, the default Excel color scheme is applied.
- Conditional formatting is based on constants only. Formula values and references to other cells are not supported.
- Conditional formatting of Microsoft Excel documents (histograms, icon sets, and rules of "formula equal to" type) is not supported.
- When a book with multiple sheets that are not blank is imported, a page break is added after each sheet.